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Live life however you choose

Started by dalebert, April 05, 2014, 08:49:11 PM

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Awesome. Sums up and encapsulates so much.

I never saw how the concept of no belief is seen by the religious as despair inducing. We have but one life to live. The improbability of our very existence is astounding. The elemenents that had to be put in place for us to have been born are insane. That chance encounter between your great great great great great grandarents. That soldier who died in The Great War would have married your great great grandmother instead and you'd never have been. Etc, etc.

There's enough wonder and amazement in this world without looking for a fantasy aspect. The real is more intriguing and awesome, in the true sense of the word, IMO.

When I look up to the sky I'm not dreaming up some fantasy heaven, I'm looking at the actual sky and imagining beyond that into space; realising how small we are and how lucky I am to even exist, and how lucky I am to exist as an atheist trans individual at this time of better acceptance. Sure, maybe a little later would have been good given advancements in acceptance but at least not earlier!

I can live life how I choose. I can do what needs done to satisfy my needs as a trans individual. I can not believe in mythology without fear of persecution. I can be my own man.

That buzz people seem to get from religious belief, I get it in cartoons like this that make you think, and, honestly, in scientific advancement. Space exploration especially. You don't need unfounded belief to get that buzz. If only more people knew that.


Have you been watching the new Cosmos? I'm only a little bit into the 2nd episode, but loving it so far.


Quote from: dalebert on April 05, 2014, 08:49:11 PM
You're free to live life however you choose.

A simplification, I'm sorry to say, because I so so so so wish it were true.

But if your job, social life, or place in the community, (or the well being of your children) depends on the regard that the people around you hold for you, then you will be constrained to temper your lifestyle into one that is generally approved of.

Yes, we'd like to believe what people think of us doesn't matter.

Tell that to the shopkeeper who spent decades building a business that could fold in short order if his supply of customers dried up.

Tell that to the parent whose kid attends the school in the community.

Tell that to anyone who values the fact that wherever he goes, people wave to him and smile at him and stop to chat.

Sorry to be a downer here, because the message sounds so seductive, but I'm not sure life really works that way.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Quote from: suzifrommd on April 06, 2014, 08:46:36 AM
Sorry to be a downer here, because the message sounds so seductive, but I'm not sure life really works that way.

It does. You just may not like all the consequences of your choices. The claim isn't saying that all will be rosy no matter what you choose.


Loving the Cosmos!

And yeah the message isn't live how you choose and be guaranteed happiness, it's live how YOU choose. One could choose to join Doctors Without Borders or they could equally choose to be a bad parent. The message isn't saying your choices are good ones or bad; it's saying they're your choices to make. There's no governing body who need tell you what to do or approve of it (outside of illegal matters, of course) so just go ahead and live those choices. Don't pray for something, actually make it happen yourself. Don't fear eternal damnation, just enjoy life! When you do something that works out well, don't praise a mythological god, give yourself that pat on the back! And yet, at the same time, if something goes wrong, take that righful responsibility and blame. Don't pass off the buck to mythology.