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harness reviews?

Started by xACEx, February 09, 2010, 11:14:46 PM

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hey guys,

i am currently using a sparticus harness (sexual play, not packing) and it's leather and i paid out a good portion of money for it a few years back...but the more and more i transition, the more and more im using a prosthetic due to dysphoria an all that stuff....

but im not 100% happy with is NOT a "thong" goes around my waist and around my legs...but im still not liking how it is not 100% secure..i was looking into getting a Spare Parts Joque's nylon and adjustable velcro and from what i understand you just step in and snap and away you go...does anyone have experience with this harness?


highly suggest another alternative? besides harnessless (although i am curious on that phenom as well)

anyhows thanks guys



I have the spare parts and TBH I haven't used it for play yet.  But for play I found that the cock sits a bit too high to properly stimulate my junk.  May just be the way I'm built; I've heard other guys rave about it.  It's a bit big for regular packing though.

For that I usually wear briefs, but other times I've packed using a jock strap for my soft packer, which works well.

Depends on your needs.




Jay - I've considered using a jock strap for packing, but thought it would get in the way for using the STP function.  Do you find it's very fiddly when you want to use the urinal?  What about the cheap elastic DIY harness?  Have you tried that, and if so, how does it work in comparison?


I actually bought the cheap elastic harness from Mango way back when and it seems to let the junk flop around too much and look like a huge bulge if I don't wear briefs on top instead of boxers.

The jock isn't any more fussy than briefs are as far as stp goes.  The strap I had actually had an opening between the fabric and the elastic, so you could stick the shaft through and it cupped the balls and tube to your body (Joe Snyder brand I think).

Counting the days until packers are history, though.  I've tried every one out there.




where did you get your spare parts harness? and what is tbh? (sorry maybe im just blank...long day)...i wasnt thinking of wearing the spare parts for packing just for play, i thought itwould be easier/quicker for that kinda thing...


Lol big brother TBH means to be honest.



Ace, I don't remember where I got it.  I googled it and bought it.  Might have been the place I got the vixskin goodfella.




Speaking purely for sexual purposes, I highly recommend the Realdoe. No harness and it'll lay up against your body in underwear. I deal with the means of "attaching" the device ok because of not having to wear a harness, in addition to the overall better positioning and feel of the Realdoe while in use. I'll never use a harness or it's counterpart again.
Let me know if you have any questions.


I checked out the Feeldoe site, and while they talk about an upcoming Realdoe (I assume it's flesh colored?) there is no picture available that I found.  Where did you get it?


I own one of the vac-u-lock systems. It's clever and all that, but the leather harness takes time to slip into and is a fair bit of work to keep clean.
That and the dong-part sits a little high.

I have been looking at the feeldoe, especially since finding out about the realdoe, and consider it a definite option, for later.

That vixskin thing looks brilliant too, I might look into that...

But the harness part..
I think I'll use some rope actually.
I'm already into that sort of thing and the aesthetic of wearing "just" rope instead of rope here, leather there, etc, just seems... better... to me.
And there are a lot of pretty ways to tie a penis that are usable to improv a "harness" out of.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche