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Sailor Moon?

Started by TheQuestion, May 17, 2016, 01:49:07 AM

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So I've always appreciated a good animated series or film, probably more so than live action even... especially when it comes to tv shows. Over the last few years I've gotten into the habit of collecting animated shows and movies on dvd. So far for shows I've picked up batman the animated series, batman beyond, superman the animated series, justice league, justice league unilimited, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the real ghostbusters, dragon ball z and a few others.

Anyway, I was always sort of intrigued by sailor moon. It was always on and mixed in with the other shows I watched when I got home from school. I never really gave it a chance, but it seemed like the kind of show is like. I think I may have felt like I wansn't supposed to be watching it because I was a "boy" or that I was afraid I'd feel bad about watching it for some reason. I've been thinking about grabbing it, but is it worth it? It seems like the DVD/blue ray transfers are getting really bad reviews.

Arctic Kat

You know, I felt the same way back when Sailor Moon was on Toonami. I tried to watch it, but one day I stopped. I felt it was too girly, and maybe I should be ashamed if I were caught watching it.
But eventually I couldn't stand it anymore -- it was always on my mind so I went back to watching it and admitted to myself I loved the show. I loved the character development, the story, the quirky facial expressions....

I didn't make a lot of close friends in high school, but some of the closest people I came to know (well... who knew me as a "boy") are well aware that I like Sailor Moon, and they didn't really have a problem with it. They were also moonies, so it was cool.

I was lucky enough to collect all five seasons and all three movies of the original series on DVD years ago, and I don't regret it.
I have them when they were released by ADV and Geneon. I can't speak for whoever is distributing the new Blu-Ray release.

I haven't seen the recent reboot (Sailor Moon Crystal).
But, whenever I think of the original series from the '90s, I get a strong sense of nostalgia. It makes me think of the Super Nintendo, and anything else from Japanese pop culture that started coming to America. It really makes me feel like it was a missing piece of my childhood.

Honestly, I think I love it so much because I was a young teenager when I started watching it.
The main characters are also teenagers, coming of age, and forming close bonds with each other, and I feel like I grew up alongside them. They're like family.
I don't know if it'll have the same effect on somebody watching it for the first time, in this day and age. But the show is a classic, and it was made before the anime industry moved on to digital animation, and I think it has a lot more charm because of that.
Waarom mag een jongen nooit prinsesje
Waarom mag een meisje nooit superman zijn
Elke vogel bouwt z'n eigen nestje
Hier bij ons mag iedereen zijn wie ze zijn


I ought to start out saying I'm nonbinary and AFAB and that I consider myself transmasculine. I'm sort of flirting with calling myself demiboy and seeing how that feels, but the point is, traditionally feminine things weren't my speed when I was a kid, and that hasn't much changed. I've become more comfortable with the feminine aspects of my personality over time, but as I said, traditionally feminine things are mostly just meh to me. I don't hate them, but I'm pretty bored with them.

Sailor Moon was different, although I honestly thought the romance type aspects of it were boring as heck. But I liked the mythology of it. That, to me, was what made it fascinating when I was a kid.

I liked the original anime, but I liked the manga better. (I haven't seen the new series; I'm going to, just for nostalgia, if nothing else, but I haven't gotten there yet.) The only access I had to watching it back then was the dub, and I guess it wouldn't have been so bad but like... okay, so, I'm autistic and Sailor Moon was a special interest for several years. And I did extensive research on it. Like, thesis prep research, that extensive.

And I figured out, obvs, that Haruka and Michiru were together and that they sort of had a polyamorous thing with Setsuna in the manga while they were raising Hotaru. And they had a similar dynamic in the original anime. And I just got so pissed off with the dub because, okay, first I knew they had been slicing and dicing the anime a bunch to begin with, cutting things out, etc. That was disappointing, but I was like, okay, they cut it down for airtime. Fine.

Then they finally announced they were going to continue dubbing the episodes and showing them on Toonami and whatnot and I got all excited because, finally, I was gonna see the outer soldiers. And then they made Haruka into Amara and Michiru into Michelle and called them cousins. Cousins, honestly, and I tried to like it, but I just couldn't.

I was already getting bullied a load at school because of my weight, hair, glasses, and of course my love of Sailor Moon, which was well known. So I felt weird about it and kind of ashamed but it was like, at the time, that was all I really had and I wasn't about to give it up just because I was embarrassed of liking something girly and untrendy.

I didn't know that trans was a thing, and I didn't really have a sense of myself as being any sexual orientation. (I was about 10/11 when I fell out of love with the dubbed anime. I barely knew where babies came from, and didn't much care to find out.) But I knew that it was super important to me that this kind of story was available, and when they gutted it the way they did, idk, it was disappointing.

Mode Edit:Language


Quote from: TheQuestion on May 17, 2016, 01:49:07 AM
So I've always appreciated a good animated series or film, probably more so than live action even... especially when it comes to tv shows. Over the last few years I've gotten into the habit of collecting animated shows and movies on dvd. So far for shows I've picked up batman the animated series, batman beyond, superman the animated series, justice league, justice league unilimited, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the real ghostbusters, dragon ball z and a few others.

Anyway, I was always sort of intrigued by sailor moon. It was always on and mixed in with the other shows I watched when I got home from school. I never really gave it a chance, but it seemed like the kind of show is like. I think I may have felt like I wansn't supposed to be watching it because I was a "boy" or that I was afraid I'd feel bad about watching it for some reason. I've been thinking about grabbing it, but is it worth it? It seems like the DVD/blue ray transfers are getting really bad reviews.

I'm surprised a boy would not want to watch Sailor Moon, with all the hot, female anime characters and such running around in those short skirts and school uniforms. :P That was a huge reason why I loved that show. But aside from that, I mean it really was a staple in the anime genre. Seriously. If you're a huge anime fan, just buy it already! :D


I remember watching a few episodes of the original, and feeling like I was supposed to not like it.  Then I saw the original cuts direct from Japan, while I was in Korea.  I saw one of the same episodes, and even though I couldn't understand the language, I gathered that it was horribly butchered when coming to the US.  Find an unedited Japanese version for the real story.
All the worlds a joke, and the people, merely punchlines

September 13, 2016 HRT start date


Look at avatar xD!! I loved that show. As a kid, especially around 1997 i was all over Sailor Moon. I watched it relgiously when i could :)
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


I dont really remember watching it becaus it was never on where i lived. but i never had problems watching such shows i liked winx for a while and i think it was called super pig to. But for sailor moon have watched the remake and really liked them and i am planning to watch the original and probaly read the manga to.


Quote from: Tristyn on May 19, 2016, 08:28:22 AM
I'm surprised a boy would not want to watch Sailor Moon, with all the hot, female anime characters and such running around in those short skirts and school uniforms. :P That was a huge reason why I loved that show. But aside from that, I mean it really was a staple in the anime genre. Seriously. If you're a huge anime fan, just buy it already! :D

My thoughts!
One of our undeniably male friends even had a huge crush on one of the main characters when he was younger which is quite understandable (and, TBH, it's not really different from ogling over pop idols and such). I used to watch the series as child but it never caught me as much as other anime did (although I knew Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou shared her birthday with me, always found that funny). Not even ashamed of doing so... because it's a well-made series and despite being one of the most famous examples of the magical girl genre in the west, it's actually not as girly as some other stuff I've seen. Not to mention the sheer queerness :D


I have all 5 seasons of the show in the original Japanese, uncut, in the super rare laser disc box sets along with all of the extras, like the bonus animation cel that came with season 2, the sailor Mars model and the super rare collector cards from the memorial laser discs. I even have the live action Sailor Moon features on LD, and all of the specials, dreaming moon, ami's first love, etc. I bought the LD's back when the show was still on the air and I had to join a anime collectors club in Japan where I would pay a guy to buy the LD and clip a coupon in the sleeve. Once I purchased all 10 LD's, the box set along with usually some toys, came. I did that for all of the season except season 5, which I was able to buy. I even have the 1st season of the show in Chinese on LD as well.


I never got that much into Sailor Moon, although I did love the colorful aspects of their outfits and the idea of basically casting a spell and changing who you are.  I did like Tenchi Muyo though, more for the interactions between the women in it and the love story aspect.  I also really enjoyed Gundam Wing for the will they won't they between some of the main characters/supporting characters and its portrayal or some strong women (although others not so much). 
Kassandra or Kass.