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Unisex bathrooms appear on UM-Flint campus, catering to families, transgender in

Started by Amelia Pond, August 21, 2013, 09:04:12 AM

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Amelia Pond

Unisex bathrooms appear on UM-Flint campus, catering to families, transgender individuals
Sarah Schuch, August 20, 2013, 7:30 AM

The options for bathrooms at the University of Michigan-Flint has gone from the usual men's and women's rooms to include a third choice -- unisex.

With every major renovation on campus, a unisex bathroom will be added...

The unisex bathrooms serve a few purposes, such as more room for families and parents or grandparents with young children, privacy of a single room and safety and comfort for transgender or gender-nonconforming individuals, university officials said...

Jen Salamone, program coordinator for the LGBT Center for UM-Flint, said she is happy to see unisex bathrooms on campus and hopes to see more in the future.

"We're very supportive of unisex bathrooms or gender-neutral bathrooms because they create a safer campus environment for transgender or nonconforming students, staff and faculty," Salamone said...

Salamone said she is excited to see the bathrooms popping up around campus. They are usually seen as family bathrooms, but they are beneficial to the GBLT community...

Transgender individuals identify with a different gender than they were assigned at birth and gender nonconforming students could be, for example, men who wear female clothing. Gender-neutral bathrooms are important to prevent incidents and make people feel safe, Salamone said.