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An Addict

Started by Ms. OBrien CVT, February 05, 2013, 04:57:37 PM

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Ms. OBrien CVT

I am an addict.  My drug of choice is nicotine.  I have smoked for the last 45 years or more.  I smoke a pack or better.

But I have recently changed the delivery system for my drug.  Like many people I have tried to quit and never made it.  But recently I purchased an e-cigarette system.  So far I am 5 days without a cigarette.  I don't seem to have that craving I had before.  Yes I am still getting nicotine, but I have found I am coughing a bit more as my body tries to eliminate the juck in my lungs.

I do feel some what better.  I will know more at the end of the month.  Oh and you can cut down on the amount of nicotine you get if you refill your own cartomizers.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


I wish you the best of luck!  And if things get rough, at least you already know of a great support site where nice people will cheer you on :P
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



Congratulations on making it 5 days. Keep up the hard work, you can do it.



Good work, Janet! The beginning is the worst time. It gets easier as you go. I know, because:

I am an addict. My drug of choice is alcohol. I blew a .27 on a breathalyzer and haven't touched a drop since. That was in 1986.

@Bethany "I finally have a picture of myself as my avatar"  Yes, you do! Good to see you. Hugs, Devlyn