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Are you Indigo?

Started by Sevan, September 23, 2011, 11:30:35 PM

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Let me first say that while I'm a fluffy new-ager in many many of my beliefs...I'm not *quite* sure how I feel about the concept of Indigo people. I think maybe it is just another step in the "we're all unique, special, perfect snowflakes" and...I'm not sure that's quite true either. Neither here nor there.

A friend of mine shared this article with me, and I've been chewing on it all day. Click here to see some traits of Indigo people.

In many fits me, and my wife Cyndi and I'm sure..many of us here. So thought I'd bring it here and let us all chew on it. Or...ya know...not. Depends on your take. ;)
I'm also the spouse to the fabulous Mrs. Cynthialee.



that list just described 14.2 million teenagers lol


Quote from: Beth Andrea on September 23, 2011, 11:47:33 PM
But...on a potentially similar note, I will mention that the Jewish culture often refers to Gentiles (non-Jews) as "Goyim", which is, as I understand it, a less-than-complimentary word that could be translated as "unthinking animals." ("Unthinking animals" could also be used to describe non-Indigo people.)

See what I mean? "Indigo" people are able to read, comprehend, and even savor words--which shows intelligence and the ability to think--while others are not able to.

Thank you for putting words to an itch I couldn't scratch.

I've never dug the idea of putting others down so that you (and a group like you) are special and wonderful and unique. In this case...that'd be the Indigo folks. They are "above", with special knowledge the rest don't get. Why?

I've seen this in many settings, secular and spiritual. (though more often spiritual) and...why? I don't get it. Why the secrets?

For me...I seem to be missing one crucial seeming piece. I don't remember any of my past lives. Even upon attempt to look into the matter...I remember nothing. This doesn't much bother me...because I'm here in *this* life to fully experience it, and learn from it. We forget past lives for a reason. (IMO...) But that does seem to poke a hole in me being indigo myself.
I'm also the spouse to the fabulous Mrs. Cynthialee.



You are better off flipping a coin to guide you through life.



I think it's a sense-of-security thing, and it's tribal. We're this and we're cool and we know who we are because we have a checklist. You're either in or you're out. Villager or foreigner.

A lot of the Jewish laws that seem random and weird now were at the time just ways of defining the tribe by saying "that lot over there do xyz but we don't".

People tend to clump together for security, and tend to give up/compromise some of their individuality as the entry fee. The Buddhist group I'm part of used to be very triumphal and like this when I joined it 20 years ago ("we're not like that lot over at the NKT, blah drone...") and I think that was one of the things I was attracted to, back when I had little positive sense of self. Fortunately, we've both grown up a bit since then!


Quote from: @ivan on September 24, 2011, 12:02:08 AM
It's grade A Bull>-bleeped-<! It's like reading fricken Taro cards, your horoscope, pick a religion, you are better off flipping a coin to guide you through life. Some people I know tried telling me my children were indigo kids. Dope smoking crackheads can figure it out better than a bunch of hocus pocus crap.
That concept is so old and shot full of holes. I'll just say it right out: If you believe this line of >-bleeped-<, you are an idiot.


Please practice a little more "tact" when you attack someone else's faith. I read Tarot cards so I guess by your definition I am an idiot and a dope smoking crackhead. I guess I lack the intelligence, wisdom, and logical fortitude as well as the art of following or believing or not believing what you follow.

I guess I better abandon my pursuant for my Ph.D. in World Religions because you got it all figured out! That saves me money, a dissertation paper, highly recommended authorship of articles and a fruitless hocus pocus career in education so thank you for saving me the time!


Pica Pica

I've never heard of it. But it sounds like utter bollocks designed to make someone feel superior, I bet the netizens love it.


Someone who is superior.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


yea so as i remember and this is all just baseless
the guys who started the indigo thing, were somehow untrained in specific education things
and they were like, noticing kids and stuff
then they did the aura photo thing and they found the aura was indigo

then they went and sold lots of books and make a whole lot of money.

Now there is some truth in their lies and some lies in their truth
as far as I can tell SOME truths are that
there is a huge change happening between children from one generation to the next
the structures do need to be tear down
it will be the children (of that time, adults by now, prolly) who will make these changes

spiritually, pretty much like the runners example, some people are more able than others. I have no info as to whether there are "more" people spiritually able than before, and the internet does help to bring outliers together, i.e. us.

also, tarot cards are not good for being tarot cards.
what makes tarot cards is that the person doing the coin-flip actually knows how to embed meaningful and truth into the random number generators. That's the trick there.

Finally every faith is correct for those who have faith it is correct. Belittling someone because they dont agree with the set of fantasies you believe in, is misguided at best.

And just so you may flame me, I honestly truly believe i am an angel.


another funny thing I have noticed.
a few androgynes seem to be INFP in the myers briggs type indicator system.
As far as my research goes, few INFP tend to be androgynes. Though there is gender variance, specially toward males being more "soft" and "caring" which are typically female though no strong female identification.

And INFPs tend to be more in line with Indigos.

It follows to reason that indigo describes part of the traits of both INFP and Androgynes.

note: I have the intuition that the INFP<->Androgyne holds only for a certain kind of androgynes. I wouldn't tell which one, but as an example I'm more asexual/non-gendered than other options. <-- be wary not everybody who claims to be infp actually is.


also also also, EVERY system for classification of humans based on subjective measures is Bound to be biased and incomplete.

Shana A

Please refrain from personal attacks!

Quote15. Items under discussion shall be confined to the subject matter at hand, members shall avoid taking the other users posts personally, and/or posting anything that can reasonably be construed as a personal attack.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



i could never be an indigo, i don't believe in the new age movement. i'd rather stick to the christian tradition i grew up with, we also acknowledge those with special abilities, but without making them out to be worth more than other people

according to the mbti, i'm a intj personality type, which means i'm a highly rational androgyne


I confess, I can't help feeling like the Myers-Briggs lark is just like a Cosmo' Personality Quiz dressed in a lab coat (it's so coarse-grained!) but then the only time I was dragged through it I came out right in the middle of [as in 'in between', not as in 'at the centre'] all 4 thingies, so what that tells anyone about anything, I have no idea.

Still, as a tool for getting people to look at themselves more closely, more power to it :). But I tell people I'm an SLCB, if they ask me.

I'm inclined to think that regardless of where people are at right now, we all have limitless potential to grow, develop, become happier. And a lot of that happiness is inextricably intertwined with helping each other to do all those things. So setting up elites leads to unhappiness, in my book - but it's very, very human.

Pica Pica

I see Briggs-Myers test as being the modern version of Theophrastes 'Characters' (a book where an ancient Greek described different types of people and gave birth to the genre of the 'character sketch'. As such it is useful in the broadest possible way.

I am an INFP every time I do the test, don't know if I fit Zaida's theory or not. However, I do not see a lot of me in the description os these indigo peeps.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


I'm not an indigo - but that don't make me feel blue (woh woh woh... :))


Quote from: Padma on September 24, 2011, 08:03:26 AM
Still, as a tool for getting people to look at themselves more closely, more power to it :). But I tell people I'm an SLCB, if they ask me.
this is the only reason i look at personality tests and horoscopes. the mbti was a lot more accurate than any horoscopes, so i gained new insight in myself by reading the description of my personality type. one of the things i loved that it said about me is that i need time alone in order to recharge, finally i got support for something i've always known about myself, but other people can't understand at all


Indigo? There is indigo in the pattern on the sarong I happen to be wearing but that's all...

Someone mentioned upthread about coin flipping, I Ching of course goes down that path and probably serves a purpose. Tried it myself in smoke filled rooms many years ago but can't remember it mentioning coming here, can't remember much at all of those days though...

However, I have and do use a similar technique using a true random number generator first on the chapters in the Quran and then on the individual verse. Gives some surprising results from obscure to the ones that are so pertinent they are downright scary. Always try and make it a little more 'halal' by reciting "In the name of God, the..." before hitting the enter key. :angel:

Edit: Have just done it and got Surah al-A'raf (Wall Between Heaven and Hell) and the story of Lut/Lot. :o


Quote from: @ivan on September 24, 2011, 12:02:08 AM
It's grade A Bull>-bleeped-<! It's like reading fricken Taro cards, your horoscope, pick a religion, you are better off flipping a coin to guide you through life. Some people I know tried telling me my children were indigo kids. Dope smoking crackheads can figure it out better than a bunch of hocus pocus crap.
That concept is so old and shot full of holes.


I agree


Kia Ora,

::) According to the Chakras= Root C=Red - Stomach C= Orange - Solar Plexus C=  Gold/Yellow - Heart C=Green -Throat C=Blue - Third Eye C= 'INDIGO' - Crown C=Violet...

So as far as Indigo goes...It's all in the mind...

::) Now one can take my 'all in the mind' statement in a number of ways...Choose whatever suit you...

Metta Zenda :)     
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Calling it bull>-bleeped-< is a bit harsh. If it works for people just let them go ahead with it, there's a long jump from this sort of stuff to becoming a crazed religious fundamentalist. There's good and bad in all beliefs or more accurately amongst their followers. Live and let live is the only way.