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Coming out to roommates

Started by 89thDay, February 26, 2014, 12:21:39 PM

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I'm at a point where I really desperately want to start telling people that I am trans, but I find myself running into a few roadblocks, and the possible reactions terrify me.
I've told a select few people, even met a new friend because he found my transitioning blog and we learned we go to the same school, and he calls me by Lukas/uses male pronouns, the whole shebang. However, just recently, he came over to visit me in-dorm, and I had to ask him to use my birth name and female pronouns while around my roommates. I haven't told them yet, and honestly I'm not sure that I want to...honestly I'm scared how they're going to react. When we signed up for the year, it ended up being an all-female dorm because most of their families didn't want them rooming with guys, despite the fact that my college has gender neutral/mixed gender housing.
I've contemplated just out and telling them, I've also contemplated letters, and I've also considered the route of simply not telling them at all, or at least not until the summer or until we're just about to move out. One of the big reasons I have hesitance towards telling them is that, once I do, it will likely spiral away from my control and others will begin to find out without me telling them. While I'd like to tell my roommates, and have them call me by my chosen name, I'm also scared because if I tell them, it means I have to be okay with my next door neighbors knowing as well[they're in our room all the time], as well as my DM, because if four out of five people are calling me Lukas, it'll be a bit confusing for my DM while we play. Lastly I'm also scared that if I do tell them, I might end up changing my mind later on and having to take it back. While I find this last one incredibly unlikely, it's still a fear, along with having to validify my reasons for wanting to transition...

So I guess my questions are these:
-Do you have any advice on coming out to roommates/co-workers?
-How did you know for sure that it was time to be more open and tell people around you?

Many thanks,
"We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear."

Came out publicly on July 19th, and started TRT on September 8th, 2014.


Dont be so afraid , people are nicer than they seem ...

Anyways I started coming out to people when I knew for sure that im gonna start transitioning.
Follow me and I ll do your dishes.

Also lets be friends on fb :D

Jessica Merriman

I agree with Princess. Wait until there is no doubt at all you are going to transition. When to tell is completely up to you. If you start HRT though your window will close fast as the changes become very evident. I told everyone before I even started HRT so there was no doubt if and when they saw physical changes taking place. Those that didn't know for some reason sure do now that I am full time. I sort of get that "do I know you look" and after we talk a little it goes to "No way"! So far I have not had too terrible a response, shock of course, but no "get away from me" type comment's. Most keep in touch after that, but not all. :)


I know I am going through this transition soon, so I have been telling my friends and roommates now (hoping by the summer to start hrt), my friends were really supportive about it and actually started texting me names to call me (they didnt like ryan lol), it was funny and a relief, so I would def make sure you are positive you will be going down this road



Okay so little update!
I haven't told my roomies yet[we're on spring break], and, thinking about it, I at least want to wait until later in the trimester, just for convenience sake. However! I made the decision to start telling more people,'s gone well!
I ended up telling my best friend[basically a sister to me], and honestly, after talking with her, and having her react so positively, it gave me a lot of courage. I was presented with an opportunity this weekend, which was a chance to tell my big sister[who had asked me to be her bridesmaid before, and who I didn't think I was going to see till later on]. I was positively nervous, ended up crying to her in the office, but when I finally got the words out, she smiled, comforted me, and said she would "always care about [me], whether it's as [her] baby sister, or her baby brother." Oh man it made me so dang happy to hear those words from her...
And that night, with a little encouragement from her and with her by my side, I also told my godmum, and they spoke to their respective partners for me.
Honestly, having such a good reaction here at home, it's giving me a lot of courage to start telling people at college. I'm still going to wait for just a little bit[just because of timing], but I feel a lot more confident in this now.

That's my little update!
[FalsePrincess, I definitely had your statement bouncing around in my mind as I made the decision, and I was just so glad that I took the chance. It's been amazing these past few days >w< ]
"We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear."

Came out publicly on July 19th, and started TRT on September 8th, 2014.


Im glad everything went well  :)
Its very very important to have accepting family and friends
Follow me and I ll do your dishes.

Also lets be friends on fb :D