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Started by A, June 30, 2011, 08:33:27 AM

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This morning, I was off to a really fun trip in Montréal. The train left at 8:15. I set my alarm clock to 5:30 to be sure. I woke up at 5:00, and as I had gont to sleep late, I decided that I could use the extra 30 minutes. I then woke up again at 9:15. The alarm clock was still set. I don't understand what happened. Power shortage? Did I turn it off whilst still being unconscious?

WHY the heck does it end up like this in every situation of my life? What is that force making it so that even when I ensure to be responsible enough, I STILL MISS STUFF?


Luckily there is still a bus "emergency" departure today at 13:00, but that's 100$. I have it, but well, I hate it enough when I have to spend 20$ for a taxi when I miss the buss, but 100 is much.

I hope I enjoy the trip. It will have been expensive in the end...
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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...Omg? I want a head. I just noticed that the vitamin B12 supplement I bought yesterday is vitamin B6 instead, which, of course, is not what I need for my anemia. Is it really just concentration that's my problem?
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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Sounds like it A.

And if you are anemic, then you really need to sort that out.

Try to get some Iron tabs as well, but remember, for aty least a week, while taking them to only drink water. (Lots of it mind).


For what it's worth, I've done the exact same thing many times.  I even slept through a test by accident in college.  Lesson learned: set the alarm for when you want to actually wake up and have at least 1-2 backup alarms set about 5 minutes apart.  Then get up when they go off, regardless of how tired you feel.  Once I started doing this, I never had the problem again.  Hopefully this is helpful. :)


AmySmiles: Well, uhm. The thing is that I was never conscious of the alarm ringing. Plus, this alarm is supposed to keep ringing until I stop it. I'll try the many alarms thing, though. I think I can set two on that alarm clock.

spacial: Well, my anemia is not caused by the lack of iron but really a lack of vitamin B12 (see my blog post for more info). Wikipedia says in my case, taking iron is not a good idea. Mine is light, though, so it's not a disaster.

Thank you for your support anyway. I'm going to get ready, now. I wouldn't want to miss that expensive bus!
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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QuoteAmySmiles: Well, uhm. The thing is that I was never conscious of the alarm ringing. Plus, this alarm is supposed to keep ringing until I stop it. I'll try the many alarms thing, though. I think I can set two on that alarm clock.

Yup, that was the exact same problem I had, which is why I mentioned it. :)  I noticed that it only happened if I went back to sleep after waking up the initial time (for just 30 more mins or whatever).  Also, many (if not most) clocks will actually stop ringing after an hour if left alone.  This is probably so you don't bug the heck out of the neighbors if you forget to turn it off when going on vacation or something.  Yours may or may not be like this.  Or it might just have been a glitch.  But that's why I set several on important days.  Sorry, I rambled.  :P

Sabriel Facrin

Hope you have fun T~T Personally I notice the same mystery occurrences.  How do I solve it?  Distance.  If you rest for the 30 min nap within arm's reach of the alarm, you're really likely to shut off the alarm again before you wake up enough to realize you should be getting up.  I found out that's what happened to me after some experimenting on trying to make sure the alarm stays going off. D:  What I do is just sleep on the opposite side of my bed, and every now and then I've set up the alarm on literally the other side of the room, though admittedly on accident.  I hope this is helpful info ^^


Quote from: AmySmiles on June 30, 2011, 09:40:36 AM
For what it's worth, I've done the exact same thing many times.  I even slept through a test by accident in college.  Lesson learned: set the alarm for when you want to actually wake up and have at least 1-2 backup alarms set about 5 minutes apart.  Then get up when they go off, regardless of how tired you feel.  Once I started doing this, I never had the problem again.  Hopefully this is helpful. :)

That's what I do with my phone (which I use as my alarm).  If it's imperative that I wake up earlier than I'm used to, I set three alarms, each with 10-minute snooze duration, that go off 3 minutes apart from each other.  To top it off, the alarms are set to songs that have really loud intros and that get stuck in my head incessantly.  That way, I'll be thinking of the songs and rising to consciousness.  Personal favs for this are "Electric Feel" by MGMT, "Revolution" by The Beatles (the electric version, not the one on the White Album), "Bulletproof" by La Roux, and "Return of Django" by The Upsetters.

Never fails! ;D


FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I use the I have too many alarms to fail approach, I have my primary alarm, my phone, my Ihome which also has battery backup, and my computer has an alarm, it also has a battery backup. I set them to ring 3 minutes apart with a 10 minute snooze. basically making me so annoyed and frustrated that snooze just isn't worth it.

That and I try to always get 8 hours of sleep, I will rarely sleep too much later than that if I am used to only 8 hours. Still now that I have to wake up at 3am to get to work by 4am, I do admit I feel a bit tired as it is hard to say I should go to bed at 7pm, it is still light out, so 8-9pm is more common these days.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html

Ann Onymous

concur with multiple alarms...and also concur that many of the electric alarms made over the past several years will shut off on their own after a while.  I forgot to shut mine off when I went to Cali a few weeks cats would have been real unhappy if those alarms never turned off. 

So, two digital alarms on the same clock plus the cell phone alarm function set for certain days...tends to work almost without fail. 

Admittedly, with the exception of days with a change to the routine, I am often up before the alarm and have real trouble sleeping beyond 6:15-6:30AM no matter where I might be...which made Cali sort of suck since I was wide awake at 4:30 in the effing morning...


I set my alarm for about 30 min to an hour before I actually must get up. Then set the timer for the time I have left. That way I get the feeling of not having to get up right away. Helps me. :D
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I've had this happen to me sooo many times. I remember I had to take my laptop carrier, zip the alarm clock in it, and hide it under a crate held in place by my bed. This forced me to get up off the bed, pull the crate out, unzip the carrier, and slide the switch. It only took my subconscious a week or two to figure out it can unplug the clock from the wall without having to wake me up. Now in days I try to force myself to go to bed at a fixed time, make sure my window can let in plenty of morning sunlight, and I set my cellphone alarm clock three times in five minute intervals.

For those with a sense of adventure, and a few extra dollars to spare, I recommend There are a few others out there on the internet, but I've always been partial to my Amazon Prime :D.