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Your Top 10 Favorite Movies Ever- Go!

Started by JohnnieRamona, July 10, 2012, 07:32:37 AM

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in reverse alphabetical order:

The Wild Bunch
Prince of Darkness
LOTR (the set)
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Friendly Persuasion
Destroy All Monsters
Bridges of Madison County
The Avengers
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


Laurie K

   Not in any particular order....

  1. Back to The Future No.1
  2. Planes Trains Automobiles
  3. Gone Girl
  4. The Little Big Man
  5. Steel Magnolias
  6. Frances
  7. Vacation
  8. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  9. Remo Williams
10. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

The ball is now rolling....I hope it doesnt run me 0ver


the original ' Thing'
'         '        ' Invasion of the Body Snatchers "
'         '         ' The Day The earth Stood Still '
                      ' Jesus Christ Super Star '
                     ' The Imaginarium  Of Dr. Parnassus '
                      ' Star Wars '
                       ' Avatar'
                       ' Goldfinger "
                       ' Batman with Heath Ledger "
                        ' Alice's  Restaurant "

Sharon Anne McC


This list is in no particular order:

Fun With Dick and Jane
The Babysitter's Dead
Boys Don't Cry
Last of Sheila
Second Wife
To Sir With Love
Penny Serenade
Prison Song
New Jack City
Godfather (I count the whole saga as one)


1956:  Birth (AMAB)
1974-1985:  Transition (core transition:  1977-1985)
1977:  Enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center's 'Gender Dysphoria Program'
1978:  First transition medical appointment
1978:  Corresponded with Janus Information Facility (Galveston)
1978:  Changed my SSA file to Sharon / female
1979:  First psychological evaluation - passed
1979:  Began ERT (Norinyl, DES, Premarin, estradiol, progesterone)
1980:  Arizona affirmed me legally as Sharon / female
1980:  MVD changed my licence to Sharon / female
1980:  First bank account as Sharon / female
1982:  Inter-sex exploratory:  diagnosed Inter-sex (genetically female)
1983:  Inter-sex corrective surgery
1984:  Full-blown 'male fail' phase
1985:  Transition complete to female full-time forever
2015:  Awakening from self-imposed deep stealth and isolation
2015 - 2016:  Chettawut Clinic - patient companion and revision
Today:  Happy!
Future:  I wanna return to Bangkok with other Thai experience friends



1. Sunset Boulevard
2. Chinatown
3. Schindler's List
4. The 400 Blows
5. Dangerous Liaisons
6. Seven Samurai
7. Inglorious Bastards
8. Vertigo
9. Double Indemnity
10. Barry Lyndon
11. The Elephant Man
12. The Bicycle Thief
13. Pulp Fiction
14. Diabolique
15. Reservoir Dogs


cause I'm a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania . Hit it!
Rocky Horror
Rocky Horror
Rocky Horror
Rocky Horror
Rocky Horror
American Psycho
Natural born killers
Pulp Fiction
clockwork orange



(Other than top position) in no particular order...

1. There Will be Blood
2. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
3. Fargo
4. Ferris Buellers day off
5. Apocalypse Now
6. Blade Runner
7. Momento
8. The Matrix
9. The Shawshank Redemption
10. The Blues Brothers
Writer/Director & 4 time Emmy® winner


#1 Léon: The Professional
#2 The Road Warrior
#3 The Empire Strikes Back
#4 Return of the Jedi
#5 Aliens
#6 2001: A Space Odyssey
#7 The Fountain
#8 The Abyss
#9 Robocop (1987)
#10 Enter the Dragon

These are just my personal favorites, not my idea of the height of movies or the best movies ever made... just the ones I personally enjoy watching the most. My list of "greatest films ever made" would have some different (and much older) movies on it.

Léon has been my favorite movie since it came out and nothing has really topped it since.

"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Here is my list:

#1 Serenity
#2 Blade Runner
#3 Miller's Crossing
#4 Snatch
#5 Alien
#6 Kill Bill (Vol 1 & 2)
#7 Princess Bride
#8 Jackie Brown
#9 M*A*S*H
#10 Adventures of Pricilla: Queen of the Desert


1. Godfather Part 1
2. Godfather Part 2
3. Usual Suspects
4. Memento
5. Allelulia! The Devils Carnival
6. Repo! The Genetic Opera
7. Pans Labyrinth
8. Empire Strikes Back
9. Ghostbusters
10. Watchmen
- Crystal

"Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. Beauty is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul."



1. Wrongfully Accused
2. My Cousin Vinny
3. Dr. Zhivago
4. Run Lola Run
5. Moulin Rouge
6. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
7. The Fall
8. Star Wars: A New Hope
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
10. Blade Runner

Jennifer RachaelAnn

In no specific order (for the most part):

1-) The Libertine
2-) Dances With Wolves
3-) Sling Blade
4-) The Ninth Gate
5-) What's Eating Gilbert Grape
6-) Big Fish
7-) A Bronx Tale
8-) Gone With The Wind
9-) Sweeney Todd
10-) The Davinci Code
11-) The Shawshank Redemption
12-) The Green Mile
13-)Brokeback Mountain
14-) Don Juan Demarco
15-) Chocolat
16-) From Hell
17-) The Nightmare Before Christmas
19-) The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
20-) Donnie Brasco

This was not easy, to pick 10. There are just too many I had to pick thru. So you're getting a double list. You're mean making me pick only 10!  ;D
"There are many who would take my time. I shun them.
There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them.
There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them."

-Anton Szandor LaVey



I had to leave so many options off the list it was depressing. I put descriptions on some of them for fun.

The Blair Witch project:
was a game changer for the found-footage genre. How could I not put it on this list?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Only movie with body horror that I can tolerate.
House of Wax:
Ridiculous story and with liberal cringe-pain horror. I've watched it many times, always makes me laugh.
Woman in Black
Pitch Black:
Whenever I don't know what kind of movie to watch with someone, this is
Don't Breathe
A Serbian Film:
Absolute horror and tragedy. Somehow comedic in its total misery; Every time you think it can't get worse, it gets worse. You need a strong stomach to watch it. I've only watched it a couple times but it impacted my life in such a positive way I couldn't leave it off the list.
kindest regards possible,


In no particular order:-

Ex Machina
Rust And Bone
Lord Of The Rings - Trilogy (Cop out, yeah yeah, sorry)
Pulp Fiction
The Dark Knight
Get Out
10-22-15 - Begin


I am NOT a "Trekkie" ... not even close ...
yet the movie StarTrekIV: VoyageHome is (imo / for various reasons) SUBLIME ...
and one of my most beloved ...

STIV:VH (some ,,, of the many very) FunnyMoments Sampler

atm ... the whole move is viewable on YT ...

I'll get to the other 9 ... eventually ... 1by1 ... (maybe)


1. Pretty Woman (All time fav)
2. Set It Off
3. To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar + Priscilla Queen of the Desert
4. Muriels Wedding
5. Mona Lisa Smile
6. The Ugly Truth
7. The Notebook
8. The Pelican Brief
9. The Time Travellers Wife
10. The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty & The Beast
11. Top Gun + A Few Good Men
12. Not Without My Daughter
13. Love & Basketball
14. Breakfast at Tiffanys, Sabrina, Funny Face, Roman Holiday (Audrey Hepburn)
15. A Streetcar Named Desire, On The Waterfront, The Godfather (Marlon Brando)
16. Monster
17. Thelma and Louise
18. Forrest Gump
19. Gangs Of New York
20 The Big Sleep (Bogart & Bacall)
Blossoming with my Happy Pills :)


Oh ok um:
1: The Green mile
2: Rush Hour
3: Austin powers (all of them)
4: Fat Albert
5: Garfield
6: The Hangover
7: James Bond (most of them)
8: Guardians of the Galaxy
9: The Princess Bride
10: Monty Python


1. The host. LOVE this movie.
2.  Hunger games. All of them.
3.  The help.
4.  Beautiful boxer. Great trans movie.
5.  Titanic.  Really good for an old movie.
6.  Aliens. Another old movie that is excellent.
7.  Trans America.
8.  300.
9.  Dark skies.
10. Prometheus.
Born 1989
Transitioned 2001
Began hrt 2001

Jamie 65

No order

Apocalypse Now
Finding private Benjamin
forest gump
Gone With the wind
Gangs Of New York
Pulp Fiction
Let the Right One In
Blazing Saddles
The Good The Bad and the Ugly.


In no particular order:

Star Wars
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfather
The Green Mile
Pulp Fiction
The Empire Strikes Back
Apocalypse Now
The Lord of the Rings (I am not sure which though!)
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Wolf Children