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Have you ever been the target of discrimination ?

Started by Anatta, June 18, 2011, 12:52:10 AM

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Was it because of your ............

16 (27.1%)
Religious/spiritual beliefs
11 (18.6%)
Gender identity
24 (40.7%)
Sexual orientation
19 (32.2%)
Physical appearance [like size]
16 (27.1%)
15 (25.4%)

Total Members Voted: 59


Kia Ora Folks,

::) Ah discrimination don't you just love it, without it where would we all be ?

::) Well, growing up in the UK  as an off spring of an Afro Caribbean father  O0 and Anglo Saxon mother, life was tough being "ethnically ambivalent" even more so because I grew up in an "all white" family environment...[long story]
It's funny because the discrimination I experienced back then, was 100X worse than when I crossed the gender divide...

Since transitioning I've only experienced one case where it was quite obvious [well to me anyway]...It was when I was looking for a place to rent and it would seem the potential owners of the property got wind that my birth sex differed from how I presented myself to them  :eusa_naughty: :eusa_hand: ...A part from that, life's been sweet...  :icon_geekdance:

::) So how are you all coping? As being trans giving any of you a taste of what it's like to be discriminated against ? Perhaps for the first time !  :icon_yikes:

Remember......You've got to be taught....

Mandy Patinkin - South Pacific - Carefully Taught

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


In middle school I was berated everyday on the walk home for being Asian. I haven't completely gotten over it, and I've eliminated white men from my pool of relationship canditates, sounds silly I know. Ironically I'm half-white.

I'll probably get a lot of crap for my gender identity/sexual orientation too when I come out.


Been called the N-word many times. Just recently, someone called me a f-----. Odd thing was that I wasn't even dressed. My toenails and fingernails were painted so maybe that set this person off. Doesn't stop from doing what I'm doing.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



I have, several times, been told outright. that I couldn't have a job for being female. I guess you could blame that on presentation but I think otherwise.

I was even hired but soon as they saw me on my first day, "let go" for being female.

It hurts to be fired for who you are, it hurts more for being fired for who you are not.


I'm still in the closet so that's not the reason for the discrimination. In third grade I had "Taylor germs" and everyone would aviod me. I seriously don't know what I did. I don't think it was just because I was the new kid since it's still going on. In middle school they would throw food at me and guys would ask me out as a joke. They also call me anorexic(can't spell XD) now and a slut o.o I'm just skinny, I eat like a pig. And I don't know HOW they came up with slut since I've never kissed anyone.

So I guess when I come out it'll be worse but I don't care what they think and I just need my friends: the 'weirdo group' ;)


For a time I lived in a government housing project as a child and I had alot of racism against me, I was called a great many names and beat up a few times over it. I will never forget it, in particular that I was attacked because, since I was white I had to be wealthy and therefore by living here, I was stealing from the community, was more or less what they told me. Even since I have been deeply aware how perceptions affect reality, even when those perceptions are untrue. It has also made me go out of my way to attack racism from all sides, we are human.

Ironically before I lived in that housing community I had lots more discrimination on me as a child because I and my family was homeless for a time. I picked other because it wasn't listed, but when people found out you were homeless they treated us as we were something less than human. To this day it still makes me mad, people would taunt you or assume you were a crazy person, or on drugs, but I was just a child. I didn't understand, and it was never good for my parents to have put me in that position, but we were human, we deserved the same dignity and respect anyone else did. This one I am still sore about I suppose.

Of Course I got teased and bullied a bit by people for my "sissy" ways, but honestly that doesn't bother me all that much, kids in school were cruel, and as far as I know in my adult life people have not been discriminating against me, or at least have the decency not to be overt about it.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


I've only had one instance where someone said something directly against me.  Oddly enough, it was "F***ing dykes* to a friend of mine and I.  She's straight, I'm a bi guy, and all we were doing was sitting on a bus, so we thought it was pretty funny.
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html


Not yet. 
It is possible that after SRS and official gender change I might wish to marry a woman but I won't be able to the way things are at the moment. 

Our PM, Julia Gillard has chosen not to marry her long term male partner, but is denying 10% of the population the choice of doing so, even if they want to, because of their sexual orientation. 

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


I'd always wondered about that Karen, if someone is a MTF then decides to marry a female.

As for discrimination have had minor stuff such as one of my bosses calling me a poof and encouraging other workers to also  because I shaved my legs.

My partner was also part Aboriginal and some of her brothers were racist toward me because I was white. Technically they were only 1/3 caste and she was as white as me but, because they had that bit of Aboriginal blood, they saw it fit to Harass me. Quite silly really and all they really did was to make fools of themselves ::)


Sorry, I'm about to expose a serious chip on my shoulder here, but here goes...

Believe it or not, I've been discriminated against for being Caucasian.  I've had WAY more people make fun of me for being white than I've ever even seen other people make fun of another person for being Black/Latino/Asian/something else.  The black people at my school would avoid me, even when I was just trying to hold a door open for them or pick up their books when they dropped them in the hallway.  I thought it was ridiculous.

I've also been discriminated against for being Christian.  People (even online) won't even talk to me because of my faith.  And when I asked them, "Why are you treating me this way about my religion, when I've never said a cruel word to you about yours?" do you want to know what they said?

"Well, other Christians make/made fun of me for being Jewish/Wiccan/Atheist/whatever, so..."

...This is absolutely idiotic.  >:( What other Christians do has nothing to do with me!  Yes, there are some serious >-bleeped-<s in the world who do absolutely terrible things 'in the name of God.'  Does that mean that all Christians are like that?  No!  Do I agree with those awful things that they do 'in the name of God'?  Absolutely not!  Does that mean that because other Christians were >-bleeped-<s to you, that I deserve the way you're treating me right now?  No!  I'm an individual.  I'm only responsible for the mistakes I make, not the things that other people do.   

I mean, I've heard stories about Wiccans killing cats and stuff like that, but do I discriminate against other Wiccans because of what a few others did?  No!  Because I have a brain and realize that not all, and very, very few Wiccans kill little furry animals.  Okay.  (I mention Wiccans here because most of the people who did this to me were/are Wiccan.  Not pointing fingers at anyone here, by the way.  All of these instances were either in real life or on other forums.)

I really hate it when people want to use me as a 'practice dummy' to let out their hostile emotions that they feel towards OTHER PEOPLE, NOT ME, because they for whatever reason can't vent their anger out on the people who are actually responsible for those actions.  Yes, what those other people did was awful.  No, I don't agree with it.  Should you attack me because of what they did?  Is that really fair?  No.  It's not.

All my life I've just tried to be nice to people, and not bother or hurt anyone, and mind my own business.  But because I look a certain way, or believe a certain way, they saw it as an open door to be cruel to me.   :'( 

It seems like when people pick on the minorities of ethnicity or the minorities of religion, then 'ohh, we must stand up to this hatred!'

But it's okay to pick on the white Christian girl, right?  I have feelings, just like everyone else! I never deserved to be treated that way.  Why is it okay to abuse me just because my ethnicity or religion is commonplace? 

It makes me hurt so much because the reason why these people hurt me is to alleviate the immense pain they were feeling inside...but hurting others is not the way, and when I try to extend a helping hand they'd slap it away with more jabs, more mean looks, more avoiding me in the hallway.  Damn it, it just wasn't fair.   >:(   >:(   :'(

....sorry..I didn't mean to get so upset.  Clearly months of therapy and years of crying alone in my room haven't made the pain go away yet.   :'(  :'(
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Yes many times.


Ha, I didn't recognize Mandy wearing the full beard-he is a good vocalist.


I've had VERY few real problems with my gender ID but there has been some. Early on I got sir'd more that I liked but I don't think most were doing it maliciously. A few clearly did it on purpose, oh well. ONE time years ago a group of teen guys gave me some crap in a mall and one of them threw his drink on me as they ran away laughing. I was just andro looking then but they were "fing f__" type comments so was more a sexual orientation type thing I guess? I do find it odd that at least where I live, African Americans seem to be the ones who act this way to me by a large margin. I honestly can't think of one case of a person of another race being openly hostile/rude. Not trying to bring racial stuff into this but seems that group of people have been more hostile towards my gender presentation for some reason? Maybe it's a social upbringing thing for that group of people or something? Not sure why. Just have found that part very odd. I would think they would feel for another minority group rather than attack them..


Yes Beni, once my Gender is officially changed after SRS, I won't be able to marry a woman. 
As I am moving to Tassie I could have any overseas same-sex marriage recognised as a civil patnership, as they have at least legislated that over there.
All I have to do is find Miss Right first. :laugh:

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Being a Jedi many times have I felt discrimination. The Humans for one. They never take me seriously. The Sith another sect that discriminates against the Jedi. Lucky I have my trusty Lightsaber for== when the time comes I will not be tolerate discrimination for much longer. Be that the way of the Jedi!

Maga Girl

I made a copy of my first post here, I copy some things

When I was 11 years I went to another city that has a beach nearby and i was happy!!  :-\
The guys here were some rude ¿?=?=?

In ¿¿high school/middle school?? i end up in the worst classroom you've ever seen... They were racist and crazy
They bulling me... Then I had no friends and not talk to anyone till almost 15 years  :'( 

I had nothing to do, I was alone and my computer was my only friend
Just playing online games, watching porn and some online chat, I became very quiet, and I wanted to be like the other guys that hindered the classroom

Then in summer I became addicted to taking energy drinks and i become a happy boy sometimes...
I took 3 a day and sometimes up to 9

I started doing weight training and in combination with this when I was 16 I became very aggressive and started to fight with all who did something wrong ... even till they bled

I even throw a table at someone.. in him head...

I have some fear of people  :'( Paranoia? trauma? , I have no reason to live too ... 

for depression I have not finished my studies I don't know what to do,  I am in a pit of >-bleeped-<  :'(
I don't have friends too


Quote from: silverarrow on June 18, 2011, 01:41:17 PM
In third grade I had "Taylor germs" and everyone would aviod me.
i had my own personal deadly germs too around the same time in school. didn't stop until high school, went to a different place

i've also been discriminated against on basis of ethnicity, religion, and other things


I've been discriminated against for some really odd things, I guess.  Not to belittle anyone else's, of course.  I'm just a long-winded person and have some minor sucks.

In middle and high school it was for several reasons, but mostly I guess because people that age seem to need someone to pick on for whatever reason.  I had guys ask me out as a joke, thankfully I saw through it and always turned them down.  There was a lot more the year that happened to where almost everyone avoided me and those that would hang around me would also poke fun of me except for one friend.  I think it's because I wasn't fitting into the pretty little box that all of the "blossoming" girls were, I even had one guy explicitly tell me that no one would ever think I was hott.

I was on crutches for a little while for medical reasons that weren't a sports injury, so they poked fun of me for that, especially with jokes like "what'd you do, sprain your ankle playing chess?"  Though I could accept that as just bullying.  I got picked on for my small stature as well (5'2", 106lbs... yeah.)  The boys would pick me up and drop me, proving how strong they were.... and giving me a fear of being picked up.  Thanks a lot.

I've been discriminated by a doctor once because of my weight.  I had the stomach flu, I went in because it lasted over a week, and the doctor assumed that I was feeling the way I was because I was anorexic.  There was nothing more to it for her, she told me to go eat more.  This is my healthy weight, I eat like a horse!  Obviously I didn't improve and I saw a different doctor the next time, and she said the first doctor was totally off-base.  I could've been saved a lot of time if the first one hadn't jumped to conclusions just because I'm skinny.

I also dealt with a lot of discrimination because of the job that my father has.  He's a pastor.  Other kids at church would avoid me at times, thinking I'd either tell on them (as if that'd do anything?) or that I was too much of a goody-two-shoes to be involved in whatever dirty jokes they were whispering or whatever.  Really?  I heard such things at school and repeated them myself.  I was no different than anyone else and didn't like the way that they were treating me differently.  I had a friend at school make assumptions based on my father's job as well and it made me want to smack him upside the head... I really should've, it would've been funny. (Also because of my father's job, I worry that he might treat me differently if I were to come out to him as whatever I am >>: but that's not happened yet, so... all's well for now)

The most bizarre thing I've ever been discriminated against for is my level of education.  I have a bachelor's... a teaching degree, actually, and I have been told by potential employers that they wouldn't hire me because of it.  It's ridiculous!  Having a college education is supposed to help you in the job market, not hurt you!  There have been jobs that I would've done well at, bank teller positions, actually, and even one cashier position, tell me straight out that they wouldn't hire me because of my teaching degree, giving the reason that they were worried that I would leave as soon as I found a teaching position.  What a load of BS... obviously such jobs are hard for me to find since I've been looking and applying for YEARS... the first people I applied with that turned me down would've had me for three years now.  It's very frustrating when you're broke and living off of peanut butter and have to eventually move back in with mom and dad because no one will give you a chance because you're "overqualified."  What nonsense.  Thank goodness someone finally did give me a chance, but it's still silly.


The worst came from my family. I couldn't play outside with my brother and friends because I had to help clean the house or some other domestic chore. The older I got the more strict the rules became and the more harsh the descrimination got, it's like my relatives had this personal hate on for me and what made it even worse was that I AM NOT A GIRL !!!  Outside, sure I look like a stupid girl (no offense meant to anyone ) but inside I was total boy. It was so painful and I'm still so messed up because of it. Every painful moment in my life stemmed from being a girl, its so f'n unfair.


I have felt discriminated for the fact I was trans many times.

beside that there where once a guy who wrotte to me on a chat forum.
it where around christmas and I had posted a crazy picture of myself while doing the "rock symbol" having a pixiel hat on sticking out my tongue and wrotted underneath, "merry christmas"

some satanist people found that picture extremly offensive because I was showing "the devils signs" + having on my christmas hat.
one were really angry, saying like how I could do that when I where a satanist.
I said "im not a satanist, I was born christian, I just felt like making a fun picture and wish everyone merry christmas"

it just turned worse by that fact he said I would go to hell, and burn, and he would cut of my arm if he ever saw me in RL,
beside that he sended me a video about santas suicide where he in the youtube had wrotted about me,
"sended this to a transexual fag** bla bla bla"

p.s. since many mention the colour,
I have never been discriminated for my colour.
However, I live in a area with many immigrants from middel east countrys, and I have heard Tons of there discrimination.
in fact im a half immigrant myself but people say stupid stuff like "it dosent count because your white" or something like that.
its really unfair, and generally I feel these people who are dicrimination knows nothing about what there talking about.
they see them as criminals and some few people wouldnt visit me/har problems comming to my place, because they where scared
of the rumours or the immigrents.
