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Does the soul have gender.

Started by Abstract, October 02, 2011, 11:15:03 AM

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Quote from: Sibila on October 04, 2011, 02:54:32 PM
So you live a celibate life as a pansexual (well without the sex then lol)?
First honestly self-reflect... what role does gender play in your life....

Self reflect: especially before deciding it to be irrelevant/unimportant.

Can God see? Does he have eyes? A nose? no?
well then, the senses are irrelevant...

Does God have a body?
Think not?

Well then the body is irrelevant...

Sibila you are too funny.  I tend to frustrate mere mortals when I sleep with them.  An asexual that can be pansexual. 

What role is gender for me is very difficult.  I have little interest in "sex" but have a great need for affection.  In fact I feel a great loneliness when by myself.  When I am with caring and intelligent people loneliness is abated.   Affection is really nice.

I tend to like most things but they also include perfume, jewelry, pretty clothes, looking pretty, and only things a mom would like.  I do not feel like majority of males when it comes to sex.

If I get to live and be accepted in other gender things may change sexually.  I guess not but who knows.

Now I feel my gender issues are chemically or genetically caused as they have always been with me.  Things I have done to my body would not be done by typical male but they have made me happier with myself and sadder in dealing with society.

I do not see these pleasures as a stumbling block for your spirit.  Are their smells that are better than our noses can detect and sights better than our eyes can see?  I only learned of tea olives about five years ago and their flowers give a beautiful fragrance!  Why would a spirit be limited to these senses?

Interesting conversation with a very intelligent retired man and we were discussing spirituality.  He felt we would be troubled on earth if God wanted us to play an oboe but we only played trumpet.  He also said God would not want us to do anything we do not want to do.  I told him maybe one day he will see me pass his house playing an oboe.  :)  (I viewed oboe as what God is telling me regarding gender issues.  Maybe God wants me to teach others to be accepting and I would not be able to do that if I lived my life as a man.)

Gender seems really nice for a human but seems to be an obstacle for a spirit.


Hi Wendy!!!

Sorry my reply took so long.
Personally for me it's a bit difficult to understand your perspective because perhaps I would have to know
how you were born and in what way you are dealing with genderissues in your life.
Not to put you in a box because of that, but because it might help me understand your posts.
I understand you we born in a female body but perhaps identify more like... or sometimes like male?
(because you call yourself mom also)... congrats  ;D

How do you frustrate "mortals" when having sex with them lol.

"Gender seems really nice for a human but seems to be an obstacle for a spirit."

Dont really understand that one though.

Personally Genderidentity showed me the way to my soul which with transition became balanced... as in balanced in masculinity and femininity... where I was first leaning more towards femininity. (I was actually MORE feminine/woman before I transitioned to become more like one).

I experience gender as something holy... something that also plays an important role in the spirit world.



Quote from: Satya'sMind on October 05, 2011, 04:24:14 PM
I agree, sort of. Or maybe not, I can't decide.

I'm more closely aligned with Sibila's thinking:-----------------------------
I view these things through a Buddhist/Hindu lens: that our soul/spirit follows a circular path (birth-death-renewal) that is much like what everything else in the universe follows. I don't think the soul has a set gender, but our karma carries gendered experiences as they thread through successive lives. So if your past life was in a female body, you have "fresh" female gendered experiences that were brought into this life. A few lives in a row that way, and you have a strong female current in your spirit....and if this time around you got a male body, then there's lots of femaleness in a male body (or vice-versa).

I go into more detail about it here:  Karmic String Theory and Tossing Coins

I have reason to believe I was a male in my past life :D
But I was not able to live my life as a male. I was forced to live my life in a feminine way despite the fact that I was a male. I was probably born into slavery.
In this life I am reclaiming my natural femininity as a born male (could only be done by being a pure female soul), which was used/abused in a past life.
My masculinity and femininity are now not enslaved, but free, and I have become balanced again. My soul is completely feminine in this incarnation.
This is probably because my femininity was damaged/abused by the slave owner I belonged to in my previous incarnation.

The problem with these things is that each person is unique... each story of the soul is unique. There is not one reason why someone is transgender.
There is not one way in one can be transgender... there are probably more then a thousand ways...



Quote from: Sibila on October 10, 2011, 06:18:59 AM
Hi Wendy!!!

Sorry my reply took so long.
Personally for me it's a bit difficult to understand your perspective because perhaps I would have to know
how you were born and in what way you are dealing with genderissues in your life.
Not to put you in a box because of that, but because it might help me understand your posts.
I understand you we born in a female body but perhaps identify more like... or sometimes like male?
(because you call yourself mom also)... congrats  ;D

How do you frustrate "mortals" when having sex with them lol.

"Gender seems really nice for a human but seems to be an obstacle for a spirit."

Dont really understand that one though.

Personally Genderidentity showed me the way to my soul which with transition became balanced... as in balanced in masculinity and femininity... where I was first leaning more towards femininity. (I was actually MORE feminine/woman before I transitioned to become more like one).

I experience gender as something holy... something that also plays an important role in the spirit world.


Dear Sibila,

Too funny!  Few understand me and I tend to end threads.  I love some of your comments!  God may have put me on this planet to try to give more understanding to others.  I have actually gone to group therapy and had MTF's come up to me and say, "Excuse me are you a FTM?"  I am a genetic male that lives as a male.  I always wanted to be a mom but I was a dad.

I am slightly autistic with a super computer for a mind.  I have tried for past 9 years to logically solve an illogical condition of transsexualism.  My nemesis (and close MTF friend) is a highly educated and very intelligent philosopher.   She has claimed I can not solve TS logically.  However after having talked to many highly intelligent and well educated spiritual people I think God has put me here to show love to humanity from a gender different from birth gender. 

Many think I am a nice looking male but I do not pass.  Maybe surgeries would allow me to pass as a female and not be "an outcast and joke."  Then I once again could be productive and try to teach others that our purpose is love not tolerance but love.  God did not teach us to be tolerant of being unjust or mean but to examine each act with love and weigh act against bench of love.  God is pleased if we show love and even an atheist would be saved if they were "Godlike" and led a life of love.    I absolutely love your statement that transition allowed your soul to be balanced with gender!

Your question, "How do you frustrate "mortals" when having sex with them lol. "  Did I say I had "sex" with them?  I "slept" with them!  Imagine sleeping with someone that you enjoy and being affectionate with them.  At same time you are not interested in "sex".  Or maybe people have wanted me to be a "male"?

This statement seems confusing to you,"Gender seems really nice for a human but seems to be an obstacle for a spirit."  Well my birth gender of male allowed me to have "sex" with my very special friend and union produced children.  Gender thing was pleasurable by allowing sex for humans but must gender be limit for spirits?  Notice you balanced genders for your spirit by transitioning.  Maybe that is my purpose too?

When we go back to being a spirit without flesh we would not be limited by gender.  Maybe that means we would have both genders?  We could be both a provider (father) and nurturer (mother).  Clearly my role was father and I tried.  My children had an absolutely great mom and she was their biological mom not me.  I have been a tormented soul but I have tried to show love.

A soul can "feel" energy of both genders.  Therefore it is not limited to being male or female.  Maybe a few humans are given that experience on earth.

Will I make an error to transition fully?  Clearly sitting on fence is not working for me.  Bible would call me a eunuch.



Hi Wendy!

I understand better now.

The only person that can find out "what, why and how" is you of course.
It would be unwise to compare yourself with me, since I was completely disfunctional as a male.
I do no have any masculine hobbies, was not able to make a career, was not able to
adopt to a male role...from childhood on, I was seen as this girlish sensitive gay boy.
Even though I tried, but failed at it every time.

Balance came when I began to choose for my soul. I learned certain "masculine" qualities.
Like being able to stand up for yourself... protect my bounderies, self respect/worth, independance,
being my own soul/woman, ...all these things I was not able to do as a male.

My genderdysforia is pretty intense. It has created a lot of damage and trouble for me in my life.
Ultimately I did not have a choice but to transition. I would have died if I didnt. I would have
wanted to die. Still do at times though.

I am happy to say that I am still here. And that I am somewhat healed now.
Allthough I hate that I have to be this instead of a normal female.

I would not wish myself a genderless life. If I am able to go again, I would choose to be entirely
female and would want to be a mum.




Dear Sibila,

Thank you for sharing.  I have found trans community is filled with many intelligent people.  They are not always successful and many times not well educated but they have a deep sense of  trying to understand people.  Maybe their gender confusion has caused them to study people.

I would not change my life if given an opportunity because my children have been a true blessing.

However if I could take a magic pill and I would transform into a female I would do that.  I absolutely hated basketball and dodge ball and would not participate in elementary school in those activities.  I would not fight when in early elementary school and got hit almost every day.

I did fine with books.  I had an eclectic group of young friends.  I really needed hugs as a little person.  Guess still like hugs.  Very inexperienced sexually and not disappointed.  Never could relate to how men needed "sex" but I enjoy softness of a woman.

Gender issues have become increasingly difficult for me and am withdrawing from society.   I somehow feel I have no choice.
I would hope message of love would be more prevalent in my future journey in life.  I have no desire to transition so that I can sexually have a "man" in my life.  If I fully transition that might prove to be interesting if situation occurred.  I would not be surprised if it never occurred.  I do not see my gender as "male" and feel more aligned as "female".  I might get an opportunity to live in both genders.  Why would a spirit be limited to one?  Maybe spirits could be "enlighted" by interacting which might be far superior to interacting sexually with another human.  I feel gender is a human condition and we may change gender while we are alive to make our future existence in this current life better.

Love to you too Sibila.  Wendy


  I believe that the soul does not have gender.  It is said in the Bible that the soul will be put into a different 'body' to survive the conditions in Heaven, a 'body' incorruptible.  Heaven is a different place unfettered by time.  The fifth dimension?  We are in a third dimensional state ruled by the fourth which is time. 


I believe while the soul does not have a gender is terms of genetalia, I do believe that souls give off a gender resonance.

I believe that with Angels too. While they do not have genitalia, they do give off a gender in their energies.


My soul is the core of my being, my consciousness. It is that which is female, which is why I corrected my body. My body was incongruent with my consciousness. Its simple to me.

I corrected my body for myself. And it was born male, it was born incorrect. It was born with a gasp, do I dare say it, a penis. A male appendage/genital. It had to be fixed. There was no other option.


Only God/Allah (swt) can know if our soul has gender. Personally I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to second guess him and finish on the BBQ.


All I know is that I feel female deep inside, and it is a beautiful feeling. :)


Kia Ora,

::) Does gender have soul ? What's a soul ?

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

King Malachite

I think souls do have a gender.  Some souls are just more fluid with genders than other souls.
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Malachite on March 19, 2012, 08:59:15 PM
I think souls do have a gender.  Some souls are just more fluid with genders than other souls.

I have had modest success in both genders and am having more success in female gender than thought possible.  I actually had a mentor that encouraged me to overcome my fear and I did better than I thought possible.  Gender had much relevance on earth but seems to be of little value for a spirit.


Quote from: Malachite on March 19, 2012, 08:59:15 PM
I think souls do have a gender.  Some souls are just more fluid with genders than other souls.

I think if 'soul' exists, then soul has gender... maybe fluid, - and why not.

If 'spirits' are related to soul... and I think they ARE... then it is my VERY clear personal experience that gender is part of them.
Look at the issue of ghosts... they are, for all I have taken note of, either male or female... or?

Look at the issues of 'previous lives' one might have lived before one's current one. Some people do report to have lived - when under 'regression'... those also, for all I can recall, are either male or female... given some fluidity...?

In the end... it's ALL in the mind :-)

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


i'd say no, since the soul is our higher being, it is essentially the part of us free of judgement. consider it androgynous. the soul has all the wisdom and fortune one needs to make it through this life, but our soul is not our mind or our body, but the higher being.
there's some meditation exercises where you disclaim your body and your mind, and observe it as if you were watching a movie of yourself, which is basically the idea of it.