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Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by Oldandcreaky - Yesterday at 08:47:09 AM
QuoteI have doubts as to whether any of that is sincere.

Allie, every single time you air self-doubt, you hear it again, which fosters more self-doubt. Are people doing double-takes? Whispering? Clearly uncomfortable? Sneering "Sir" at you? If not, you're fine.

As far as pockets, all my pants have pockets. Pockets atop pockets because they're Duluth Trading Company's water-wicking pants.

What splendid food you enjoyed!
Facial feminization surgery / Re: Ffs recommendation
Last post by LoriDee - Yesterday at 08:45:11 AM
If that is your real face, why do you think you need FFS? You are gorgeous.
I would wait and see what HRT will do. It softens the features we normally worry about. I look more like my mother than my father now. I did have surgery to correct drooping eyelids, but it was not FFS.
I wouldn't rush into it if I were you. Like Chrissy, I'm saving up for bottom surgery.
In my experience, I tried very hard despite severe dysphoria, to maintain my male life. I didn't want to risk my family as I believed I would never pass as a woman. I succeeded until the years of stress destroyed my health, and my doctors said I needed to transition or risk death. Even then, I initially chose to take my chances rather than face the prospect of losing everyone. It took strong argument from my doctor and ex to get me back on hormones.

But I have a different understanding of my condition. I don't see myself as male or female, but a person with a part of my brain which causes gender incongruence, and subsequently, dysphoria. So I didn't feel I was pretending to be male, I was, and still am, just me. Early in my life I recognised that I had something which caused me gender incongruence, and I only ever wanted to be rid of it. Medically transitioning almost achieved that, so my goal was achieved. Social transition simply cost me more than I was willing to lose, and it was made more challenging because I never saw myself as female, so I didn't have a social goal. In retrospect, I think hormones and GRS would have reduced my dysphoria enough, and maybe I didn't need to socially transition, but my surgeon had a requirement to be living as a woman before he would operate.


Member Blogs / Re: Marion's Retirement
Last post by Maid Marion - Yesterday at 08:22:31 AM

I put down cold intolerance as a current health issue.
I sleep under blankets when that is too hot for most!
I wear layer of clothes when the weather is warm.
I think I'd have gain weight to fix that.
But wouldn't that create new health issues?
I am in the normal BMI range right now, though doctors have told me it is OK to gain weight.
Member Blogs / Re: A day in the life of Jessi...
Last post by Jessica_K - Yesterday at 08:10:07 AM
I have been saying for sometime about the direction the UK government was going. Well we do not have a government for another 5 weeks until a new one is elected.

But now we are in the canvassing and pledging period where each party says what they will do if elected. Well we know what the previous government will do if re-elected.

Amend the equality law (as I mentioned a few months ago) to eliminate gender as a protected characteristic and replace it with sex at birth.

This is going to be a laugh. Already Kimi Badenoch that released this on radio an TV this morning has become a laughing stock in her ability of attempting to defend this change.

She said when pushed about the legal standing of birth certificates of those with amended ones via a GRC, that we all know when we see women's spaces being violated. In other words it will be policed by LOOKS.

No one has mentioned the burly trans men (including those with phalo surgery) being legally forced into women's changing rooms!

As yet the Labour Party has keep quiet but I'm sure even if they liked the idea, they can see the stupidity.

Jessica xxx
Once my "egg cracked" (i.e. once I realized who I really was), I was like, "Aargh!  Get me out of here."  I lasted six months, just enough to make sure it was true, before I came out to my wife.  It took another 10 months after that to get all the wheels in motion, start HRT, and be ready to go public.

For those months, the false front was getting harder and harder.  Continuing to pretend to be male (and hide my developing breasts) was depressing.  I did it because I wanted my public transition to be a single moment, like flicking a light switch.
Member Blogs / Re: Marion's Retirement
Last post by Maid Marion - Yesterday at 07:54:51 AM
Raised beds allow plans that don't like wet feet to thrive in gardens like mine!
Roses do worse in my climate if watered every day, as their roots gather both oxygen and water.
They suffer from oxygen deprivation if watered too often and will show this in their leaves.
I avoid this by not watering my estabilished roses.  I collect water from the Garage Roof using a 55gallon rain barrel and use this for all my watering.  No worries if I forget and leave the tap running!

I moved my Barzella Itoh Peony.  Instead of digging a hole I plopped it under a tree and added soil!  It has a pretty yellow bloom and another big bud!
I figure it will become established in its new home before the tree roots find the newly added soil!  The soil there is a mess of roots.
Facial feminization surgery / Re: Ffs recommendation
Last post by Sweet luck - Yesterday at 07:50:53 AM
This way is better, I suppose)
Cooking / Re: Box mix or scratch?
Last post by Maid Marion - Yesterday at 07:47:10 AM
Box mix frequenty goes on sale as a loss leader.  Cheaper than scratch!
Facial feminization surgery / Re: Ffs recommendation
Last post by Sweet luck - Yesterday at 07:46:53 AM
Quote from: ChrissyRyan on Yesterday at 07:37:05 AMThis all costs a lot of money. 


Totally agree with you, but I can't wait anymore, the ffs is 1st priority for me now.