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Here's a way to maybe save your country

Started by Aeyra, July 24, 2007, 10:03:52 AM

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Shana A

Quote from: Rebis on September 08, 2007, 04:53:23 PM
I don't believe in nations
I don't believe in flags
I don't believe in money, nor power,
I don't believe in suits or the people in them
I certainly don't believe in war or guns or missiles of death
I don't even believe in beer bottles or smokable weeds
I don't even believe in electronic media

I just believe in people
and books
and schools
and mercy
and trust
and love

and if some terrible beast decides to bite me
I will eviscerate it with my bare teeth

Right on Rebis! This reminded me of a John Lennon song.   Z

"God is a Concept by which
we measure our pain
I'll say it again
God is a Concept by which
we measure our pain
I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in Tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in Kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles
I just believe in me...and that reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
the Dream is Over
I was the Dreamweaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the Walrus
But now I'm John
and so dear friends
you'll just have to carry on
The Dream is over"
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Thanks, Z

I was kind of cribbing.
In my case, I felt the need to throw in the last two lines which can be seen as a an expression of uncertainty, subtle anger, and the smallest hint that I fear I may be as capable as those I disagree with in doing something awful.  (but at least I'm aware it's wrong)
wrong wrong wrong
wrong wrong

she said - as she over-explained a simple riff.   ::)


None of the Above -

Problem - Japan would not end the war.
Solution - Drop 2 Atomic Bombs
Outcome - War ended.

Stop arguing symantecs.   Consequence is not the end all be all of a problem.   If I Kill someone I no longer have a problem from them.   The Consequence is something entirely different.  ADDITIONALLY, Nowhere in what I said implied there were no consequences.   So YES I reiterated my point because clearly you arent getting it.    So before this turns ugly, as it seems you are quite passionate about this and unable to see the true meaning I will break it down for you.   And if you fail to understand my point, then just simply disagree with me.

1. If there is a problem, there is a solution.   There is no ipso-facto answer that will not cause other problems.   We call this LIFE.   The point was simple.   If something is no longer there ,it is no longer a problem.  That DOES NOT mean that its absence will not cause other problems.   It also does not mean there are not consequences.

2. If you are unable to separate yourself from the equation, you cannot see the answer.  Therefore this argument is futile.  The radiation victims have absolutely nothing to do with it.   And if you think that they do, then I refer you back to #1.

3. Regarding Institutions.   I should have said that People corrupt the institution, it is not the institution that corrupts the people unless already corrupted by the people.   For that point you are correct.



QuoteJeffersonian and/or Hamiltonian democracy

Historically democracy has depended on slaves.


Now there's a truth that is seldom recognized as a truth.

Except: Switzerland?

Certainly Athens and Virginia qualify as examples. Except has USA or any of its states every been a democracy?

I know we write as if, but I was under the impression that democratic republican was the Jeffersonian ideal. But, hardly an allowance of the great unwashed holding the reins of power or even voting without being involved in a substantial way in the pursuit of property (translated from Locke by Jefferson as "the pursuit of happiness.")

Quote from: lisagurl on September 11, 2007, 10:54:57 AM
QuoteJeffersonian and/or Hamiltonian democracy

Historically democracy has depended on slaves.

Posted on: September 11, 2007, 02:19:36 PM

The Middle Way

Quote from: Skye on September 11, 2007, 09:03:08 AM
None of the Above -

Stop arguing symantecs. 

Semantics is not applicable here, you may want to look it up. I am talking basic concepts and not parsing or comparing words.

Consequence is not the end all be all of a problem.

Erm, consequences does mean that the problem is not necessarily solved.  ???


   If I Kill someone I no longer have a problem from them.   

You may very well have a problem with their entire family or even entire tribe, which is at least an equivocal problem. You very likely have not rid yourself of the problem. Now you can extend your thinking to 'I just wipe out the whole pesky tribe now', but they may have other alliances, and garnered some sympathy from outside factions as a result of your Final Solution. Where does this path you so boldy embarked uponr find an Actual End?

1. If there is a problem, there is a solution.   There is no ipso-facto answer that will not cause other problems.   We call this LIFE.   The point was simple.   If something is no longer there ,it is no longer a problem.  That DOES NOT mean that its absence will not cause other problems.   It also does not mean there are not consequences.

Which means that it is not that simple, does it not? I realize this is not a philosophy forum, this is 'politics' and essentially a barroom, but I do not think that it is I who is failing to understand what one is saying here. You have asserted something simplistic (and In My Opinion wrong-headed), and now that I point out some essential aspects you chose to boldy ignore, you suggest that I don't get it.

You said war ended something, was 'a' solution. END indicates finality. I believe that victims, as a consequence of war, have something to do with a refulation of 'that's the end of that', which APPEARS to be your entire point. THE WAR TO END WARS; they said that about both world wars. It wasn't true when they said it, it can't be true today or any day.
Look at how both conflicts drastically disenfranchised and dislocated the Arab population, for merely one example, and you might see that those wars had a number of results:  it did end some aspects at least for a good long while, ended some aspects temporarily, in some ways was a wash and, in some of the decisions made in the aftermath, served to perpetuate world war for generations to come.

Note Well:
I have some violence in my history. In fact, one time I laid out a professed neo-Nazi calling for Final Solutions. I did shut the person up, and did not have to hear that noise again from him. BFD.

I don't think that's what we are talking about with WAR. And I believe I have shown this. I now opt out of this topic, because despite your assertion that every problem has a solution, in this case I Begin to Doubt It.


I think what our debate is on is a matter of perspective.
While from what I hear, you feel that the "end" of the problem is when there are no more consequences left.
Personally I feel its when the root of the issue is finalized.

To emphasize this I quote you

QuoteYou may very well have a problem with their entire family or even entire tribe, which is at least an equivocal problem. You very likely have not rid yourself of the problem.

What I see here is a new problem, as a consequence yes.  But the original problem being the person that was killed is over. 

I realize this is obtuse.


QuoteNote Well:
I have some violence in my history. In fact, one time I laid out a professed neo-Nazi calling for Final Solutions. I did shut the person up, and did not have to hear that noise again from him. BFD.

This is my view point brought to life.  I am not arguing the consequences.  Its possible you could have been arrested for assault.  Its possible his fellow retards could have come to beat you up.  But you no longer having to hear his noise again to me signifies the end.

Therefore to me it is perspective, and since perspective is neither fact or absolute opinion, I would say we could argue that point for eternity.

So in that regard, I applaud you.  Please do not feel you have to opt out, I am not taking what you say as some sort of affront.  I am pleased that you are not only willing to stand behind your point but that you do not seem to hold back your thoughts.   I would not call you a Sheep in that regard.

hehe... symantecs.... can't tell I do IT work can you.

My postings orgininal intent was in hopes that people would look at things they know with a slightly different perspective. 

There are many things which have no simple solution.  If we stop seeking that solution, do we not further perpetuate the problem?

