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Almost came out...

Started by 420NEKO, August 28, 2011, 06:02:37 AM

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I need to come out to my little brother, but I'm freaking myself out about it... I think he would be understanding. But I still can't find the courage to finally get it over with. I wrote him a short letter, and got so close to handing it to him, but then I froze up. :/

This needs to be done as soon as possible, so I can feel more comfortable about being myself around my family. I'm so shy and reserved that it makes me sick. I'm not that kind of person, and I don't want to hide myself away for the rest of my life. >_<

I guess I just need some words of encouragement, and maybe some advice..?   :(


I find that I have a bit of stress when going to do stuff like tell people I don't know over the phone that I am trans and stuff, what I do that makes it a bit easier for me, is not to think about it. Like when I am dialing the number to the place I tend to just think about something else and when I start talking my mind is also elsewhere, but then once I start talking I am free to put my mind on the issue at hand, I can't chicken out once I am already talking to them, I would feel stupid then. It is always getting started that is my problem.

Just breathe, be calm, imagine the letter has different contents if it helps you and hand it to him is my advice. I am not sure if that helps, but it works for me. Good luck .Alexander!
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


I used the approach of first saying that I was questioning my identity in every way, and hoped to find the answer to my long-term depression.

From there I moved on to discussing gender identity, and how GID was a medical problem of foetal brain development, with a medical answer.  I stated fairly firmly that it was not a psychiatric condition, and that psychiatry had no cure, and also it was not a question of sexuality, which was a completely different issue. 

Everyone seems to have responded favourably, with the attitude that life is too short to not do whatever you need to do to be happy.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Thanks for the replies! I think I'll re-word the letter and give it to him later today.

Imagining that it says something different is a really good idea. I hadn't thought of that... ^_^;  Thank you, Hikari!

Vincent E.S.

When I gave out my letters, I made a point of not thinking about it, and then ran up with my arm fully extended, letter in hand. I looked like a dork, and I felt like I wasn't really in charge of my body, more like I was dreaming or something, but it got the letters to the recipients.

Hope it goes well for you! :)


Thanks, Vincent. :)

I just gave him the letter, so I guess... It's over with. I told him to bring it in his room and read it. Now I'm really nervous... xD


Fingers and toes crossed for you.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Thanks, Karen. :)

He actually responded exactly how I pictured he would. He said he kind of knew, and asked me a couple of questions about what can be done to fix it.

Now I can talk about it to my mom without being scared that he will walk in and overhear it. I feel so much better! The next step is coming out to the rest of my family, but I don't care whether or not they accept it. The most important people in my life are tolerant of it, and that's all I could have asked for.


Great news.  If the most important people in your life are on your side, then the rest of the world mreally doesn't matter in the final analysis.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Vincent E.S.

Yay! Supportive people!  :D
I'm glad it went well.

I told people when and where to read their letters too. :)