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Is There A Particular Order?

Started by Aiden In Progress, March 19, 2015, 02:46:44 PM

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Aiden In Progress

I've been doing a lot of research about changing my name and gender marker. But I am so lost. I don't understand any of this and I have so many questions.

Is there an order you have to go in when changing documents?
Where do you start?
Do you have to be post-op and/or on HRT before you can change your gender marker?
What are these court orders I keep reading about and how do you get one?
Do I need to hire an attorney?

If it helps, I live in Kansas but I was born in Texas, and I'm both pre-T and pre-op.
Is it gonna be possible for me to change any of these things right now?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just having a really hard time navigating all this. = /



Aiden In Progress

I read through that, but it just gave me more questions than answers. Mainly I just don't know where to start and what needs to happen before something else can.

mrs izzy

I would start with your name. No use getting a marker changed if you are still called Joe or April. Mtf or ftm.

Start there an once that's approved next step.......
Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


I agree, a name change in Kansas is easy and straightforward.

Changing gender on your birth certificate requires a doctor's letter indicating surgery has been performed.

Gender marker on drivers license looks like it may vary by location.


Your Texas birth certificate requires a surgery letter for changes as well.

Aiden In Progress

I'll focus my research on getting a name change, then. Thanks.

My biggest issue is that I often pass until someone sees my driver's license. This kinda changes things when I'm buying alcohol and stuff. Not to mention, applying for jobs has been really confusing.

I need to change the marker on my birth certificate before I can change it on anything else, correct?


No. You can usually change it on your DL first. You would have to check with the local DMV. You can also change it with social security fairly easily. Texas can be a challenge since you would need surgery first but, a passport and social security does not. In most cases, passport trumps birth certificate.

Aiden In Progress

That's interesting and good to know. Is it possible to change your gender marker at the same time you change your name? Do you have to be on hormones before you can do that?


Again for a court order it would depend on the laws of the state you are in. You do not need a court order to change gender on social security, passport or often the DL.


I'm from Ohio but live in Alabama. According to you link Ohio doesn't change birth certificates. Does that mean I'm permanently branded male?


No. It means your birth cert will always say male. Your other documents can be changed. As before, passport trumps birth cert.