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A few months on T, then off : which changes stay? which revert?

Started by DoYouRealize, February 12, 2015, 04:23:50 PM

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Hi everyone. I have a question for any folks who have detransitioned off of Testosterone. 

I am nonbinary, fluid, girly, & pretty comfortable & secure in my identity (most days). So I don't really consider going off T a "detransition" any more than I considered starting T a "transition." I won't have to re-socialize myself or come out of any closets. My questions are mostly about the physical effects of going off of T.

It's been 3 months for me on T, a fairly lowish dose but not "low dose." My initial plan was to be on for one year or so, then stop. But lately i feel very content with the changes (then again maybe the T is the reason for my contentment, who knows?) and i get the feeling like i might be gearing up to discontinue sometime in the next season or two. Spring perhaps? Summer? I might keep going for another month, two, or possibly three or six... ;)

If/when I choose to go off, what physical changes are more likely to stay? What are more likely to reverse?

I know that my voice change is permanent. I'm okay with this.
I know that my facial hair is likely permanent. I'm okay with this.
I know that my body fat distribution is likely not permanent, and will probably return to a more feminine, hips 'n' butt curves pattern. I'm okay with this.

My two main questions are the things I am not sure about, below the belt: the hair on my belly (i have a lovely furry tummy now!) and genital changes. These are both things i am really, really hoping are permanent changes. At least i hope that i will not revert completely back to where i was before T.
I really don't know what to expect here.
If staying on T will help my body hair and lower growth "set" more permanently, or give me significantly more growth in the next few months, i will definitely stay on T a little longer!
I want the body hair and the d!ck to stay!

(Also, any info on mood changes, face changes, physical strength, appetite/weight, shark week returning, etc is super appreciated. I know that these things are very individual and everyone's experience is different, but it will all help me decide how much longer to stay on the T and what time of year will be best for me to go off.)

(I realize that for many people who detransition, it's very difficult decision. I realize that posting in a detransition forum as someone who actively wants to keep some but not all of the effects of HRT might seem unusual. I truly don't intend to trigger anybody with my questions. I just hope that in this forum, i am likely to find clear information from people who can report real life experiences, and this is information i need right now. Thanks a bunch everyone.)


I've never been on T, but from what I understand from reading about other FAAB people who went on T and then stopped -- body hair all over is thicker/more noticeable than pre-T. Some of your belly hair may go, but it'll be thicker than it was pre-T. Also, your lower growth should stay, but it'll be the same as the body hair -- bigger than pre-T but over time it'll likely get smaller than it is now.

Sorry I can't be more help, hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along.
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