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What's your "Quit" anniversary date?

Started by Tracey, July 05, 2011, 07:35:53 PM

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1997:  Stopped taking drugs (including alcohol) - I celebrated 6,000 days of clean time last year.
1998:  Stopped smoking.

I stopped caffeine for about 2.5 years, but then I became a schoolteacher for a few years & quickly developed a dependency on coffee.  Still drink lots of tea.
I have difficulty getting up from any computer game, & hate televisions because I am incapable of ignoring them.

Have been involved in NA at Area & Regional level in 2 countries.  Not currently in service outside my home group.
Gender Journey:    Male-towards-Female;    Destination Unknown
All shall be well.
And all shall be well.
And all manner of things shall be well.    (Julian of Norwich, c.1395)

big kim

I first quit smoking 13/7/80 for around 6 weeks.I bought a 69 Plymouth Barracuda with a very thirsty 340 (13 mpg) and needed the money for gas.I started again when I got an offer I couldn't refuse for it (68 Ford Zephyr 6 & £500 cash).Finally smoke free on 3/3/94


Alcohol:  Either March or April 27 1984, through AA.

Slipped 4 times on grass and got totally free of that Nov 27, 1985.  All through AA.

Still a very active member.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Cigarettes: 02/12/2014 (began HRT 02/13/2024)

Prescription Pain Meds 05/18/2014... it has been a long and painful 21 days so far, but something that must be done. I attended my first NA meeting 06/01/2014.

I am not sure when I quit alcohol, it's been a month or more since my last drink. I am going to count the day I stopped the pills as my sober date for everything.

In Ardua Tendit (She attempts difficult things)


Gratz. I'm willing you some strength to keep it up. The first part is the hardest and you have done that.


Grats Allison    :)    Welcome to the dark side.  We have coffee !   ;)

Alcohol is just another drug.  You have the right idea to celebrate 18/May/2014 as your clean &/or sober date.

I celebrated my 17 year anniversary last Thursday by openly admitting that I am transgender at an NA meeting for the first time (not just trans, but an immigrant, transgender atheist, in Texas).

This evening I did so while speaking at my home group in Philly for my anniversary.  It feels really good to have that said & out in the open.  I no longer have to feel that I am hiding myself at my meetings.

Honesty.  Openmindedness.  Willingness.  With these we are well on our way.
Gender Journey:    Male-towards-Female;    Destination Unknown
All shall be well.
And all shall be well.
And all manner of things shall be well.    (Julian of Norwich, c.1395)


I won't lie... As my Facebook cover says: "I'm a good girl with a lot of bad habits."

I stopped taking speed and cocaine about a month before I started HRT.... End of June / beginning of July... To be honest it wasn't really that hard to do, knowing that it was for a good reason... Never looked back.
As for tobacco and cannabis... Well,  I really have cut down the former since I started HRT, not so much on the latter... But I'm aiming to do so as 2015's new year's resolution!
Alochol I have tried since I started HRT, but I haven't got drunk or really partied.... I noticed that half a glass of rum was enough to get me very very wasted (And emotional hangovers....) So I could say that's also quit.

Little by little, eh? :)


Newgirl Dani

I think I quit shooting meth in the early 80's, not really sure.  Quit shooting other things I guess mainly mid 80's (although chipped a bit later on). Quit drinking (this ended up my main drug) and all the rest Feb, 2nd 1996.  Still drug free, although a year ago I tried medical marijuana for pain twice.  Both times it spun me out so bad I said  "I DONT THINK SO !!!!".  Do I think my date remains unchanged? who knows, I'm not really concerned, I think thats a 12 step thing.  Dani

Jill F

Cigarettes 10/21/11
Testosterone 7/15/14  :D



Quote from: Newgirl Dani on September 22, 2014, 10:32:58 AMI think I quit shooting meth in the early 80's, not really sure.  Quit shooting other things I guess mainly mid 80's (although chipped a bit later on). Quit drinking (this ended up my main drug) and all the rest Feb, 2nd 1996.  Still drug free, although a year ago I tried medical marijuana for pain twice.  Both times it spun me out so bad I said  "I DONT THINK SO !!!!".  Do I think my date remains unchanged? who knows, I'm not really concerned, I think thats a 12 step thing.  Dani

I know there are those in NA who would definitely consider the medical marijuana a relapse, regardless of the circumstances.

I think the majority of us would ask:  "What was your motive ?"  Because if the motive is to get high, then it is definitely a relapse, but if there is a very different motive, with getting high being a very undesirable possibility, then that is very different.  What you describe fits the latter, therefore your clean date remains as it was.

For example:  I have been clean since 1997, & yet I take a narcotic almost every single day.  I have ADD.  There is no medication for ADD that is not in some way narcotic.  If I do not take the medication, I cannot function well enough to keep a job.  If I do take it, then I can work.  I like being able to earn a living, so I take the medication.  But I only take what has been prescribed, and even then that was only after my GP & my shrink both told me multiple times that the medication was absolutely necessary if I wanted my life to improve.  They were right.

Another example:  I had surgery a couple of months ago.  I had to take several percosets per day for a couple of weeks to control the pain.  Then fewer, & I could get by with tramadol (a weaker opiate) on most days.  I am now down to 1 tramadol every day or two, and have been told that the pain that is left is unlikely to reduce without pain management.  I will find a way to deal with that pain with (hopefully) no narcotics at all.  But I am not about to do the opposite of what my doctors have told me just to be a martyr about it.  I was told quite bluntly that if I wanted to heal properly after surgery, then I needed to take enough pain medication to reduce the pain to something comfortable (ie: still some pain, but very little).  I will admit that I am very grateful that the only effect I have gotten from any of the pain meds is less pain, without the unwelcome side effect of feeling even a little bit high. 

As my sponsor from back home would often say:  "It's all about motive."
Gender Journey:    Male-towards-Female;    Destination Unknown
All shall be well.
And all shall be well.
And all manner of things shall be well.    (Julian of Norwich, c.1395)


04/13/14 was the last miserable day I spent high. Haven't used or drank since then. I also quit cigarettes cold turkey about 11 days later when I walked out of rehab.

check out my transition blog:

~ James


7/4/2013: The last time that I drank alcohol.

12/25/2013: The last time that I smoked pot.

Kind of weird how both of them were holidays. :D I've developed a bit of low key disgust for people that drink/get high. It's kind of screwed up since they are members of my family. But I just see things in a much different light now. If I wanted to drink or get high, I could do it very easily. But I have no desire to do it. I'm done and that's it. But I hear people say how they are going to quit and they never do. I don't know. I just get sick of hearing this crap and no one actually does anything about it.

Newgirl Dani

Quote from: TessaMarie on September 22, 2014, 01:13:24 PM
I know there are those in NA who would definitely consider the medical marijuana a relapse, regardless of the circumstances.

I think the majority of us would ask:  "What was your motive ?"  Because if the motive is to get high, then it is definitely a relapse, but if there is a very different motive, with getting high being a very undesirable possibility, then that is very different.  What you describe fits the latter, therefore your clean date remains as it was.

For example:  I have been clean since 1997, & yet I take a narcotic almost every single day.  I have ADD.  There is no medication for ADD that is not in some way narcotic.  If I do not take the medication, I cannot function well enough to keep a job.  If I do take it, then I can work.  I like being able to earn a living, so I take the medication.  But I only take what has been prescribed, and even then that was only after my GP & my shrink both told me multiple times that the medication was absolutely necessary if I wanted my life to improve.  They were right.

Another example:  I had surgery a couple of months ago.  I had to take several percosets per day for a couple of weeks to control the pain.  Then fewer, & I could get by with tramadol (a weaker opiate) on most days.  I am now down to 1 tramadol every day or two, and have been told that the pain that is left is unlikely to reduce without pain management.  I will find a way to deal with that pain with (hopefully) no narcotics at all.  But I am not about to do the opposite of what my doctors have told me just to be a martyr about it.  I was told quite bluntly that if I wanted to heal properly after surgery, then I needed to take enough pain medication to reduce the pain to something comfortable (ie: still some pain, but very little).  I will admit that I am very grateful that the only effect I have gotten from any of the pain meds is less pain, without the unwelcome side effect of feeling even a little bit high. 

As my sponsor from back home would often say:  "It's all about motive."

Almost too many injuries to mention but heres a few, broken back, broken arm 8 places, completely dislocated knee 6 times, complete dislocated shoulder/ball and socket bones all shattered 4 operations, cancer surgery, pins-plates-screws etc. much more plus hep c etc.  Yeah I needed it for pain but I knew I had to wait until retirement and that is when I gave it a try.  I found out the other day that a capsule is made that has no THC but helps with pain called 'odama', I'm in WA so there is a dispensary just down the road a couple of miles from my house, so I think I'll check it out.  The NA thing well its not really important to me if they consider my date changed or not, I'm not in any program nor have I ever been.  All is good.  Thanks for your taking the time to answer/real nice.  :)  Dani


Well not too long but I quit a 31 year 2-3 pack a day smoking habit cold turkey on 9/17/14

SO many good reasons to quit but FFS and voice feminzation surgery to start finally made me seriously try for the first time EVER....

Newgirl Dani

Quote from: Eva on September 28, 2014, 01:43:09 PM
Well not too long but I quit a 31 year 2-3 pack a day smoking habit cold turkey on 9/17/14

SO many good reasons to quit but FFS and voice feminzation surgery to start finally made me seriously try for the first time EVER....

This is an astounding accomplishment!!!!  Many that end other habits continue on with the difficulty of ending smoking.  Here is a PAT on the back for you.  Dani



Thanks  ;D Still not smoking at all... Im NOT real happy about putting on nearly 15 lbs  :'( I can actually walk for LONG distances and even run a bit now, NEVER would have done that before ;D

Otherwise I DONT miss spending so much $$$ on cigs and I guess I do feel a bit better now... At first it felt like my body fell apart though...

Voice feminization surgery in NY is ON in only nine days, cant see smoking during the 2-3 month recovery from that... FFS will be coming up by then so again I wont be smoking because I want to heal as good as possible...

Oh then hair transplants and maybe lipo/tummy tuck, butt lift... Then the BIG one...

So much going on there I just have to quit, like it or not ;)


quit lSD, weed 1976.  quit cigarettes and alcohol 1981 . stopped watching tv 1995. cross dressing on and off and on again since age 4. stopped sex a long time ago too embarrassed to say how long, but our cousins the Neanderthals were still around.



Yes Quitting is a big relief, we hatch many of out emotions to those habits that we take on.

I quit smoking 5 may 2014.

I have stopped drinking, but I wouldn't say I was an alcoholic, but I was becoming concerned about this habit, so I nipped it in the butt.
I don't have a date on when I stopped, I just realised I am not drinking anymore.

Best of luck to those still getting their addictions and habits under control.


Quote from: Nella357 on August 23, 2015, 04:12:37 PM

Yes Quitting is a big relief, we hatch many of out emotions to those habits that we take on.

I quit smoking 5 may 2014.

I have stopped drinking, but I wouldn't say I was an alcoholic, but I was becoming concerned about this habit, so I nipped it in the butt.
I don't have a date on when I stopped, I just realised I am not drinking anymore.

Best of luck to those still getting their addictions and habits under control.


Keep up the good work!

Hugs, Devlyn


I have not completely quit yet, and every relapse brought about by an anxiety attack seems like starting from square one, but the date I seriously acknowledged that there was a a serious  problem was July 8, 2015. I wish I could say it was my quit date. but its kind of my harm reduction date instead :(
