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Funny or odd things your pet(s) do...

Started by Beth Andrea, January 21, 2012, 09:36:50 AM

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I had a Roborovski hamster who loveed running in her wheel, instead of bringing the wheel to a stop she would stop abruptly & do 2 or 3 rotations in the wheel & then jump out using the momentum to fling herself across her tank, I could almost hear her shouting "Wheeeee!!"
It seems to be a Roborovski trademark move as i've seen many You Tube videos of Robo's doing this move

Adam (birkin)

Quote from: Jayne on January 12, 2014, 04:36:01 PM
I had a Roborovski hamster who loveed running in her wheel, instead of bringing the wheel to a stop she would stop abruptly & do 2 or 3 rotations in the wheel & then jump out using the momentum to fling herself across her tank, I could almost hear her shouting "Wheeeee!!"
It seems to be a Roborovski trademark move as i've seen many You Tube videos of Robo's doing this move

I had one of those too. I named him Hammy. I miss him. :( He was rather aggressive though. He'd try to bite my fingers but he couldn't get through the callouses, and he'd get so mad lol.


Quote from: caleb. on January 14, 2014, 04:12:38 PM
I had one of those too. I named him Hammy. I miss him. :( He was rather aggressive though. He'd try to bite my fingers but he couldn't get through the callouses, and he'd get so mad lol.

Ah the classic hamster name Hammy, I had a Hammy when I was a kid lol. My Robo hated being handled & many articles I read online stated that Robo's aren't fond of being handled.
Mine hated it so much that the second or third time I tried to handle her she ran to the edge of my hand & jumped back into her cage, my hand was about a foot above the cage & whilst she jumped down my heart jumped into my mouth!! As she plummeted downwards I heard the voice from Worms cry out "BUNGEE" so that became her name.

Adam (birkin)

I don't even know why I called it Hammy. My addiction to rodents evolved slowly.

1. Bought a baby pinkie mouse that would have been used for feed and tried to raise it to health. The poor thing obviously did not last.
2. Got a full size mouse named Juno but my brother fed it to our snake because he hated how much it pooped. :|
3. The Robo hamster, Hammy, who drowned in his own water dish somehow.
4. Uncle Fred, a teddy bear hamster, who lived 1.5 years but then got sick and died. :( My favourite.
5. At the same time as Fred - a big black one, but it was so vicious we returned it and the pet store put it into a quiet space lol.
6. Two baby Robos, Hammy Jr. and Jenny. Hammy Jr. died in his sleep after a month or so, Jenny died not long after but I don't know how either.


Quote from: Jessica Merriman on January 12, 2014, 03:43:41 PM
My dog nudges the cats out of the way of my Jeep when I am leaving or entering the driveway. It is like he is a cat shepherd or something. When they were kittens and he thought they were to far from the house he would carry them back. :) I call him my Cog.

That is just the most adorable thing ever!!!! and LOVE your new avatar, Jessica! beautiful <3

K Style Addiction

My cat will run around like there's a fire if my mom and i are awake for 1 minute more than we usually are.

My cat will scream at my mom's face until she get's food, she also does this when she pukes, and if he mom isn't home and i'm going to get screamed at.

My cat likes to hide under a blanket in the chair beside our bed.

My cat, will just sit there infront of food for no reason, not to eat or anything, not hungry, just sit there.

And that's my Isis
All I can say is that my life is pretty plain, I like watchin' the puddles gather rain.

Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage


OMG your hamster drowned in his water bowl?!?! Sorry, but that made me laugh really loud.. 

My dog barks nonstop on garbage day, he barks nonstop at the truck, at the mailman, and at the recycle guy. Whenever he goes outside he runs up to our fence, goes into the corner, and waits for cars to drive buy so he can race them to the other side of the yard.

My other dog is super needy, always wants to be around me, my brother, or his wife. Hates most other people, especially kids. If I am asleep still and everyone else leaves the house, she comes up to my bedroom doors and starts scratching at it to come in. If I ignore her or don't hear her, she'll start moaning and crying.


My cat will follow me everywhere, she comes when I call her, just like a dog. If I go into a room and close the door, she will stand outside the door and meow until she is let in. I always call her my familiar instead of a pet, and I talk to her about stuff, she's a good listener. The dog will sometimes get jealous, and starts sucking up to the cat.
Voted most likely to be a cylon by the fives and sixs.

Carrie Liz

Okay, sharing another funny thing that my cats did.

I caught it on video this time.

Basically, my cat Louise was sitting on the couch with my roommate, and her tail was dangling over the edge. Her sister Thelma was on the floor, and started playing with it. Hilarity and cuteness ensued.



My family likes to joke that my cat and dog have reverse personality; like my dog (a big ol' German Shepard / Black Lab mix) sleeps on top of our couch for example. It's kind of amusing.
"Stay tuned next for the sound of your own thoughts, broadcast live on the radio for all to hear." -- Cecil (Welcome to Night Vale)


Sir Real

My dog, Buddy, eats his kibble out of a big fuzzy slipper. I'm not sure how this started  ::)

Also, when my dad is eating then finishes he'll tell him "All gone!" and Buddy will start barking at him.


James :)

My Jack Russell (Rosie) pees while cocking both legs. She also humps my neighbour's male dog.  :laugh:
ıllıllı ι cнooѕe тo lιve, noт jυѕт eхιѕт. - jaмeѕ нeтғιeld ıllıllı


My girl, Shadow, a 10-going-on-11 pure black lab refuses to go into any sort of body of wage, including rain, small puddles, a half foot tall deflated swimming pool, etc. She drinks it though, kinda can't live without y'know? There have been times where she would just reluctantly walks into it, especially during rainfall. I dunno whether it was caused by a traumatic event, never got accustomed to water, or she just plain hates it. Oh and she would beg me or Dad to let her outside while it's raining only to come back seconds later. She'll stand there, soaking, and literally giving me the puppy eyes to dry her off. I swear she does that just so she can get rubbed down by a huge ol' beach towel.


My dog tends to talk back when she knows she's in trouble for something.


Quote from: Marcel on June 11, 2014, 08:57:44 PM
My dog tends to talk back when she knows she's in trouble for something.

That can be so annoying! My dog has started doing that recently at work, talk about embarrassing! :embarrassed:

They already think I'm a pushover dog mom, but now when she starts barking in her kennel, say, when I walk by with another dog, if I go up to her to say 'no!' she starts barking louder.. looks me right in the eye, too!

I love my little monster <3 ;D


My cat used to stay in my room at night. One night he was in there and decided to let himself out. He reached up with his paws and turned the dooknob. He then opened the door and let himself out.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"


My corgi Walter was staring at our skylight last night for some reason. It was completely dark outside and our roof is super high up, so it puzzled me when he was looking up like "....O_O" There was certainly something up there to get his attention... maybe just his reflection lol

My other corgi Pixie barks EXTREMELY loud, and when you tell her to be quiet, sometimes she just look at you and do a really quiet 'woof' as back talk.


My sister's dog Murray is scared of the stairs. He can't go more than a few steps in either direction. Cody (large dog) hates it when I'm doing something that's not petting her. She'll walk or sit in between me and my controllers or my phone or whatnot, paw my back, push around my face with her nose, etc. My small dog, Mya, is a spastic fluff, so almost everything she does is funny. She often slips going up or down the stairs when she's super excited. Sometimes she'll randomly bolt outside then run back in and just speed around the house for a minute or two and then just chill. We still can't figure out why, but it's really funny. Toothless (baby Bearded Dragon) likes to play with the background picture behind his vivarium (a lovely scenic picture of Hyrule: OOT version). We think he is the chosen one.


My dog seems to have memorised my father's irregular work schedule and therefore knows when and when not to wait for him. She was so upset when he didn't come home when he was in the hospital that she wouldn't believe me when I said he couldn't come home yet and I had to drag her to the car to show her that, no, your owner's not here.
She also knows how to put her front paws together if you tell her to "pray".

Laci Marie

My cat likes to follow me EVERYWHERE. Even when I take a shower, he'll try to jump into the bathtub without trying to get wet. I guess he just loves me. ^^