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Anyone else like feeling sleep deprived?

Started by Svetlana, May 25, 2005, 07:05:44 PM

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i don't know why but sometimes i like to stay up the whole night, and then at the end of the second day i feel the most wonderfully serene kind of clumsy vagueness that just washes over me.  and i quite like it i think, well, i'm doing that kinda once a week or thereabouts, nowadays.  i normally go down to the seafront too, when i'm feeling that way, and get really emotional, and it all seems so beautiful.

but i was wondering is this a thing other people enjoy, or am i just plain weird? ???


No, instead I feel best when in the moments after waking up you feel nothing else at all other than being yourself. No gender or pesky body parts register on your consiousness and you can be happy for those few moments.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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Having been sleep deprived on more than one occasion I can safely say no not really. But then I've never been fond of loss of control nor diminished facilities.

When I first wake is probably better but it is really not good either. *sigh* How sad. :icon_tears: *smirk* I hate life, not really anyway out of it. *smirks again* Who would have thought such an innocent topic would hurt so much?

I guess the only good time is when I look into the mirror and see a fleeting glance of myself not the reflection.

Rose Dawson

I find staying up all night, listening to music :icon_headfones: and having a few martinis honestly helps me deal with the stresses of life. I seem to come alive at night and even more so with a good martini  >:D

But seriously.....for some reason, staying up all night and playing my music has always been a time where I come up with my best ideas; my imagination comes alive and so does my inner woman. I can truthfully say none of this happens during the day - perhaps because I'm sleeping through most of it?

Who knows? Maybe the night holds more mystical powers than we think? 



aww 4years i didn't mean to make you sad :'( have a cheery *hugz* from me :)

also, i find hitting the pillow so much more pleasurable when you've been up 2 days rather than 1.

rose, i think the night is magical too. ;D really romantic time.  the night and the sea are the two things i find most magical, i think.  and music is magical also.  okay, three then.


When i was in the depth of my transsexual induced depression, I loved sleep more than anything else. Sleep was the only thing that stopped the pain. I didn't sleep much because if i went to bed, i would just lay there thinking and became even more depressed. So i stayed up very late.  I remember waking up and instantly cursing aloud. Every day started that way. It was like being born an unresolved transsexual every morning.


Rose Dawson

The one thing I can say for sleep is that it gives us dreams. In our dreams, we're whatever/whoever we want, wherever we want and we can do anything we want. At a more intense level, it gives us subconscious guidance and messages that we can choose to use as we see fit.

Forgive me for asking this question - as I know the original post was regarding sleeplessness - but: Can anyone control their dreams and what happens in them?


QuoteForgive me for asking this question - as I know the original post was regarding sleeplessness - but: Can anyone control their dreams and what happens in them?

I can't control what happens, but when i am having a good dream and i am awakened, i can go back and reenter the dream.


rose you needn't ask forgiveness because your question is more interesting than my original one was i think so! :)

sometimes i can control my dreams.  oftentimes, it is a "get-out mechanism"... which is, i will see a set of stairs (never spiral; always leading downward).  then i know that it is a dream, also i want to escape the dream, and also that all i have to do to escape the dream is to run full-pelt, far too fast down the stairs.  on occasion, i will recognise the dream or the dream place from previous dreams, and then i know it's a dream, but it sometimes may continue, although knowing it's a dream does tend to nudge it toward the end.

on rare occasions, i have tasted, smelt, and physically felt, inside of dreams, stuff which just couldn't be there in the real world when i was dreaming (you know; like... i know i wasn't eating my pillow, etc).  whilst deprived of sleep, i once was playing the piano, and fell asleep, and had a full dream, and woke up, still playing the piano.  that was weird!  also, when i was younger, i used to sometimes get things happen to me when on the brink of sleep - these "things"... what they were was, i would be just nodding off, and have some section or other of sound stuck in my head.  the sound would build and build until it reached a sudden loud volume (not too loud, though) and then (and this really was very loud) an effect would happen to me through my eyes watching it, my ears hearing it, and me feeling it, like i was a television set, and was being switched off, you know - like the spark and then into a black screen, that same noise... big pulse of electricity through me...  to this day i don't know what in the blue hell those things were.

beth... i am envious of your dream-re-entering thing... that is one thing i have many times tried but never once been able to achieve.


No worries Lana. A lot of things in life hurt, I just did not realize waking up was one of them. It will get better eventually at least.

Sleep wise I oft stay up quite late, I've never liked laying in bed before so I tend to stay up till I can't see straight any more. Interestingly I'm not minding lounging in bed as much these days.

I think nighttime (I'm nocturnal by nature) is a more 'magical' time in part because there is less static of everyone thinking., or perhaps it is some other reason entirely, but the night does seem to have a different... better... feel to it.

Dream wise I have some measure of control, though oft it is some situation that is being played out and I'm curious what is being presented and I've found if I fiddle then it all goes different, so I tend to not fiddle much. Rarely am I in a situation I perceive I want, oft rather it seems some test or lesson. Sometimes I'd say definitely subconscious other times, well 3rd party instruction I guess.

Lucid dreams are quite interesting.

Dreams when I were young were unpleasant. Reiteration of the choose your own adventure book, specifically falling off the cliff. Over and over again... I used to convulse quite well when I hit the ground in my dreams. Either that or it was some dream or other of being only in my underwear in town and embarrassed.

My last embarrassed dream was of the test verity, which was how well I managed with breasts (which given I was still in full guy mode at the time I guess should have seemed odd). My response was typical though not as sever as normal. (I've always been horrendously embarrassed to have breasts this life, which has always seemed just a touch odd but probably kept me sane when I was younger.), Anyway I got the distinct impression that the test results were "not quite yet but close". Given I woke up(as in realized I was a woman and had to be free) a few months after this...

Life is an interesting thing.

Good night and pleasant dreams my friends.




Sleep deprived?  Only for the past two years.  That was one of the first signs my life was going off the tracks and that things would never be the same.  I would wake anywhere between 2am and 4am and be awake for the day so I seldom got more than three or fours hours of sleep.  What sleep I did get was often filled with nightmares.  One of the most common and memorable was one where I had killed and buried a woman and I lived in constant fear of being found out.  That dream would repeat through the night and leave me depressed and edgy the next day because it seemed so real. 

I stopped having that dream when I came out to myself.  Now, living full time, I sleep like a baby most nights.


(fka Dawn)


Ouch, heck of a way to get your own attention.
*hugs Cailyn*


Something I do sometimes when I stay late, is wait till all ligth around my house is shut down then I go out to the balcony and lay down staring at the sky.

I love to see the stars, and I just feel comfrotable with the chill wind and feel at peace.

Oh, yes I can control my dreams most of the time, and sometimes I can reenter them, but when I went out of denial. My sleep pattern was all disturbed, I was in the grasp of depression and when I could sleep I was starting to have nigthmares.

Those nigthmares have meaning and that most of them were scary.


Sleep deprivation?  Not usually.

However, I do like to eat big meals before I got to bed, and then go to work the next day without any breakfast.

I suppose when you have a high metabolism like me, it has a similar effect to sleep deprivation...
"The cake is a lie."


Quote from: beth_finallyme on May 26, 2005, 01:29:16 AM
When i was in the depth of my transsexual induced depression, I loved sleep more than anything else. Sleep was the only thing that stopped the pain. I didn't sleep much because if i went to bed, i would just lay there thinking and became even more depressed. So i stayed up very late.  I remember waking up and instantly cursing aloud. Every day started that way. It was like being born an unresolved transsexual every morning.  Beth

I can relate alot on this one Beth.

Quote from: susanNo, instead I feel best when in the moments after waking up you feel nothing else at all other than being yourself. No gender or pesky body parts register on your consiousness and you can be happy for those few moments.

I can relate to Susan's feeling too.

I have a condition related to sleep - I guess I don't get enough.

Some of my best rest (nap or night) is when dressed and comfortable.  To awake looking & feeling like I want to is more refreshing than in drab.



Quote from: Rose Dawson on May 26, 2005, 01:36:47 AM
The one thing I can say for sleep is that it gives us dreams. In our dreams, we're whatever/whoever we want, wherever we want and we can do anything we want. At a more intense level, it gives us subconscious guidance and messages that we can choose to use as we see fit.

so if i dream i was a female vampire what would you all get from that. i get that maybe i was a woman in a past life and it has come back to haunt me. also explains my blood cravings once in a while  ::) :)


Quote from: danivamp3435 on June 01, 2005, 05:47:18 PM
so if i dream i was a female vampire what would you all get from that. i get that maybe i was a woman in a past life and it has come back to haunt me. also explains my blood cravings once in a while  ::) :)
Consider...Ever see an unattractive female vampire ?

Sounds like fun dreams though ;)

