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Coworker Threatens Effeminate Man

Started by girlinguyjeans, May 20, 2014, 02:41:59 PM

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So I work in a grocery store, and have been for the past six months. I got to know every one in my store very well, coworkers and customers, and I've made some really great friends while working there. I'm a pretty quiet but likable person at work, and I've never had any fights with anyone I work with. All my coworkers seemed really nice and accepting until last night. It was about 9:30pm and I was sweeping the store with an older coworker (I'll just call him Joe here) and we pass a couple, one of the two is a young woman with bright pink hair and the other appeared to be male (I'm not sure about his gender, but will use male pronouns for the sake of ease) and was wearing short shorts and a black leather purse. Upon seeing the couple I smiled, just 'cuz I'm a romantic and seeing happy couples usually makes me happy as well. My second thought was how I really liked his purse. Joe and I greet them and continue sweeping, they say hey and go on their own way. They barely get 15 feet away when another one of my coworkers approaches Joe and I (I'll call this guy Chris), and says quietly, "did you see that guy?" I nod and Joe says yeah, neither of us must have seemed very interested in judging him because Chris gets angry. He begins to talk about how men shouldn't dress like that, and how thee girl with pink hair should be with a real man. I stay quiet, trying to think of what I can say to defend this guy without ruining my friendship with Chris or accidentally outing myself (I'm a translady but I've gotta live in guy mode a bit longer), and Joe just shrugs and is obviously just trying to ignore Chris. Chris seems totally unaware of how uncomfortable he's making the two of us and he continues talking, and eventually says, "I just want a baseball bat... A bat and a room with no cameras with that guy. Is it bad I think this way?" and at this point Joe looks really uncomfortable and says, "Just a little..." At this point, I feel terrified of this guy, and really pissed so I sarcastically repeat Joe's reply and tell Chris to let people do what they want, as it isn't his place to judge. He tells me "you can do whatever you want to in youre own house, but not in front of me," and he begins laughing and walks away. At this point I'm pretty angry and freaked out, but Joe and I keep sweeping and try to forget what Chris was saying. Later that night I manage to find my supervisor and I tell her what Chris said and that it was really creepy and really offended me (I was also shaking the entire time) and she reassures me that she'll tell the store manager and get him to speak with Chris about the incident. However when I left the store, I actually got off at the same time as Chris and I nervously started making small talk with him, and he talks back to me and is acting pretty normal but his tone of voice sounds really menacing and I get scared that he overheard me telling the supervisor what he said. But I got home safely that night, and fortunately have a few days off of work this week where I won't have to see him. However I'm actually pretty scared of this guy, as he was once my friend and invited me to play paintball with him and his wife once, and I really hope he doesn't know or learn that I'm the one who told on him as I feel he'd get really mad at me, maybe try to hurt me if he got in trouble or lost his job because of that. And even though his threat wasn't directed at me, and the guy it was directed at wasn't there, it still felt like he was threatening me. I plan on keeping my job throughout my transition as I get very good benefits, pay, and I'm on good terms with all my managers and supervisors so I have a chance to move up really fast, but his threat was basically like him saying, "if you transition while working here, I will eventually beat you up." So now I'm pretty scared. Is there anything I should do? Should I talk with the managers, or Chris, or what? :(
We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.


i'm by far still frazzled about this. i dont know why in some states there's more protection for the trans community and other states are still lacking. people like this get under my skin. anyways, you shouldnt give up on a possible transition though. lets hope this guy gets fired for that type of hate crime

Jill F

Fifty bucks says "Chris" secretly wishes he was a "Christine".   Methinks he doth protest too much.


@Brianna Umiko Liliana
Yeah, let's hope. And Florida is usually a very open-minded place (unless you're in the pan handle). I used to live in Orlando and would sneak down town with some friends to see the Come Out with Pride Parade where people from all over the LGBT spectrum come out, wear rainbow suits and gowns and parade through the streets down town and then throw huge parties afterwards. It's just so surprising (and scary) to see someone with so much hate working about 20 minutes from a really LGBT friendly place.

@Jill F
Hahaha maybe, but he should learn not to scare his sisters with his protests.
We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.

Sincerely Tegan

I'm not going to speculate on the reason behind your coworker's hate, but I will say that a great deal of this kind of talk from cisgendered males really does go nowhere. Unless you know him to have a history of violence, then he was probably just saying all that to make himself feel more secure in that moment. The chest-puffing is usually pretty indicative of a person who is scared that they will be seen to be as weak as they secretly feel. The paint-balling (a pretty masculine activity- those damn things HURT) seems to be congruous with this hypothesis.

You're fine for now. Don't let people like this get under your skin. If he ever threatens you, whether it's before or after you've come out, then go straight to your supervisors; you've already said they like and support you. Nobody has a right to make you feel unsafe.

You are strong or you would not have made it to this point and this level of self-acceptance. You can overcome the adversity of a work bully. Hopefully he'll never decide to get physical, but if he does, remember that you are not made of glass. When you come out, if he continues to express these thoughts, let your supportive coworkers back you up; I doubt they want to see any harm come to a woman, trans or not.

It sounds scary, but hang in there, girl. At work it sounds like you're not alone. And here on Susan's, you're definitely not.

Take care of yourself.

"You get what anyone gets. You get a lifetime."
-Death, Neil Gaiman's Sandman
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*hugs you tight*

I always feel so upset when someone makes one of my sisters feel this way. Hang in there, sweetie. I think Tegan is right and he's only talking crap to mask his own insecurities, but be careful anyway. Whatever happens, do not let him intimidate or bully you.


@Tegan and Pikachu

Thank you so much for the support. I'm feeling so much better and a lot less scared already. I won't let his words get under my skin (thats probably what he's want anyways) and i'll hold my head high. Thanks again :)
We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.


The idea of normal man i.e "real man" is somthing we are tought. This guy chris seems to think that because he is taking on that persona he is more deserving of the Girl.

I Think hes a tad jelouse, even if its only of the hand bag.


Quote from: ButterflyVickster on May 20, 2014, 03:48:31 PM
The idea of normal man i.e "real man" is somthing we are tought. This guy chris seems to think that because he is taking on that persona he is more deserving of the Girl.

I Think hes a tad jelouse, even if its only of the hand bag.

Maybe, lol
We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.


Quote from: Brianna Umiko Liliana on May 20, 2014, 02:52:27 PM
lets hope this guy gets fired for that type of hate crime

We should be clear that "Chris" just said something offensive and boarish about a customer to a couple of his co-workers.  One of the sports of working retail is making quips about customers, that is nothing new and sometimes people get carried away, stick their feet in their mouths, or otherwise say something stupid.

I think Chris deserves the benefit of the doubt of getting sensitivity training/education. Or at least a reminder to keep his filters in place and mouth shut while on the job. Otherwise his negative opinion of "different people" will be reinforced and he will probably harbor a grudge against them that may (probably will) wind up in actual violence at some point.

@ Jeans- I think you should anticipate and plan for him finding out that you brought it up to management.  I donno how that will play out,  but you should probably expect a confrontation at some point. 


Quote from: JamesG on May 20, 2014, 04:09:29 PM
We should be clear that "Chris" just said something offensive and boarish about a customer to a couple of his co-workers.  One of the sports of working retail is making quips about customers, that is nothing new and sometimes people get carried away, stick their feet in their mouths, or otherwise say something stupid.

I think Chris deserves the benefit of the doubt of getting sensitivity training/education. Or at least a reminder to keep his filters in place and mouth shut while on the job. Otherwise his negative opinion of "different people" will be reinforced and he will probably harbor a grudge against them that may (probably will) wind up in actual violence at some point.

@ Jeans- I think you should anticipate and plan for him finding out that you brought it up to management.  I donno how that will play out,  but you should probably expect a confrontation at some point.

Thanks for the warning. If it happens i'll just be honest and say it made me uncomfortable and I don't think he should have said that.
We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.


Good luck.

I hate work place draaaauuuummma...


We all build masks to hide behind, for we've all stepped into the bright world without those shells only to be broken and ridiculed. I'm tired of peering at the vast, beautiful but deadly world through these eye holes. I am taking off my mask, whatever may come.


Whether it's an actual threat or just your usual empty chest puffery, (My bet is on the latter). The dude sounds like a dick to me. I've never understood why people get so bothered by something that they see as being out of the ordinary. Just live your life, mind your own business and shut the hell up.

I've had family members that do stuff like that if they see someone that has colored haired, like a punk type of hairdo or people with piercings and the like. (Minus the threats, of course). I always just shake my head at them and ask them: "What business is it of your's?". They always reply with: "Well, it's just weird". Then when I tell them that "well, I'm pretty weird in my own way. I just don't do what they do." They always tend to cop-out.  ::) Hmmm, maybe I should dye my hair and get a few piercings going on and THEN let's see what they say about it.
