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Started by 1mist1, July 18, 2011, 03:45:22 AM

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Hello, I'm very new here and I'm younger, currently wondering if I'm an androgyne. I've never really quite understood what being a male or female means, besides how your body looks and the whole rough vs soft acting thing. When it comes to fashion I love to wear make up and my clothes are usually staight legged (or skinny) jeans, a tank top and a button up shirt (although I'm not sure if that is really much of an indicator). I've always had an admiration of people who look boyish in thier body but some femm in their face and wanted to look so (not really sure if that has anything to do with it either). I'm not really sure if I can describe beyond that because of my lack of understanding of what male and female really is.



Hi, 1mist1, welcome to Susan's! We're a diverse and friendly bunch here (the head count is over 7600) - get into things as slowly or as quickly as you feel comfortable, I'm sure you'll find plenty of support here.

And be sure to take time to check out these links for the bobby on the house rules:




I came to the conclusion I'm an androgyne by doing a list of the things I am not, like "I'm not a girl", and "I'm not a boy".
For some reason it did seem easy for me to figure things I am, like "I am an artist", and "I am a programmer".

So yeah. Happy travels, and remember that if something looks strange or weird, it's probably because it's fun.


Hi Misti, welcome aboard.

The Wiki here has lots of good info that might help sort things out.

Being young you are in a state of flux anyway, so you will probably have difficulty at times working out what changes mean.  You have lots of time to make choices, so don't feel pressured to do anything in particular.

It might be worth checking to see what bands, TV characters etc  you can relate to. to give a cover for any changes in appearance. I did a little of that during  the 70's by being a Bowie fan.

Main thing, have fun!

Karen (who still rocks on at 57!!)
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


hi mist!

i can't really help you much with only that one post of yours, but i can relate to not understanding this whole male/female thing. you don't have to know the answer to join our conversations. anyone in welcome here, just take it easy, read what others write, and you might find answers in unexpected places

i myself were just told today that i'm 3rd gender. if male and female are 1st and 2nd then it makes sense that a 3rd gender wouldn't understand what it means to be male or female gender wise. but really, the important thing is that you are you, and at least i would like to get to know the person that you are


Welcome to the Androgyne Forest. Nobody can tell you who you are you will need to work that out yourself,  but we will do what we can to help you said you were younger - younger then what? how old are you? for me I knew I was an androgyne without knowing the name androgyne because I was different to all the other people with the same bits as me but I was not the same as the people who had the other bits either when I was a teen I told a number of people that "you know how men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.... well I'm from Pluto.  most people laughed not realising I was serious.
I don't want to be a man there from Mars
I'd Like to be a woman Venus looks beautiful
I'm enjoying living on Pluto, but it is a bit lonely


Quote from: Kinkly on July 20, 2011, 07:24:17 AM
you said you were younger - younger then what? how old are you?
any stated age lower than 18 will usually be changed into "younger" when a mod comes by. has to do with the forum rules
Quote from: Kinkly on July 20, 2011, 07:24:17 AM
"you know how men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.... well I'm from Pluto.  most people laughed not realising I was serious.
that's actually a really good description


Thank you everyone for your replies. 

I'm going to keep digging around for answers.

edit: I think part of the reason I don't unstand gender is because I've only ever REALLY applied it biologically. (and even then it didn't hold much to me). I don't see gender being much beyond that. When I look at myself, I see a female body but when I look at my mentallity I don't even know how to apply anything other than "a person".

Pica Pica

You can get stuck when you look at it merely biologically, because if you were born a boy - then you are a boy and if you don't feel like a boy then you are a loser of a boy...if you look at it psychologically, that your gender identity is not dictated by the body you were born in, there is much more room to play.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Something I found useful was making a list with three different columns. One said boyish and another said girlish and the third said both/either. And I listed things that I liked and disliked that fit into those general categories.

Hope that helps. Good luck. :) I'm still trying to figure out things myself so I know where you are.