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US adults are dumber than the average human. A scientific fact seemingly!!!

Started by Cindy, October 09, 2013, 12:33:21 AM

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Quote from: Cindy on October 09, 2013, 12:33:21 AM
I didn't want to post this - the Devil made me!!!

Amazingly that such a dumb people save the Australians from having to learn Japanese and the English from having to learn German...

BTW... when was the last itme Australinas were in the Moon?



I'm figuring its because most of us don't have access to the prison library....



Donna Elvira

I prefer to avoid this sort of thread which can get quite heated and who cares anyway but Peky, citing Mark Twain  "There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics..", you might be interested in this text  :)

P.S. Obviously, this can also apply to the O.P... ;)

Antonia J

Yeah! And Americans play real football, not that stuff from the other side of the pond. And...and...we invented McDonald's!


Quote from: Antonia J on December 20, 2013, 02:35:06 PM
Yeah! And Americans play real football, not that stuff from the other side of the pound. And...and...we invented McDonald's!
And don't forget Freedom Fries!!!


Quote from: Ms. OBrien CVT on December 20, 2013, 12:36:11 PM
What do you expect from a country where the most popular TV personality is Honey Boo Boo.

lol she's kinda funny

Jill F

Quote from: VeryGnawty on December 20, 2013, 04:28:35 AM
This is what happens when you protect people from themselves.  Seat belt laws, anti-smoking laws, etc.

If we would just let natural selection take its course, we would be fine.  Instead, we insist on protecting people from themselves, and their foolish choices get worse as they teach them to their offspring who proceed to make even worse choices.

We definitely need more Darwin awards. 

I think the movie "Idiocracy" nailed it.  All the smart people didn't reproduce, but all the dummies had litters of kids.  Play that out over a few generations...  And yes, I have no kids.

Jill F

Quote from: Miss_Bungle1991 on December 20, 2013, 03:45:05 PM
Burritos are superior to Tacos.

I'm getting my burrito turned into a taco someday, but whatever floats your dinghy...


Quote from: peky on December 20, 2013, 12:58:17 PM
Amazingly that such a dumb people save the Australians from having to learn Japanese and the English from having to learn German...

BTW... when was the last itme Australinas were in the Moon?

Oh Honey don't get upset by a silly newspaper article.

Now lets just check, USA pop = 317 million. Australia = 23 million Mmmm maybe that reflects in the publication and patent information!

BTW... when was the last itme Australinas were in the Moon?

Not sure, but if I ever meet an Australina I will make sure to ask what itme it is!!

Enough already!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Jill F

Quote from: Cindy on December 20, 2013, 04:33:00 PM
Oh Honey don't get upset by a silly newspaper article.

Now lets just check, USA pop = 317 million. Australia = 23 million Mmmm maybe that reflects in the publication and patent information!

BTW... when was the last itme Australinas were in the Moon?

Not sure, but if I ever meet an Australina I will make sure to ask what itme it is!!

Enough already!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I bought a stylish Aussie made toilet, but somehow it doesn't flush in reverse.  Should I return it?


Quote from: Jill F on December 20, 2013, 04:01:26 PM
I'm getting my burrito turned into a taco someday, but whatever floats your dinghy...

:D :D That was a good one.


According to the article shared by The Advertiser, which originally appeared in the New York Post, I'd be considered dumb due to my current math skills (see my earlier comment in this thread for details). And according to other comments in this thread, I could be considered dumb because I've had kids.

I like anti-smoking laws. They prevent me from having to deal with second-hand smoke, which also gives my kids (and their mother) instant asthma attacks. I'm a bit perturbed that smoking is allowed in my apartment building and I can only hope that my neighbors who smoke take the necessary precautions. I should not have to be subjected to "natural selection" if they start a fire in their apartment and it consumes mine as well.

Likewise with seatbelt laws. If I crash a car into another car and someone sustains an injury that could've been prevented by using a seatbelt, I'm the one who gets protected.

As usual, these things are a little more complicated than what they seem to be on the surface. If the situation is actually one of education rather than intelligence (also see my previous comment in this thread), then part of the issue is that education isn't a high enough of a priority in this country. Often, the most crowded schools are in the poorest areas. These schools don't get the funding they need to provide education, which is little more than test training. The test scores are low and their meager funding gets cut. The system is designed to fail.