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Dating stories... what wins you over?

Started by 2cherry, June 17, 2016, 05:50:45 AM

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2cherry what wins you over?

I've been on a few dates, and it went fine. It seems a lot of people worry about how they look, and if they are attractive enough. I've met this guy, who looked fairly attractive by some standards. But his personality was just annoying. Then I met this guy, you could say he wasn't pretty at al, ugly is a strong word, but he wasn't even average. Well, again his bad personality ruined it for him. I might have taken him on another date if he wasn't such a douche. Another wasn't handsome as well, and again this guy tried too hard: cheeky pickup-lines, trying too hard to be someone else. He wasn't himself, I guess because out of insecurity. That is a major put off... so only personality seems to win me over.

I'm just saying: looks don't mean anything. If I want something to look at, I buy a painting or sculpture. I want to be with someone who I can talk with, not something that constantly distracts me. Whether that be beauty OR ugliness. Both suck actually, because of their extreme. Lucky for guys, most guys are not beautiful or ugly. So for me, it's best if they are regular, common and have an awesome personality. That wins me over.

1977: Born.
2009: HRT
2012: RLE
2014: SRS
2016: FFS
2017: rejoicing

focus on the positive, focus on solutions.


I've been with my partner 10 years this August and I'm not going to Disney it for you.

A mutual friend, who apparantly like me; asked me to join them and some friends for mid afternoon Chinese.  I was off work and started drinking at 8am.  Food seemed like an amazing idea.
I met my  current partner, her friend, while she was sat in a shopping trolley with pink hair dye  dripping down her face. Great introduction right there.
We evenutally got food and far too much vodka - it lead to a food fight between my and my current OH, pointing out constellations to her. Horray, that got me a kiss.  The next day, she had a bust up with her ex, we then had a bit of a tiff (tried to grab me from behind and I lobbed her over my shoulder).  Thought that was the last of it.

Still couldn't stop thinking about her, mentioned her on one of my weekly nights outs in the "oh well, never mind" vain.  Bumped into her that evening. We drank rum. Smoked cigars. Danced to some awful metal.  The rest is history.

Personally, I can't stand wilting flower types. Ones with no back bone or bite. Also, if we have an arguement, I hate a partner who backs down. My blood boils and it makes things much much worse.

Who said romance is dead?


I love a guy quick on his feet.

I've dated guys that my friends and I agree on, that are hot as hell, I've dated nerdy guys and I've dated average looking guys but the one thing that wins me over every time is a quick wit.
I want to laugh!!

It'll win me over every single time!!
Yes! I'm single
And you'll have to be pretty f'ing amazing to change that

Ms Grace

My last date told me that she really admired a particular racist loony right wing politician. That pretty much killed it for me right there and then. While looks count for something, personality and hygiene matter more!
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D