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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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So the wicked witch is back in all her glory, dressed in black and all. She tells all the forest creatures who and what they should be. Who dares question the dark side? After all, darkness rules the world here and beyond. Who dares question me? The Supreme Ruler of the Dark Forest. ;) For now at least.


Aether practically beamed when he saw the dormouse transform, watching her swim around him with a familiar grace. Delicate beauty filled her every movement, as she swirled around in elegant circles. He watched her shift back to greet the sootball and was overtaken by a sense of melancholy.

He remembers the mermaid who resides so far from him now, her iridescent scales tapering to an elegant fan-like fin.

He froze, the sharks ever circling him, their teeth bared in a mocking grin. He could tell that they laughed at him, at the little merman who thought himself too worthless to put up a fight. He had given up, watched their cruel grins with lifeless eyes and accepted his fate, when suddenly he was being pulled away from them.

"You have to run! Even if you're afraid, you have to try! Don't you dare give up! Come on!"The one pulling him yelled, using all of the power that her small frame would allow to propel both of them through the water.

She who had pierced the darkness that he had thought inescapable.

He remembered how they became close, when she told him about her past, and how similar it was to his own. How she was the one that understood how trapped he felt and encouraged him to be himself.

She had become the light in the dark when he had been too afraid to show his true gender. She had shown him the spell to fix the chest he had never asked for. And there wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for her. He became strong to protect the group when the sharks came back, became brave to stand up for the ones he cares for, but he fought only for her.

The light in his heart.

Aether hadnt noticed that he had closed his eyes, nor had he noticed that at somepoint he'd formed the water spear he was so used to wielding.

Yeah. Better put that back.
It's supposed to be safe here, but you were too lost in your head, Ae. You formed a spear out of nowhere for apparenly no reason and probably look insane.

He watched as the spear turned back Into a free liquid and slowly trickled back into the pool, quietly avoiding eye contact with the others.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


the sootball looked at the acorn which was being held out to it, and then at the dormouse. is that a gift? the pawprint looked really cute... sootball stretched out a long thing arm, or maybe it is a leg? and knocked on the acorn, carefully, to make sure it was safe. then it pulled out the tiniest bit of coal from somewhere withing all the soot, and drew a little black orb beside the pawprint on this new and interesting canvas.

"sootball," it declares importantly pointing at the image of itself. then in a little more uncertain voice it asks "is dormouse dormouse, or does dormouse have a name?"

but suddenly, before it can hear an answer, sootball jumps and turns at a violent magic radiating from the pond. a beautiful water spear in the hands of a half asleep merman!

"taka taka taka! magic!" sootball shouts and jumps even higher. it doesn't even fall to the ground before a shadow suddenly rises beside it, and pets the sootball lightly with a dark smile on its face just as the spear trickles away and the merman is left with a mournful expression.

"merman is sad," says the sootball, concern in its voice.
"yes. i can see that, little friend," the shadow says, taking a human-like form as it walks into the pond. the human shape is naked, but hidden in shadows so deep it is impossible to tell if it even has a true form hidden within. without speaking, the shadow cups its hands and lifts some water out of the pond. it blows on it, lightly, to reveal a spectacle of glimmering stars and the beautiful depths of the universe which it offers the merman to view.
sootball wants you to see this, a whisper blows between the trees and over the pond.

back in the little spot of light, sootball turns its attention toward the dormouse again. "that's sootball's demon," it says with a hint of admiration. "isn't he cool?"


The fairy walks the treacherous path of nonbinary transition.  He guide, the endo, walks along side, knowing the delicacy of her body, the frailty and complexity of its age, and its thinness.  For a year and a half, he has carefully fine tuned the mixtures from the tree of hormones, raising their power as he seeks to repair the mess that was made so many, many years ago, when the fairy's heart first began to beat, in the darkness and embracing of her mothers womb.

The fairy walks the path, skirting the edge of the cliffs on the mountain, injecting now from the tree of hormones, the tree of her life, the guide closely monitors the levels of her blood.

She is weary, she is exhausted from her ordeal in the confrontation of her true gender, the acceptance of her unicorn heart.  She stumbles on the edge, something is wrong, something she did not create....

Her mind races, out of control, her already deep emotions turning on her, she begins to wobble.   She spreads her exausted wings to catch herself, but her head begins to spin, her body utterly spent long ago, fighting the fight of trans, the battles for hearts....

Heart beating a million miles an hour, tears welling up, sh'e wobbles on the edge.  A gentle gust of loving wind, and she faints.

Falling, fallings, the jagged rocks below her, passed out from the terrible overdose from the tree of hormones, her mind spinning out of control.

She has fallen....

Her friends watch helplessly as the light reflects from her wings, they run, they know it is too late, the injections have done their accidental goal....

A hand reaches out from far above.  The sun intercedes, plucking her out of the air, pulling her out of the forest, out of the city, faster and faster into the stars above, into His very heart.

A voice whispers in the forest:

"I have h'er now, sh'e is my daughter, I will not allow h'er to be harmed.  I will give h'er back to you, but only when I finish healing h'er, I sent h'er to you, sh'e is mine.  Sh'e must be safe in the forest before I return h'er to you.  Learn from this, and be careful."
The fairy, passed out in the hands of God, her heart broken but mending, mind racing but slowing, emotions spinning, life changing, the fairy sleeps in the hands of God.

The creatures running reach the bottom of the cliff.

Sh'e is gone.

Love to all here.  I will return when I have healed and it is safe.  Keep this place sanctuary, attack no one, preserve the forum, and rise above all.

I love you.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Cerys whimpers in her sleep, a darkness has entered into the forest and is seeping into her. It as an emptiness, cold and hungry, sucking light and colour from her heart. Slowly her sleeping form is wreathed in shadows, a pool of darkness that cloaks and absorbs her form. Suddenly she awakes, shadows uncoiling, and where there had once been a dragon there is now only a shadow of one, as cold and insubstantial as the black void that fills her heart. Her once green eyes are now the colour of fresh blood and she looks around the clearing, hunting for the silver thread that can guide her back. She throws her head back in a soundless cry of anguish and hope and the forest creatures see that the shadow dragon is filled with light the same colour as her eyes.

Without warning she springs into the air, following the thread of the blade song only she can hear, and disappears into the trees. The silver thread guides her, she is no longer in the forest, but somewhere else, a shifting, formless place of the mind, yet deep within it there lies a grove a crystal shards. The blade garden is a place of hurt an pain, but also of release; Cerys has already accepted that her fate lies in this place, but maybe not just yet. She circles, feeling the pull of that place and what it offers her, suddenly she drops, her mind made up and flies into the grove. She resists the silver tongued song of the place, today is not the time to dive deep and see the stillness that lives there, and she skims just below the surface, the crystal blades slicing into her insubstantial form. The pain is sharp, but reminds her that she still lives. Soon she leaves that place and flies back to the forest pool, her dark body covered with red wounds.

The rest of the forest creatures sense the return of the shadow dragon as a great pool of darkness coiling around its self. They can see that it is injured and unsure of how to help such a creature, they hang back, hesitation and worry written on their faces. Suddenly the realise that it's not blood leaking from the creatures wounds, but darkness and they watch in amazement as it drains away until only Cerys remains, her body flowing into a shape that feels natural, something between the dragon and the human but all her.


Also, please don't worry, I've been in a dark place the past few days but I'm okay


The golden dragon is saddened by the fairy's loss. She heard the words of the sun, and hopes in her heart the fairy will be healed and returned to the forest soon. For now tho, she continues her flight patrolling above making sure all the creatures are safe. She sees many of them saddened by the fairy's plight as she soars high overhead, the sun glimmering on her golden feathered wings. She also wonders what happened to the green dragon who welcomed her to this wonderful place, Cery's. and hopes she too is okay. She folds her wings and dives down to get a closer look at things. The well being of the forest creatures being her greatest concern.....

Ally ;)
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



Quote from: Taka on September 04, 2014, 10:28:58 AM
the eagle circles over the fairy a few times, surprised to see a mask tangles in the threads it picked up, and stunned by the beautiful fairy's appearance. it silently glides to the ground and as it lands, takes the form of a human wrapped in shadows. he then proceeds to hang up the threads between some trees, decorating with flowers of all shapes and colors, and placing the mask carefully between them, so the fairy can find it if she ever needs it again.

Far away, beyond time and space, the fairy remains, sh'e sees, sh'e sees the forest, sh'e sees this thread.

Sh'e rests

Stealth as the night.

Deep in the forest lies a cast off mask.

The eagle, in their many forms, glides down, gently visiting this place.  It takes another look, startled.

Soot on the mask.  Mascara.

The fairy is stealth as the night.  You'll never know when sh'e watches.

The eagle smiles, and rises again.  They are not alone.

The fairy will heal.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Aether glances towards the misty shadow, gazing into the sparkling universe it seemed to hold. He watches it, the endless beauty that twirls gently amongst itself. Captivated,  the merman felt his worries dull slightly, and glanced between the sootball and the shadow.

"I wish I could offer something in return, but it seems as though sootball isn't too fond of water. If there is anything I can do, please let me know."

Cerys and the fairy were troubled,he could only hope for their safe returns. Fortunately,  it wasn't long before the great dragon did just that.

Aether instinctively tensed when Cerys returned, unsure how to help and torn between helping the dragon and protecting the others from the darkness. The darkness leaked off of her forme, leaving a Cerys that looked
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


What a wonderful question. Ever since I saw 'The Hobbit', I see myself as a Silvan Elf. Hard to describe precise characteristics, but her non-conformity, with fair-play, and the desire to protect and heal resonate with me very well.


there are so many interesting creatures here...

an eagle, soaring high in the sky, contemplates the fairy's flight. was it running to or from? what frightened it, what is it trying to find?
all-seeing, but no mind reader, the eagle decides to leave the question. the frail fairy seemed to have befriended the equally frail sootball. they would surely take care of each other when needed?
in a sudden burst of fire, the eagle lets itself drop burning to the ground in the midst of a dark part of the forest.

meanwhile by the pond, the shadow lifted its hands above the merman's head and let the water drip down between its finger, forming sparkling crystal and pearl shapes like little suns and stars flowing down unto the surface of the pond, where they rolled and spread out so all could see the beauty which only water can tell. the last few drops, it let fall on the merman's head with a teasing grin, and tied a scarf of darkness around his neck.

suddenly a deep roar grabbed the attention of the creatures gathered by the pond. a darkness was approaching, bleeding. drops of darkness fell down and seeped into the ground, revealing a human dragon's form. with a laugh, the shadow floated across the pond, gathering up the fallen darkness, drinking it up like the greatest delicacy. the shadow darkened until light almost seemed to escape the space around it, and then it disappeared.

in a whole different part of the forest, an intense darkness stretches up towards the sky. balls of flame fall onto it, merge with it, forming a shape like a human. or is it a daemon? with a flick of his tail, he calls forth a circle of fire around himself. a summons to the dragons, creatures who lurk in the night, on the border between fire and darkness.
will any of them come before the flames spread out to devour the whole section of the forest?


The fairy stirs and awakes in her treehouse, puzzled for a moment.... She wonders what has happened.  She hears leaves rustling in the forest, a gentle breeze is rocking her gently to sleep, the scent of incense permeates the air, the silk draping her windows floating up, then down, then stilling...

She vaguely remembers some disturbing dreams... awful moments... not like now....darkness... not like now at all.  She still feels a little dizzy, no matter, time heals.

Far off there seemed to be noises, but she ignores them.  She is still very weak, fragile.  She will rest in her  treehouse, it is quiet there.  She notes the cards of well wishing creatures, expressions of love, they warm her heart.

She rolls over gently, wraps herself in the glory of silk, and begins again to sleep, but now, her dreams are more pleasant.  Tomorrow is another day.

She dreams of squirrels and mushrooms, rainbow hats and minions,  fountains and paths, a statue, jewels, and joy.

The fairy sleeps.  Tomorrow, she will hear a call from her guide, with news of her recovery, an adjustment to make from the tree of hormones.  She knows this will take time, she accepts that.

She dreams of days of joy, and of transformations to come.  May they never end.

Be gentle with the fairy, my dear friends, be gentle, she will return.

In a corner, very quiet, the sootball moves, and once again, they put mascara on her eyes.  She will have a very pleasant surprise when she wakes and sees herself anew in the mirrors.

Love to all here.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Jessica Merriman

The butterfly of love is up in the air looking at the wonderful forest. All of the sudden she notices a cold wind in her face. Clouds come between her and the ground. The love from the forest floor is blocked by the ominous storm clouds. The butterfly begins to panic as her wings of love dissolve. She desperately searches for a safe refuge, but none can be found. As she plummets to the forest floor she wonders what went wrong after finding a new life and warmth. The forest dwellers happen upon the horrible sight of a frozen butterfly a look of anguish on it's face. It is a face that will never smile or be the same again. They check for life, but none is found. Silently they bury her in the same forest she had been reborn into sad that the laughter is silenced. Life goes on though and routine returns to the forest once again.


Cerys sits up at the words only she seems to hear, and she smiles at what they promise. Standing, she throws her back head in an inhuman shriek of fierce joy. The cry seems to somehow lift her up, as her body flows into her dragon form. The rest of the forest creatures look on warily, suddenly aware of how big the dragon is now that she stands tall and fierce. The moment is broken as she beats her wings once with a crack like distant thunder, powering into the dark sky and the forest creatures stop worrying about what the dragon will do, and start wondering what it was that roused her.

Climbing high above the dark forest she sees the tower of shadow wreathed in flame and glides towards it. Circling around the great form, riding the thermals rising from his circlet of flame she speaks "I have come, now let us riot in fire and darkness".

Shawn Sunshine

I am a Dalmation puppy with wings, loyal and true, who swoops down from the sun to slurp your nose. But I dont eat dog biscuits, you must feed me milkshakes and watermelons. Then brush my teeth with Aqua Fresh.

Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



sootball drags some milkshake up onto a sun altar, to see if it will summon anything interesting. the watermelon is left below, because the tiny ball of soot is already exhausted from struggling with a milkshake much bigger than itself.

the roar of a massive dragon reaches the shadow, making him burn his fires even more fiercely. it doesn't take long before the creature is circling right above him in the air. "I have come, now let us riot in fire and darkness," she speaks. the shadow greets her with an almost childish laugh of joy and throws out his arms to change the fire's hot red tone into menacing blue, and makes the ground below him explode in purple and green.

"yes," he answers as he rises into the air on wings of dark magic. "tonight will be a time of riot."


Cerys dances on the boiling air of the destruction, scales flashing in the unearthly light. Suddenly she dives towards the distant ground in a seemingly kamikaze stoop, at the last moment her great wings open and her white hot breath tears into the dark and twisted trees that make up this part of the forest with explosive force. Laughing, she soars back up to the shadow, riding the heat and chaos of their riot.


the shadow swirls around cerys, leaving a faintly glowing trail behind, before he stoops to the ground and disappears between the trees. a moment later whole tree circles appear on the ground, created by dark destruction, and ancient symbols light themselves aflame in all colors of the rainbow within the circles of mowed down trees.


The child centaur glances up at the skies, having felt the cold wind but no sign of any storms.

Puzzled, the child centaur trotted over to where the small crowd of forest creatures surrounded where the butterfly of love had fallen. They silently watched as they checked for life but unable to find any. The child frowned, they could sense something. It was ever so slight... a faint flicker within the frozen state of the butterfly. It was too faint for the others to see...

Standing at the burial site where the butterfly had been reborn, the child centaur weeped, curling up in front of the grave.

"I do not know if you can hear me..." The child whispers, wiping tears from their eyes, "But if you can, please hear me out..."

"I know we had our differences... I never meant to hurt you. Your fears closed your heart off from us and our warmth could not reach you, or so you thought... but our warmth and love exists inside you, I can sense it... I wish..." The child centaur stilled, shaking their head, "No, I hope... that one day, you will be reborn as something even greater than the butterfly of love..."

"Until then," The child centaur stood on their four hooves, "We will be waiting patiently and when you do return, if you ever do, we will welcome you with open arms and unconditional love... as we have always done so."

"We shall meet again someday... I will miss you, my friend." The child centaur gives a bittersweet smile, touching the grave gently before shifting away, trying their best not to cry uncontrollably as they galloped away deep into the forest.


The golden Dragon sits high, perched atop a soaring narrow rockface looking down over the forest. She saw the flight of Cerys and her exchange with Shadow. Her being new to the forest, she was oblivious to the ominous sign of things to come. She shapeshifted into a Jaguar with bright golden fur of many shades. As a cat it will be easier to exolore this new area of perch she has chosen, and get to know the creatures if any that would inhabit it with her.

Hours later...........

Suddenly, a chill rushed over her as she jumped up on a large rock. The area is too small for her to transform back to her natural Dragon form. The rush of the cold unnerved her. She must make her way back to her higher perch in order to transform and investigate this ominous feeling. So she began climbing up back toward her lofty perch. It would take her a few minutes to reach an area large enough for her to transform. She was vulnerable, and knew it.

She reached a spot where she could peer downward toward the forest, and saw the glimmering dark circles. She wondered what was to come. Suddenly dark clouds appeared overhead as she reached her perch. In a shimmering gold flash she transformed and dived from her perch falling upside down slowly righting herself, her golden wings tucked in to continue her dive. With sudden fervor she spread her mighty wings fully and settled into level flight. She was still high above the forest as she made out dark forms below. She must know what this ominous sign is, and if it would threaten the serenity of the forest and it's creatures she had come to love.............

Ally ;)
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015
