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Scuba Diving

Started by bv5913, November 06, 2014, 02:41:41 PM

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I love diving. It has helped me keep my sanity for so long before I finally came out.
To be able to visit another world that not many get the chance to see.
Thankfully , I have all the equipment I need, and certification to not only play at shallow depths but to go deeper and longer than your average sport divers.
If there is anybody else who loves this sport as much as me. I would love to chat about it.

Jaime R D

I used to dive a lot until I damaged an eye due to not wearing safety glasses and got a wire stuck in one, it healed, but still worried me at pressure.  I have a few certs, open, advanced, nitrox and a lot of safety stuff since we usually dove without any sort of divemaster or anything. Living at the coast is great for it, lots of old wrecks off the North Carolina coast. 


I brought a rebreather a year ago and love it. The second largest lake in Sweden is 180 meters deep. But I have only gone to 110meters. But lots of achient Viking settlements to study and explore.
Got double tanks for shallow dives. But snow is here. And so everything starts to freeze and I can ice dive again. Love ice diving.


I haven't gone diving for decades, but loved it when I did. I went down to 185 feet a couple times and felt some nice narcosis :)
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
-- Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"