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Post-op healing and sensation

Started by - Rachel -, September 20, 2016, 03:56:19 PM

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- Rachel -

Hi all :)

I'm 4 months post-op with Dr. Bowers and I'm curious about what some of you other post-op women's experience with healing and sensation has been, not just Dr. Bowers girls.

My outer labia just started to get sensation about a month ago. First it was itching, then burning, now a kind of soreness as sensation returns from the inner edges to the outer part.

After the second month I started having intensely erotic dreams, woke up as orgasm approached and found myself humping a pillow (I sleep with a pillow between my knees for comfort)! I kept at it and had what I call "kitten orgasms", shallow, not very intense, but satisfying.

At 3 months, I started exploring in earnest, with lots of lube. I found my clit, but it was too hyper-sensitive to play much. I did anyway, carefully, and had a nicer, more intense orgasm, but my clit was really sore for three days (it was worth it *giggle*).

I found that spanking my pussy/clit area outside resulted in a powerful, internal swelling sensation with extreme arousal. When I added vaginal G spot stimulation with a dildo, I had my first knee-buckling, earth-moving overwhelming orgasm that seemed to last forever. My clit was still sore afterwards, but for not as long.

At 4 months, I have all sorts or orgasms now, from "kitten" to "OMG!" I need about 30+ min of foreplay to have a really nice one. My poor clit is always sore afterwards, even though I use mostly indirect stimulation.

My questions are thus:

Is this labial numbness common and how long before/if full sensation returns?

How long until clit hypersensitivity subsides?

Am I a fast learner, orgasm-wise?

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -- Robert Frost


I can only say for the last question that you are a fast learner for sure.

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I have only had orgasms as the result of dreams so much of this I can't comment on. For that matter it was only a few months ago that I found I had a clit. OK, I am a very slow learner. One thing that might help is that your clit was constructed with the glans and as such the tissue can still swell.  It may take a while for it to heal enough that the swelling isn't painful. The swelling should occur and be felt whenever you are aroused.
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Just.... Whoah... That's very descriptive... Makes me jelly I gotta wait for 2-3 years for my GRS. BUT whoah there! LOL I'm glad for the most part for the girls who undergo it have such wonders. :)
Hai Der! =^.^=

Jenna Marie

I'm not sure about the sensation, since I had full sensation from the time I woke up. I also orgasmed in my sleep at 3 weeks post-op, but it took me more like 6-8 months to figure out how to do it while I was awake, so you're ahead of me there. :)

I'm not sure what to tell you about the clit soreness either, except that it might be a sign that you're overdoing it a bit; I never had that kind of soreness from "use." As for the "hypersensitivity," that might be a feature and not a bug - some cis women are that sensitive as well, and my clit is usually too sensitive to touch directly.


I had my first orgasm about 3 months post-op. To be fair, I never actually attempted before that. In the beginning I was very scared to touch.. One day after dilating I decided,  why the heck not, I had been noticing I was getting sensitive and I was feeling good sensations. My friend had bought me a vibrator as a post -op gift to welcome me to womanhood (she told me every girl needs one) So I took it out of the box, and attempted to insert it, that was actually quite easy as I had just dilated and felt around for while with it, exploring myself.. careful not to hurt anything. Then I switched it on, I used a low setting.. I was weird sensation at first, but I soon came to like it, I think I actually did turn it up a bit later... After a while, I had my first vaginal orgasm and it felt amazing.. As I healed it became easier to achieve a mind blowing orgasm.. Now years later my man does not take long to give an OMG orgasm

I never had an orgasm in my sleep.. lucky girls
Enjoying ride the hormones are giving me... finally becoming the woman I always knew I was


Post-op ladies, have you found it making a difference whether you were uncircumcised or not prior to surgery?  I am uncut, post-orchie only, and my orgasms have always been explosive, mind-blowing, bending, everything, except when I'm extremely tired for some reason.


Hi Rachel!!!... I'm a Bowers girl too (May 2015)... I still have some numbness in the outer labia but I had my first orgasm, which was crazy intense, at 4 weeks post op ... It took a bit to get there the first time but I can get there in pretty short order these days without a problem... I never experienced anything I would call hypersensitivity and the numb areas don't bother me!

Onward we go!!!

Ashley :)
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- Rachel -

My clit hyper-sensitivity is getting a lot better. It feels wonderful and as long as I use lots of lube, no soreness the next day. The numb spots are slowly regaining sensation. My GF likes it when I use coconut oil, it smells and tastes great, no sticky residue. Orgasms are getting easier to reach and more intense.

Not bad for a 65 yo sexy lady *giggles*

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -- Robert Frost