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Dry eyes, foggy mind

Started by Synthia, December 14, 2005, 12:45:35 PM

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Hello all. For those of you on hormones for MTF transition, do you experience dry eyes and foggy thinking as side effects?  :-\


Dry eyes, yes. I also wear contacts so I have to use a lot of moisture drops over the course of a day. Foggy thinking? Hard to say I really don't know if it's the mones or just age. I just call them my blond moments.



Thanks Cassie.  I believe now it's because of HRT.  I also couldn't tolerate my contacts too since starting hormones.  Have you heard of RGP lenses?  I'm thinking about switching to these from soft contacts.  Supposedly they're healthier for the eyes and you could wear for 10+ hours.



Hello Synthia,

Like Cassie, I too wear contacts, and suffer from dry eyes from time to time.  When I went to the optometrist for a consult and to get fitted for contacts, he specifically asked me what medications I was taking.  When I told him that I was TS, and the HRT I was prescribed he warned that there could be side effects that would affect my eyes while wearing contacts.

It seems that both you and Cassie suffer a lot more from dry eyes than I do as I've often forgotten to take my soft contacts out over night without suffering.

I've seen the literature on RGP lenses, but my optometrist advised against them for me as I wear bi-focal contacts..

Here is an article on them:

As for those foggy moments... oh yes, but I don't think it's because of HRT.  You should not be getting that type of side effects from HRT, but then each of us is different.  I would recommend you contact you Dr If it is becoming a cause for concern .

Chat later,



Quote from: Stephanie Craxford on December 14, 2005, 06:40:07 PM
  he specifically asked me what medications I was taking. When I told him that I was TS, and the HRT I was prescribed he warned that there could be side effects that would affect my eyes while wearing contacts.

Steph--off topic but:

I can understand why you related what meds you were on.  Why did you disclose your gender status?  It had no bearing on your vist.



"temporary off topic" :)

Becasue I would be seeing him again in a couple of days as Stephanie.  And I didn't want to confuse him and his staff.  They were great with it.



Hi Steph.  Thanks for the article.  RGPs sound like a better choice than soft lenses for me. 

Quote"When I told him that I was TS, and the HRT I was prescribed he warned that there could be side effects that would affect my eyes while wearing contacts."

Did he mention astigmatism (or an increase of) caused by HRT?  Also have you noticed your vision becoming worse since starting hormones? 

My mind feels foggy sometimes like my brain is wrapped up in styrofoam.  But funny I perform some tasks better than on a lower hormone dosage.


Quote from: Synthia on December 15, 2005, 10:22:01 AMDid he mention astigmatism (or an increase of) caused by HRT? Also have you noticed your vision becoming worse since starting hormones?

My mind feels foggy sometimes like my brain is wrapped up in styrofoam. But funny I perform some tasks better than on a lower hormone dosage.

Hey there

Astigmatism  is a side effect that can be caused by HRT.  It depends on what you are taking and how much.  The best place to ask is your pharmacist about this with regard to the specific drugs you've been prescribed.

Also check out the Ocular Changes listed in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

which lists:
- The lens of the eyes changes in curvature
- Due to decreased androgens, the meibomian glands (aka., tarsal, palpebral, or tarsoconjunctival glands. A type of sebaceous gland on the upper and lower eyelids that open at the edges of the lids) produce less oil (oil that makes up the lipid layer of tear film which prevents the evaporation of the watery layer beneath) and a tendency for dry eyes may be a problem.

As far as your HRT dosages go again it would be better to discuss this with your doctor if it becomes a real concern for you.  As you know each one of us reacts differently to HRT, and some of us don't have to make dosage adjusts ments, and then some of us do.  Remember that HRT was designed for women not transsexuals so their effects on the male body are complicated a little more than their effects on the female body wich are more predictable.

Hope this helps a little.



Thanks again Steph.  That really helps.  I remember now I do have sensitivities to medications, so it's probably why I'm reacting more to hormones' side effects. 

Synthia   ^-^


Leah has been complaining of burning dry eyes too. we hadn't even thought about it being the HRT. Thanks for all the actual what happimg to the eyes imput Steph it really helps. I'll tell Leah. She's been so busy not enough sit down time for getting on here. Her mom's shop roof about half do a snow on it's way.



This photo of Peggainn and for those who slide it over, myself, is old and not good likeness now.

I have lost 40 lbs. am down to 200. My goal to keep. I feel better about myself and better in control of body. Not only the insentive for costng less to the SRS. Another bonus is it helps keep the bloodsugar in more noral range. Hoping to be able to manage without the additional meds for it.
