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Who here is 'into' signs of zodiac character descriptions?

Started by AbraCadabra, January 10, 2012, 03:34:07 AM

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I would not call myself a 'believer' - and in many cases it's considered some kind of witch-craft by at least certain Christian believers, though I like to use some of it's 'insights' to still some of my curiosities...

Volumes of books have been written about it since the Babylonians and I for sure have only read a very few. Maybe ~ 10+ including those with proper charts in them.

I used to do charts for people but don't do it any more, just using my leftover knowing in a more conversational/cursory way.

How about you?

PS: Oh, yes, I'm Sun in Gemini, Moon in Cancer, Mars in Leo, Venus in Cancer, and Mercury in Gemini... superficial and quite Mercurial - at times. Though mostly entertaining to the point of over-loading my listeners, prone to getting emotional and plenty of tears to go :-)

Edit: Axélle's Ascendant is Aries, pretty important I simply forgot to say...
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


I'm Capricorn. I do not believe any of it. But I fit into the Capricorn 'character'

I'm also from a long Irish family history. My Nin (Grandmother) would read the tea leaves, with some accuracy, so I was told. She read a friend's leaves and refused to tell her what they meant, her friend died the next day. She never read the leaves again.

Just coincidence? Or a Twilight Zone moment?

Brr its gone all cold in here



As a Neo-Pagan, I am into Zodiacal lore, but not horoscopes.  I believe in divination most certainly and astrology in terms of individual's charts.


Sun in Taurus  (although Shannon believes I should have been 10 days earlier to make Aries since she thinks it fits me better)
Moon in Aquarius
Mercury in Aries
Mars in Aquarius
Venus in Taurus
Jupiter in Aquarius
Saturn in Gemini
Uranus in Libra
Neptune in Sagittarius

Personally for divination I'm a bigger fan of either traditional tarot or a well designed oracle card set.  I only rarely read for others, but Shannon and I both gotten fairly accurate results when the "feel" is right.  My current favorite deck in terms of artwork is the Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pu-Mun Law.  Her artwork is so pretty that we picked up her hard cover picture book that covers the major arcana.  I almost picked up a poster sized print of her death because it is a beautiful phoenix (the phoenix has a very special meaning to me).  However while her stuff is the prettiest I also find it a bit harder to work with.  My usual work deck is the Mystic Faerie Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft/Barbara Moore, which isn't a bad looking deck either if you like Ravenscroft style.

Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


Why did I add [edit] my Ascendant, which I forgot?
Because it's our 'public persona' or the first impression that people get when they initially meet up with us.

Aries is 'pushy' and decisive, at least by appearance, in the Ascendant. This may easily cover up some of the finer points in one's character --- for better or for worse.

BTW, I'm NOT into any of the future predictions - though that's just me.
I still hold:" We can't know the future" and as in the case mentioned by Cindy.... JUST AS WELL.

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Arctic Kat

When I was a teenager, I was growing obsessed with astrology.
I'm a Virgo, and and I really felt the personality type for Virgo fit me well.

It also got me started exploring my feminine side....
Waarom mag een jongen nooit prinsesje
Waarom mag een meisje nooit superman zijn
Elke vogel bouwt z'n eigen nestje
Hier bij ons mag iedereen zijn wie ze zijn


I'm a Libra, constantly weighing everything and looking for balance in all things  8)
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


V, that explains... and the some :-)

Take note that Libra is looking for balance outside... in a partner, and if not realized they get pretty low and quirky.
It's a complimentary match sign to Gemini.
I had some marvellous, yet very quirky friends of Sun in Libra.
I found them stimulation and often quite nuts too, what fun... :-)

Now go find a Gemini or second best = Aquarius if you may :-)

PS: Woopsy! 1700 post, such a good girl, keeping the neighbours entertained, no
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Ava C

living halfway between reality and fantasy at all times.

Cindi Jones

Someone is always asking me about this because I am an avid astronomer. In 2007, I was asked to do a short write up for some astronomy rag.  Here it is:


Babylonian astronomers at some point during the 1st millennium BC divided the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude to create the first known celestial coordinate system.

I believe that this was when the concept of astrology was developed. The basis for determining a person's zodiacal sign was the location of the sun on the day of a person's birth. By my reasoning this was calculated based on charts of the heavens since it it is quite difficult to see the constellations during the daylight hours.

It was the Greeks–from the time of Alexander the Great to their conquest by the Romans–who provided most of the fundamental elements of modern astrology. The spread of astrological practice was checked by the rise of Christianity, which emphasized divine intervention and free will. During the Renaissance, astrology regained popularity, in part due to rekindled interest in science and astronomy. Christian theologians, however, warred against astrology, and in 1585 Pope Sixtus V condemned it. At the same time, the work of Kepler and others undermined astrology's tenets. Its popularity and longevity are, of course, irrelevant to the truth of astrology in any of its forms.

We have since divided up the sky into hours, minutes, seconds, and degrees.  Instead of 12 divisions, we now have 24 circling our view of the heavens which correspond to the longitude marks of our earth. The 12 Babylonian divisions and our hourly divisions do not correlate well.

Since that time millennia ago, the seasonal constellations have changed significantly. How does this happen? Our ancestors determined the celestial sphere was everlasting and unchanging. But as we now know, the universe is anything but static. Our planets move, our sun moves, our solar system moves, even our galaxy is racing away in space. Everything is in a constant state of motion in relation to everything else. We further complicate our view of the universe by the movement of our earth about it's axis. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the equinox and solstice points have each moved westward about 30 degrees in the last 2,000 years. That is at least the width of one of the ancient Babylonian wedges. The bottom line is that the night sky we see is not the same as what our ancestors observed so many thousands of years ago when astrology was invented. This is NOT a result of the evolving boundary lines.

I find it interesting that although the sky has changed, astrology has not kept up to date. The sun now travels through different constellations in relation to the dates of the year. Yet the old Astrology date table has remained static.

The constellation boundaries were drawn up by Eugène Delporte in 1930. But his divisions recognized common accepted boundaries for the constellations. They may tread on the Babylonian twelve zones some, I will admit.  But the fact remains that the constellations are now several degrees off what they were in ancient times.

I have determined the apparent location of the sun in each constellation throughout the year based upon the division allocated by Delporte and now accepted by the Astronomical Union.

Dec 18 – Jan 19  Sagittarius

Jan 20 – Feb 15  Capricornus

Feb 16 – Mar 11  Aquarius

Mar 12 – Apr 18  Pisces

Apr 19 – May 13  Aries

May 14 – Jun 21  Taurus

Jun 22 – Jul 20  Gemini

Jul 20 – Aug 10  Cancer

Aug 11 – Sep 16  Leo

Sep 17 – Oct 30  Virgo

Oct 31 – Nov 22  Libra

Nov 23 – Nov 29  Scorpius

Nov 30 – Dec 17  Ophiuchus

Note that there are 13 constellations through which the sun travels.  The additional constellation to the original 12 is "Ophiuchus".  Ophiuchus is one of the largest constellations in the sky and this wedge into the standard signs of the zodiac is interesting.

If our lives depend on the true location of the sun in one of the constellations, we should get this information updated!

I know that many of us read our horoscope for fun and some of us are true believers. Here are some things to ask yourself:

-  Which sign of the zodiac do you now use knowing this?
- Why are the initial conditions more important than all subsequent conditions for one's personality and traits?
- Why is the moment of birth chosen as the significant moment rather than the moment of  conception?
- Why aren't other initial conditions such as one's mother's health, the delivery place conditions, forceps, bright lights, dim room, back seat of a car, etc., more important than whether Mars is ascending, descending, culminating, or fulminating?
- Why isn't the planet Earth—the closest large object to us in our solar system–considered a major influence on who we are and what we become?
- There were some really major planets discovered after the invention of astrology, namely Uranus and Neptune... how do these fall into play?
- Other galaxies exert significant gravitational influence on our own. Is this taken into account in astrology?  If so, how are the hundreds of billions of variables taken into account?  (we can hardly get a handle on these things with advanced celestial mechanics)

Here's an interesting activity. Get any copy of the daily horoscope for any day of your choosing. Make a copy.  Have someone cut out the horoscopes and separate them from the zodiac reference so that you don't know which belongs to which. Mix them up and see which applies best to you.  Check it against the original list. Do it for several days. How good are the predictions?

Copyright 2007 by Cindi Jones, Author of  Squirrel Cage
Author of Squirrel Cage


Good golly, why the SADLY for Pisces?

They are the most feminine in the zodiac, I get burned by then constantly... 'cause they so unpredictably predictable.
I don't much care for Pisces males I have to say... too much tap-dancing in the dark.

In a female it makes for the best of any 'femme fatale'; hard to deal with but gosh it must be fun to have all those suckers at your feet, not so?

This much applies if your Ascendant is in Pisces also, and if Venus is too in Pisces it's just too much of a good thing - at least for ANY of the air-signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

So, why would you find being a woman, and in the most feminine of signs a problem?
Can we hear more about it? It might just add some healing to a poor old lipstick-lesbian like myself!

Oh my...
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


* Jun 22 – Jul 20  Gemini * what the !@#$%^

Surely an 'interesting new way' of looking at thing, but as for me, I sure can not relate to this at all.
This would make my ~ 30 deg Gemini now being Taurus...?! Hello?
Never in your life, ever. Confusion rained supreme, if Axélle was a Taurus, an earth sign, as compared to an air sign, Gemini.

I met MANY a Taurus and most if not all have certain traits that do not wash well with much more Mercurial Gemini. They're just so dang earthy, and nit picking, getting their kicks from all those last details... makes me already wonder if you might be a Taurus, or second best guess Virgo... Capricorn (all 'old' system) wouldn't give a hoot in the first place and call it all hog-wash in any case.

That's just for a start. Also, I did charts for people I know, and they were very convincing fits in character decription.
It was almost unbelievably close for all one could tell about the person in question. (Am NOT talking about reading 'tea leaves', future predictions, you mention all in the same breath)

So, not the new interpretation for me then please. Even if all has move 15 degrees?! in 1 millennium. Most descriptions were refined much later then 1000 years past in any case!

So... I'm not in the boat with this one – at all :-)

Good luck,
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

King Malachite

I do find astrology interesting hence why I love Sailor Moon but I pretty much look up horoscopes every now and then just to see if it matches my life and get any advice well-needed.  I do the same for relationships but other than that I don't go too much further into it although I do fit that into my spiritual life and do believe that whatever is happening up there is probably affecting me down here.  Just to make things for complex I call myself both a Picese and Aquarious since depending on which horoscope you look at I'm either the ending or beginning of the new one. 
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Ava C

Quote from: Axélle-Michélle on January 11, 2012, 06:55:41 AM
Good golly, why the SADLY for Pisces?

They are the most feminine in the zodiac, I get burned by then constantly... 'cause they so unpredictably predictable.
I don't much care for Pisces males I have to say... too much tap-dancing in the dark.

In a female it makes for the best of any 'femme fatale'; hard to deal with but gosh it must be fun to have all those suckers at your feet, not so?

This much applies if your Ascendant is in Pisces also, and if Venus is too in Pisces it's just too much of a good thing - at least for ANY of the air-signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

So, why would you find being a woman, and in the most feminine of signs a problem?
Can we hear more about it? It might just add some healing to a poor old lipstick-lesbian like myself!

Oh my...

1. Well I don't consider myself very Femme Fatale-ish haha.. But I haven't really ever dated anyone. :angel:

2. No idea really, I suppose because it gives more insight to have I am.. as a person? (Personality/Thought Process wise) Which I strongly dislike.

2. Yay another lipstick lesbian.  :) (But I'm Bisexual.. so not sure if I count!)
living halfway between reality and fantasy at all times.


so you what is called on a cusp. It would need, as in any case really, info for Ascendant, and the Moon also the closer planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury) to get some idea.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are too 'far out' in any case... they work for the 'tea-leaves faction' - are in deed a must for them.

Most folks, and not on a cusp, are quite fine with the 'rough shot' sun-sign characteristics just for play-play :-)

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


* 2. Yay another lipstick lesbian.   (But I'm Bisexual.. so not sure if I count!) *

Yesssssss, COUNTS!
At least we still have some options, no? No need to get all stuck up - unless we looks at the more earth-like cousins, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorns for starters...

I think Pisces make GREAT BI-sexuals, every one I know seems to be - whether they would want to know it, or not :-)

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Ava C

Quote from: Axélle-Michélle on January 11, 2012, 07:59:11 AM
* 2. Yay another lipstick lesbian.   (But I'm Bisexual.. so not sure if I count!) *

Yesssssss, COUNTS!
At least we still have some options, no? No need to get all stuck up - unless we looks at the more earth-like cousins, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorns for starters...

I think Pisces make GREAT BI-sexuals, every one I know seems to be - whether they would want to know it, or not :-)


;D Yes the more options the better! Heh yes always playing the field.  ;)
living halfway between reality and fantasy at all times.


My sister is into all that stuff, tarot cards etc.

I don't give the idea much credence, except the description of me by way of the Sun, ascendant and moon signs seem accurate for me. I do behave like a nefarious Scorpio, which is probably "why people either love or hate me on sight" as she says, and get spooked when I stare at them. It can't have been influenced by knowing much about star signs since I didn't even know the rest of the chart till recently.

Do I think planets affect what's going to happen in my mundane life? Nah.

If a personality description works though, I suppose it may be that when it describes how two different personalities would get along they might be right if they're going by logical assumption about their traits.

Not sure how tarot cards are meant to tie in with astrology, but supposedly they do.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Angela Drakken

Depends on the astrologer, I find they're either (insultingly) accurate to me, or so far off it's ballistic.
Then again, being a Gemini, I'm told contradiction is normal. So it's an exercise in vagary that they could always play to their advantage. My girlfriend pays a lot of stock into it. She's a bit of a hippie, but I love her <3


"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."