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Started by Mr.X, May 13, 2013, 01:13:17 PM

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Right, after my depressing post about dating and such, I felt like a more cheerful post.

What do you guys enjoy doing in your spare time? Are they typical man hobbies? Girl hobbies? Something in between?

I'm a real geek. I love gaming and have enjoyed online games. Mass Effect, Dishonored, Far Cry, World of Warcraft just to name a few.... But I also enjoy roleplay. Even though that is a real geeky thing to enjoy, I do have a feeling it is something enjoyed mostly by girls. To me, roleplay is an escape. I have always roleplayed guy characters, after all.
On top of that, I enjoy bird watching. I don't know many women who enjoy that, to be honest. But come on, birds are awesome!

So, what about you?


I USED to play MMO's but I find that after my transition and stuff I don't need them as an escape anymore lol. :D

Right now and for the past years I've really been into cycling. I wouldn't call it a hobby though, its more of an addiction. Idk if its more typically male or female and I don't really care either way. I have many road bikes both in my garage and in my room and I treat them like they were my own children. xD I also have a tendency to get way off topic and too absorbed into what I'm saying when I start talking about cycling, so I'm gonna stop now.


I'm a pretty boring person, I don't really have hobbies.  If I'm somewhere interesting I'll turn into a photographer for the whole time, I was constantly driving my parents insane when we went to Iceland and I was taking photographs of things they couldn't see any interest in.  I'm hoping that if I manage to work driving lessons into my schedule and get a car then I'll get more engaged in that again and be able to go out and take photographs without jetting off to foriegn countries.  Apparently that's a more masculine hobby, but I don't really think of it as gendered at all.

I used to do a lot of writing, but the topics normally spark up bad thoughts now, and I can't think of any happy inspiration, so I occasionally write a bit of Harry Potter fanfiction but that's it.  I suppose that's a litle more female orientated, but I don't know, I can't tell what gender people are from their usernames.

What I seem to spend most of my time doing now is watching either train documentaries, Air Crash Investigation (happens to be what's on TV at the moment, amazing landing!), or history documentaries, or researching these things.  I think that's pretty manly things to be doing, especially train stuff.  I'm obsessed with trains, if I hear a train in the background by my house I can tell the direction it's going, whether it's on time or not, and have a pretty good guess at why it's late if it is.  If I can tell which direction it's going I'll tell you what time it is, and then bore the life out of everyone around me.


Quote from: AlexanderC on May 13, 2013, 01:46:16 PM
I'm a pretty boring person, I don't really have hobbies.  If I'm somewhere interesting I'll turn into a photographer for the whole time, I was constantly driving my parents insane when we went to Iceland and I was taking photographs of things they couldn't see any interest in.  I'm hoping that if I manage to work driving lessons into my schedule and get a car then I'll get more engaged in that again and be able to go out and take photographs without jetting off to foriegn countries.  Apparently that's a more masculine hobby, but I don't really think of it as gendered at all.

I used to do a lot of writing, but the topics normally spark up bad thoughts now, and I can't think of any happy inspiration, so I occasionally write a bit of Harry Potter fanfiction but that's it.  I suppose that's a litle more female orientated, but I don't know, I can't tell what gender people are from their usernames.

What I seem to spend most of my time doing now is watching either train documentaries, Air Crash Investigation (happens to be what's on TV at the moment, amazing landing!), or history documentaries, or researching these things.  I think that's pretty manly things to be doing, especially train stuff.  I'm obsessed with trains, if I hear a train in the background by my house I can tell the direction it's going, whether it's on time or not, and have a pretty good guess at why it's late if it is.  If I can tell which direction it's going I'll tell you what time it is, and then bore the life out of everyone around me.

My property abuts the railroad, I don't need a clock!


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on May 13, 2013, 02:05:46 PM

My property abuts the railroad, I don't need a clock!

We have 2 every hour which makes it a little confusing... Are least we know it's either 43 or 7 minutes past the hour though!


I'm addicted to dog training. I train in agility, obedience, and schutzhund. With the move to Indiana there's a French ring club about two hours away in Ohio that I'm really excited about.

I really like to knit but I'm still learning how to make socks. It comes with a 'I can make that cheaper than buying it' mentality. I like to be self sufficient as much as I can while living in the city and still buying food at a store.

I love horses and spend as much time at barns as I can. I haven't been able to in about a year because of where I live but I'm hoping to pick that up again soon. Cleaning the barn from top to bottom, including mucking stalls, is a great work out without a gym fee and sometimes you're lucky enough to find a place that will pay you for the work. So far I've been doing it as a volunteer position.
I also really enjoy horse riding/horse training.

Hiking, camping, and hunting are some of my outdoor hobbies. This past winter was my first real winter and I wasn't able to go skiing but I think I'll like it a lot when I'm able to next winter.

Bikejoring is something I'm getting into. I'm working on my fitness while my dog matures a bit more. She's under a year old so she's too young to pull. Sometimes she goes out with me on the bike for a short jog to build up her endurance.

I really like making things with my hands. I've made all of the furniture I own besides my bed frame (it was imported from Indonesia and I bought it from craigslist. SCORE!). I'm especially proud of the desk I built. The design is great and I took hours sanding and staining and finishing it to perfection.

I've always been into do-it-yourself, get active, stay busy hobbies. I don't consider any of these male or female. Plenty of women are professional carpenters and designers and plenty of men are in the textile business. The key thing I've noticed about my hobbies is that most of them don't involve another human being. If I want to spend time with someone I'll go out and have fun. My hobbies are my alone time.
I believe in invisible pink unicorns



I have the usual hobbies of reading books, comics, and manga and watching movies, anime, and tv shows. I get overly excited about things I like especially fictional which I am aware is girly, but it's so much fun. Music is a love of mine. I also like to research things. Mythology and folklore are my life. Brains, genetics, and the advances that are being and their potential for future healthcare and how we understand ourselves are exciting. I self reflect a little too much. I am getting into sewing so I can make my own clothes and costumes, but that's more a means to an end. I like wearing costumes and I'd wear one almost every day if I could. I like going to museums. I like old things and reproductions of old things. I also like camping (the real camping, not the trailer camping), but I haven't had the opportunity in several years. I walk a lot. I want to get in the habit of working out. I also have a habit of starting to teach myself a language and then giving up, but I want to get rid of the giving up part. Oh yeah I also have a habit of collecting wind instruments. I can play some of them and some are too decorative to play.


I'm addicted to role playing. It has taken up a good portion of my life for the last six or seven years. I don't think that it's necessarily a girl's hobby, though I agree that generally you'll find more girls than boys. The site that I was on for a long time had the men in a slight majority, though.

Video games are also great. :-D I like RPGs, unsurprisingly, and MineCraft.

Past that I'm really hard pressed to think of any real hobbies I have. I've always wanted more hobbies, but nothing ever really sticks. I'm good at writing and it's what I like to do, so I stick with that most of the time. I've tried drawing, but my skills are mediocre and I'm not willing to put in the time to hone them; I've tried playing guitar, but I get discouraged pretty easily. I used to read a lot, and I've got a list of books to get through, but my reading has been forgotten in favor of writing the last few years.

When we have lost everything, including hope,
Life becomes a disgrace, and death a duty.
v o l t a i r e


Video games, pokemon, I'd consider those guys hobbies :D
Watching TV, Reading, I think mostly both gender hobbies?
Also enjoy costume making, which I think is mostly female-dominated. And by costume making, I don't mean clothes, but more like mascot costumes and such. I'm not good, nor am I very experienced, but it's fun none the less.

I'd LOVE to be able to go horseback riding more, but there's no stables near me that aren't insanely expensive. Once I get off my lazy butt to go get my license, I'm hoping to volunteer at a horse rescue. For every full day of volunteer work, you get an hour of riding time :D Considering the cost of their hour trail rides, this is well worth it since I love horses and don't mind the work at all.

Check me out on instagram @flammamajor


Awesome that so many of you enjoy video games!

QuoteAlso enjoy costume making, which I think is mostly female-dominated. And by costume making, I don't mean clothes, but more like mascot costumes and such. I'm not good, nor am I very experienced, but it's fun none the less.

I got the same thing going on. I want to make awesome cosplay Mass effect weapons. Yay for roleplay!

King Malachite

I play video games (as you already know).  I love playing video games but I can't buy them like I want to because of the stupid high prices and the DLC

I also write fanfiction.

I love to listen to music and watch videos on Youtube.

I love to sleep my life away.

I love to daydream.

Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: CursedFireDean on May 13, 2013, 03:53:39 PM

I'd LOVE to be able to go horseback riding more, but there's no stables near me that aren't insanely expensive. Once I get off my lazy butt to go get my license, I'm hoping to volunteer at a horse rescue. For every full day of volunteer work, you get an hour of riding time :D Considering the cost of their hour trail rides, this is well worth it since I love horses and don't mind the work at all.

I volunteered at a horse rescue for a few years and loved it, but since it was a ex racehorse rehab barn only the trainer was allowed to be up on them. Here's a picture of my favorite, Eddie, who's still up for adoption. He loved to steal the rake from me and kick over the wheelbarrow full of manure.
I believe in invisible pink unicorns



Quote from: randomroads on May 13, 2013, 05:29:24 PM
I volunteered at a horse rescue for a few years and loved it, but since it was a ex racehorse rehab barn only the trainer was allowed to be up on them. Here's a picture of my favorite, Eddie, who's still up for adoption. He loved to steal the rake from me and kick over the wheelbarrow full of manure.

He's a beautiful horse :O
Some of the horses at this rescue can only be ridden by certain people because they rescue abused horses- so some of them are extremely skittish, hard to handle, etc. Last time I was there though, she let me ride most of the horses with a few exceptions. I actually got to help break one of them of her kicking problem. (Although, the stable owner actually tricked me into it :P) It was nice there, they were really good at recognizing people's comfort and skill level on a horse.

Check me out on instagram @flammamajor


I like to go fishing and wakeboarding/tubing (so much fun!!). I also like to ride my BMX bike :)



Quote from: AlexanderC on May 13, 2013, 02:10:37 PM
We have 2 every hour which makes it a little confusing... Are least we know it's either 43 or 7 minutes past the hour though!

Hourly trains to Boston here, every thirty minutes during morning and evening rush, this is the bottom of my driveway. (Sorry for bad pic)



I like doing some girly things: knitting, crocheting, sewing (except I hate my sewing machine!  :icon_chainsaw: ). I think my gender neutral hobbies are: dyeing fabric, working with stained glass (though I haven't done that in years, but if I get a house one day of y own I'll get the equipment), cooking, and exercising. My manly hobbies are. . . hmm. . . lifting weights? So much seems gender neutral to me. I try to read sometimes.

Like Alex, I also like trains, but don't watch docs on them or anything. My great-uncle used to own a store that sold those little trains that go around train-tracks that you can install on your walls in your house, it was pretty cool.

Quote from: randomroads on May 13, 2013, 02:31:56 PM
I'm addicted to dog training. I train in agility, obedience, and schutzhund. With the move to Indiana there's a French ring club about two hours away in Ohio that I'm really excited about.

I really like to knit but I'm still learning how to make socks. It comes with a 'I can make that cheaper than buying it' mentality. I like to be self sufficient as much as I can while living in the city and still buying food at a store.

Want to train my dog? I am trying to get her to let me spray some plague blaster into her mouth  :D And, socks are pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  :)

Quote from: Devlyn Marie on May 13, 2013, 02:05:46 PM
My property abuts the railroad, I don't need a clock!

Damn that Purple Slug  :D I'll be waving to you next time!
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


"Damn that Purple Slug!"

The Lavender Layover?


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on May 13, 2013, 07:29:31 PM
"Damn that Purple Slug!"

The Lavender Layover?

Haha yeah, apparently my close to $300/month isn't enough to keep the trains on time. One Saturday this winter I was standing outside waiting (whistle stop isn't open on weekends), it was the coldest day of the year, and the thing just never came! Me and the others there nearly froze to death until we just decided to say F it and leave.  :D (Though I do like the conductors)
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Quote from: harlee on May 13, 2013, 07:05:45 PM
I like to go fishing and wakeboarding/tubing (so much fun!!). I also like to ride my BMX bike :)

Oh, I forgot about wakeboarding and tubing! I do that!
I've always wanted to try BMX biking, but never had a chance :/

Check me out on instagram @flammamajor


True story: One Saturday before they eliminated  weekend service, I took the train into Boston. When the train stopped to pick me up, the door opened and there were two conductors greeting me. I told them that the Congressional Railroad Act of 1794 required them to sing "I Been Workin' On The Railroad" anytime I requested it. They both burst out laughing and never collected my fare.