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calling all Vets for action!

Started by Cynobyte, September 29, 2015, 02:23:33 AM

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Click on my name or icon if using tapatalk or web.  The us pm or send email to my email address if you need dear.. 

You may have to goto patient advocate, but they don't always work sadly..  you may have to contact the director of that VA and tell them "they are not in compliance with directive 2013-003"..

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Hi Joelene, hope I got that right.  Too many letters to remember on a night with pain and ton of meds.  Yes you are right.  For any vet who is 100 percent service connected, you are guaranteed medicare right now!  Maybe medicade for some, I don't qualify since I make too much via va..  but it was my medicare that started everything.  If the VA messes up, I use both and "Dr shop" until I get the correct response..  my disease was supposed to kill me, so I quit listening to Dr's, did my own research and on my own treatment..  2 years past my expiration date:) 

So, do remember medicare is there.  If not 100 percent service connection,  you still have a chance, why not try:)

Also to those vets having issues with service connection,  I vet rep named Chad combs out of Ohio is helping me.  Don't get a lawyer, you don't have to pay in advance for shabby service.  There are vet reps that work for 20% of your back pay when you do get it..  I mention Chris because he knows my gender issues and has no problems..  damn, I sound like an ad:)  hey, I can do a viagra commercial!   The pulmonary Dr wants me to take 3 viagra pills a day for my pulmonary fibrosis..  it gets me off the o2, but that's just cruel in itself if you know what I mean:(  I only take 1 a day..  2 causes headaches anyways..  but 3 would just cause mental trauma[emoji26]

Ok, hope I went over everything..  I'm seeing my gastric bypass shrink tomorrow out of town.  Btw, Goodluck if you want a bypass through the va, 2 plus years, but only 3 months medicare.  Given that I need it to try to cut my meds, and get off the insulin and o2 (hence the viagra too)  plus it would make my figure very cute:)  so knowing I should be dead and need it for real health things besides just being fat and lazy (that's how I feel they see it)..  they don't care, probably gambling on I'll be dead so they don't have to pay out?  Well, I have medicare, so I'll just move on..  some battles with the VA are pointless if you can find better routes..  you can fix a broken system, but it takes time and I don't have it!  So, I love making them squirm and change, but I do it out of my hate for their ignorance.  I have a friend who is tg working at my va and is too scared to come out in fear of her job and medical help.  I go visit her every time making sure her workplace has no problems with me to help her know who to watch out for..  Why do people hate:(

Ok, time to get out of tub..  meds kicking in and I'm babbling too much..  hope you get your VA stuff going..  don't ever quit!  Don't trust patient advocate!  Try them first, but if they fail, don't think it's you..  they just failed me again, and I'm thinking about doing something nasty to them..  I haven't decided if to post the audio on YouTube or on the news?  Either way it will scare millions of vets who should record every Dr visit after seeing this!  This lady should be in jail, but her boss yelled at me for recording the fraud!  Then you would think that her boss would know I record everything, like her call to me blaming me for recording it?  Wow[emoji13] their idea is to keep you in paperwork so the Dr has a year then they move her on before the verdict gets to her.  The media is faster[emoji48]   so my dears, you always have options in the new age of gender equality..  the media is hungry for this while hospitals hate scandals!  You fought before, so pencil pusher geeks are easy!  Laters, j

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  I am on Medicaid. That how I am getting the treatment for the neuropathy. The treatment is very expensive. I only pay a dollar per visit from the visiting nurse with 995 ml of immunoglobulin infusions I take every 4 weeks. I will apply for disability with the VA to get some payments due to the acute tinnitus I got from serving aboard the aircraft carrier. My nephew's wife keeps goading me to do so. My nephew did serve in Baghdad and his wife knows the VA better than I do.



Just depends on if your injuries are service connected, how the va treats you.  I have spinal neuropathy,  but they just overlook it for some reason.  I take immunosuppressive drugs and tons of other meds. 

Do note some states medicade will stop if you get va disability and medicare.  They think you are double dipping.  With how Dr's all taking different insurance, it's good to have as many forms of insurance..  medicade is by far to me better than medicare and the va.  It's odd that here in new Mexico you can only get it when low income or nobody will insure you..  I had it just before the va and medicare a few years back.  I was so sick, on chemo, but I wish I knew more about my dysphoria, I would have had the srs.  The only insurance of all this mess that covers it..  I do get a good monthly compensation from medicare and the va monthly, but I'd prefer my health and old life back too..  people think it's great making 4k between the 2, but sucks when I was pulling 12k and loved my job.  Now I haven't slept more than 2 hrs at a time for 5 years and have 3 to 5 Dr's Apts a week that tire me out more than when I was working 12hrs?

I'm just holding out for when the perfect brain transplants.  Kids are dumb these days and would trade bodies with me...  they would take the life of not having to work, while I would disappear back into skunk work projects:)  at least this time I know what stuff will kill me! 
Enjoy medicaid joelene9, you can play with the va, but I'd say you have a better deal..  yes you deserve the va, but sometimes it's just a pain.  I hope you at least have the medicaid I had, or I'm pushing you twards doom..  But as long as you are getting the care you need.. 
I'm still thinking of the neuropathy,  is yours from a blocked nerve?  They have this laser treatment with little scaring.  I wished it was around when I had a spinal fusion.  It started as a squeezed nerve and went from 1 vertebrae to fusing 4 in my neck at the age of 29..  all from bone growth now figured out from those anthrax vaccines.  My immune system went nuts, was on iv chemo for a year to knock it down.  Oh, but back to the spinal fusion, that surgery was over 100k, I was on medicaid:)  didn't cost a dime.  Would have killed me on medicare at that time!  Bet the va would have gave me asprin:)  I woke up from that surgery and it was like a cloud was lifted.  Only lasted a year before the pain started again though:(
Ok, think meds are working and I'm wrinkled from the hot water:)  night again.. j

Postcards from the other side:)



Joelane9: I completely understand what you're talking about. I love parts of my local VA, but they seem so disorganized and not caught up to recent times. I'm not trying to shame them or anything. Apparently I can't get Medicaid because I'm 24.... I'm sorry about them taking so long to finish it, ya know, the good ole hurry up and wait. I'm also sorry to hear about your niece, but congrats on the vigil. Fingers crossed!

Cynobyte: Thank you! I got it!! Yeah, I've been procrastinating speaking to any higher ups because I don't want to step on anyone's toes or piss someone off. ;(


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Yea at 24, they may look past you.  Find me if you have problems..  I'll try to help. 

Postcards from the other side:)




  Mine is Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). It is an autoimmune disorder attacking the myelin sheath on the nerves. They use Prednasone (oral cortisone) for the younger set and Immunogloublin infusions for us older set. Both are quite effective for this disorder. This rare disorder covers all age groups and has no known cause as it was diagnosed in patients sometime before the 1950's. The related Guillian-Barre syndrome is far more common and has a fast onset of 2 hours to 2 weeks and requires intense medical care. Usually caused by the after effects of the flu, 90% of those patients get over it and they rarely relapse or morph into CIDP. CIDP has a slow onset of 3 months to decades and is often misdiagnosed as some other neuropathy. Relapses after treatment with CIDP are 20% in my over 60 age group.



Thank you cynobyte! Hopefully I'll get the job I just applied to and won't have to worry about insurance or the VA. But I would still like to help any of my future local trans veterans be able to easily get care and feel like a regular human being.

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What ever you need dear, just pm me the va's location, and I can call around later this week..

And Joelene, ouch, I know where you are comming:(  I got the nerve issue, but it didn't stop there. It did early onset of my diabetes, so prednisone is out..  it was in my lungs, spinal column, brain, testes, and muscle n joints.  I was on iv cytoxan for a year then on cellcept pills and other immunosuppressive drugs.  To be honest, the pot works great when the other drugs fail..  I'm going to look in cipd.  I've only heard of copd..  I use viagra for my lungs for whatever my lung issue is..  torture on the old dysphoria :(

Ok. Thanks guys..  I'm tired for once.. a 15 minute with a shrink turned out to be 2 hrs.  She said I was "interesting "?  Wish my wife would say that:)  laters

Postcards from the other side:)



Cynobyte: With how busy this week has been, and with today being V.D., it's been a little slow. After I go to bed and formally wake up, =p=p=p, I'm going to try and reach out to them. It's the one in Augusta, GA. I do appreciate them, but they seem a little behind. 

I'm sorry that y'all have the nerve issues and even further medical issues. My Local VA seems to think because I have depression/anxiety that everything else is just in my head, that's the only reason I have pain, that's the only reason my feet are messed up, that's the only reason I "might" be trans. Etc... 

Sleep well and sweet dreams! xD

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