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presenting for dating + social website. I need major help

Started by evlive, November 27, 2014, 01:15:37 PM

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I'm pre HRT mtf, my fiance of two years broke up with me and killed me emotionally and destroyed me. I feel like a train wreck...

I dislike and dread dressing up as a guy and I present as female about 80% of the time. The 20% is when I do things like go to court, or defensive driving school or the dmv stuff like that and I feel uncomfortable and weird...

for social media sites, I present myself as female and get alot of attention and stuff but, when it comes to wanting to hang out with a guy or girl as friends or a little date for coffee  or something of that sort, I don't know how to present!! I'm scared of the outcome like what will they say, what will happen, will they be weirded out or try to trigger my dysphoria and make me feel horrible?  I think of so much things idk. I do put that I'm Transgender and they all seem to be very okay and fine with it but I CUT my hair and it's short now, so I use a wig that I want to be my natural look when I grow my hair long enough again, I love it and I wish it was my real hair.

but I really need advice please /: I don't even know if I made any type of sense typing this I'm just really depressed and I've been miserable the past 5 days.

I can post an image of me how I am everyday