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The Never-Ending Story

Started by Alexis, September 08, 2012, 01:57:16 PM

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Kevin Peña

...cancel my credit card, that thieving rapscallion!" He left the 7=11 and...


...informed the band of escaped convicts what hotel and room they could find the ferret in. The convicts gave the fat huntsman...


...a lemon chess pie. While he was walking he slipped on a puddle though and fell face-first into the pie.

Jamie D

"Mmmm. Could use a little more vanilla though."

Looking out the window, he saw ...


...a man with a white beard walking 9 reindeer. He thought...

Kevin Peña

that he saw Santa, but it was just a poster. He left the facility and went to the train where the ferret was picking up trash in hopes of using it to go to the hotel. He saw the ferret, reached for his gun, and...


...aimed it at the ferret. He pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. He left the bullets at home. The ferret spotted the fat man holding the gun and...

Jamie D

... dropping his trousers, mooned the huntsman.


His bum was so pale since the ferret always wore trousers. The brightness wound up blinding the huntsman.

Kevin Peña

Using this opportunity to escape, the ferret exited the station and ran into a nearby pizzeria. His vision cleared, the huntsman saw that his target escaped and...




And he was blinded by the light,
revved up like a deuce
by the rumor in the night,
And he was blinded by the white
flashing butt of that darn ferret
don't take an unloaded gun to
a rodent fetching fight

And he burst into tears again. How many days had it been since his last injection of estrogen? The ferret always kept track for him. And why was he calling himself a he? Oh God, not again, she sobbed.
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive

Kevin Peña

The huntsman hasn't been in the city in a while, so he tried to look for a gender therapist in a phone book. Unfortunately, those are all but obsolete, so he needed a way to gain this information. He asked around and learned of the internet. However, he had no idea how it worked, so he visited a computer shop and...


...tried to order a pizza. The guy who worked there just stared at the huntsman blankly for a minute not sure if he was serious. Finally worker told the huntsman to check out the pizza place down the block, they had the best stuff anywhere close-by. So the huntsman left the computer shop and when to the pizza place. When he walked into the door he saw the ferret sitting there at the counter eating a slice. The huntsman...

Kevin Peña

grabbed a pizza cutter from the counter and went towards the ferret. Using all of his wits, the ferret ripped the melted cheese off of his pizza and used it to blind the huntsman. Afterwards, the ferret...

Ms. OBrien CVT

found a bolt hole that the rabbit left and down he went.  The rabbit saw the ferret and ran down the tunnel.  The ferret followed and came out in the computer shop.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Meanwhile the huntsman stormed out of the pizzeria enraged, with cheese still all over his scorched face. He was in pursuit of the ferret in total bloodlust. A patrolling officer saw the crazed, pizza-faced man and...

Ms. OBrien CVT

Tazed and handcuffed the huntsman.  Then the officer took the huntsman to the local mental ward.

Meanwhile the ferret found a shelter for ferrets through Google.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

Jamie D

The escaped prisoners, watching the entire scene, quietly snuck out the back door, only to find ...


that they had been bamboozled! Not only had they not been allowed to enter the gay club for the unforgivable crime of atrocious taste in clothing, but they also had been banned from Grindr!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Sue was just beginning to bake a pie when her husband
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?