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Has anyone else had success quiting tobacco with vaporizers?

Started by Kaylee2140, February 17, 2015, 08:43:36 AM

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It took me several years to finally quit using cigarettes and oral tobacco (nasty stuff, especially when you're trying to come off as feminine.) But with vaporizers I was able to quit smoking and chewing in under a 2 weeks. I still use small amounts of nicotine in my juices, I should be off of nicotine by the end of April or sooner. I still worry about the negative effects that the liquids could have on my lungs, if any. Especially now that I'm finally about to get back on estrogen for good.

Has anyone else tried vaporizers with success?
"We are all geniuses up to the age of ten."
- Aldous Huxley

"When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed"
- Anton LaVey


I was a smoker for 33 years. I tried a vaporizer and got a very nasty respiratory infection. It got to the point that I was coughing up blood and ended up hospitalized for 3 days. I finally found the motivation to quit once and for all when my doctor told me he did not prescribe hormones to smokers under any circumstances. I smoked my final cigarette on the way to my car after leaving the office. I used nicotine gum for almost 6 months to ease the cravings. I have not had a cigarette in just over year now.
In Ardua Tendit (She attempts difficult things)


I have never heard of people getting chest infections from ecigs. The only major issue I have heard of was lipoid pnumonia in the rare person who uses oil based liquids. Where you using a gas station ecig like Blu or NJOY or did you have a real vape from a specialty store?

Congratulations on being smoke free for a year!
"We are all geniuses up to the age of ten."
- Aldous Huxley

"When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed"
- Anton LaVey


I've been vaping for over a year now. Best decision I ever made, really. Curbs nicotine and sugar cravings. Me being diabetic, that's a big freakin' plus!
To strive to reach the apex of evolution is folly, for to achieve the pinnacle is to birth a god.

When the Stryker fires, all turn to dust in its wake.

Jill F

For me it was pretty much a complete failure.  Although it got me off of cigarettes temporarily, I was still addicted to nicotine at the end of the day.  I mean, it was still an improvement, but it was in no way a solution for breaking my addiction.   This was in the early days of the e-cig, so the battery would die without warning or I'd run out of juice unexpectedly, leaving me with 2 options- smoke or suffer withdrawals.   Constantly having to remember to charge up or refill was the dealbreaker, and I ended up smoking again.

My wife and I both ended up quitting cold turkey and neither of us smoke to this day.   I basically wanted to kill sh*t for about two weeks, then it got better quickly.   Months later I got really drunk and lit up, coughed like crazy and felt sick to my stomach.  That's when I knew I beat it for good.


QuoteI've been vaping for over a year now. Best decision I ever made, really. Curbs nicotine and sugar cravings. Me being diabetic, that's a big freakin' plus!   

Whats your nicotine level and have you made any attempts to reduce or eliminate nicotine use? Have you noticed any interactions with estrogen?

QuoteFor me it was pretty much a complete failure.  Although it got me off of cigarettes temporarily, I was still addicted to nicotine at the end of the day.  I mean, it was still an improvement, but it was in no way a solution for breaking my addiction.   This was in the early days of the e-cig, so the battery would die without warning or I'd run out of juice unexpectedly, leaving me with 2 options- smoke or suffer withdrawals.   Constantly having to remember to charge up or refill was the dealbreaker,   

I remember being sixteen and "hey mistering" myself a gas station rechargable. They were an improvement to cigaettes but I always found myself in a bind by the ride home from whatever I was doing that day and having to light up or get a dip. No one can quit with the Blu's or NJOY type ecigs. And it's difficult to quit if your ecig cannot be charged while in use.

QuoteMy wife and I both ended up quitting cold turkey and neither of us smoke to this day.   I basically wanted to kill sh*t for about two weeks, then it got better quickly.       

Even after going four months without smoking a real cigarette I know I have no where near the amount of will power needed to go cold turkey otherwise I would have done it by now. I had went about 7 months without smoking untill a night of binge drinking had me sent to jail for the night. I got out to find my ecig broken. I tried to go without but 10 hours latter I had a cigarette in my mouth.

I get angry when I have no nicotine. Like dangerously angry. Thats why I will never attempt cold tirkey again.
"We are all geniuses up to the age of ten."
- Aldous Huxley

"When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed"
- Anton LaVey


Quote from: Kaylee2140 on February 17, 2015, 05:48:19 PM
I have never heard of people getting chest infections from ecigs. The only major issue I have heard of was lipoid pnumonia in the rare person who uses oil based liquids. Where you using a gas station ecig like Blu or NJOY or did you have a real vape from a specialty store?

Congratulations on being smoke free for a year!

Thank you. It was an e-cig from some off brand company based in San Jose, CA that I don't even remember the name of. I purchased it in a cigarette store. I am thankful I quit when I did not only for the health benefits, but also I moved back to New York State and cigarettes are around $10 a pack here.  :o
In Ardua Tendit (She attempts difficult things)


10$ a pack is reficulous. In Mississippi cigarette are about 3$-5$ a pack. Hopefully the prices will go up in order to reduce rate of sales soon.
"We are all geniuses up to the age of ten."
- Aldous Huxley

"When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed"
- Anton LaVey


Yes, it can help take the edge off when you first quit smoking