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consciousness flows through generations of families = To my sons

Started by Amazon D, January 06, 2013, 08:45:58 AM

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Amazon D

consciousness flows through generations of families = To my sons

In my life i am a seeker of the truth. My mother has the truth of love and calmness and it has been handed down to me over time. That is why i spend my time as her caregiver. My father didn't and suffered much. I am glad that you both are seeking the truth of life. As you know i have done everything possible in my life to attain enlightenment and cut out any evil from past generations. I will always seek that as i want to know that if or when i come back again in the next lifetime i will have resolved many of the issues i presently have and can then resolve further issues. I desire to be with the One almighty source, yahweh and his enlightened son yahshua. I want to be the one who helps the next generations of my family to find freedom with the truth. You both have a lot of truth within you two.

Here is some of what i have found that the powers to be in the world want to hide from the common man. They know there is reincarnation and they want most people to believe in a false understanding so they can be controlled from one generation to the next. It is the evil in them that wants to be reincarnated into the next life to continue to keep people enslaved. In India now they are bringing the Americanization to those people, who have had generations of spiritual enlightened relatives. That is evil. I know we are good, so it is up to us, to resolve our own issues and then turn around the evil ones (who hide knowledge) who want to bring pain and suffering to the world. They want control and power and so they know to make the basic human to be a dummy by having them watch TV and not get any insights as to the truth. Yes some TV has some enlightenment shows but even them are very controlled. They have for 1700 yrs used the limited bible as a way of instilling fear in people. They have stopped the teachings of the gospel of Thomas which speaks of reincarnation from being in the canonized bible. They did this in the 3rd century with their great
This evil / people who generation after generation seek to control the masses want people like you and me to suffer and fear and be controlled. They are planning a one world government where satan their spiritual leader will rule over earth. However, we who seek the truth and goodness know the evil ones want to see the old earth destroyed and we who are good and follow God want to see a new Jerusalem created by the one the source the God Yahweh. However, we do not want to cause any of this destruction. We seek this world to be a world of peace and love.
see the following sites to get a better understanding to the truth.

gospel of Thomas.

Jesus in india before he taught

The persons web site who made Jesus in India and also tells about reincarnation and meditation. click the upper video first.
In that site i heard the words that i put in the subject line ""consciousness flows through generations of families""

then i googled those words and found this site
which spoke about the consciousness flows thru generations of families.

and in that site i found the "caul" which tells of a layer of skin that a child is born with covering the body. Those children are very spiritual if they are born in peace and quietness and not born in hospitals.

then i remember some sites of how certain soldiers who fought in iraq who came back and told how we attacked them not for the oil or the gold but to steal the ancient knowledge.

So we can know that there are evil people / families who have evil bloodlines that would have our children born in hospitals and not naturally and they would steal all knowledge of past lives as was kept out of the bible as in the gospel of Thomas. I am not sure which logia has it but i read it last week there about reincarnation.

It is also known that the evil families meet in a the bohemian grove redwood forest and sing praise to satan and they know they are coming back to earth and want to come back evil incarnate.

So the evil plan is to take over the earth with generations of evil reincarnates from evil families to rule earth. they do not want any goodness or people to have any of the truth of our past which would enlighten us to the fact of our true spiritual nature and ability. They want us dumb so they can make a one world evil nation following their evil satan which is the evil conscience of families that presently rule the earth in many places.

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE
