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Transgender people skip food and drink to avoid using public bathrooms Benjamin

Started by stephaniec, January 26, 2017, 04:53:35 PM

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Transgender people skip food and drink to avoid using public bathrooms
Benjamin Butterworth

Pink News/By Benjamin Butterworth 26th January 2017, 5:54 PM

"Transgender people skip eating and drinking in public to avoid needing the bathroom.
A survey has found that some trans people are so anxious of the issues faced by using public bathrooms that they don't use them at all. "



its pretty sad some of the end results of using a bathroom.  I am not sure if its worse or as bad for transmen however transchicks all over i hear articles of them being assualted by cis males when being forced to use male restrooms.  The whole shebang of making rules about where i can pee is sad.  I even struggle with bus stations even though my state has civil rights laws in place... greyhound is a patriachal grrrr to me.

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Pronouns: she / they

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Agender is not avail nor is NB in gender list under profile settings


Sounds like the option I would choose, too. I don't want to be harassed or assaulted because of someone's irrational fears.
Be your own master, not the slave to illusion;
The lord of your own life, not the servant to falsities;
Only then will you realize your true potential and shake off the burdens of your fears and doubts.



For the overly zealous religious lot that we Americans are, we sure are a prurient bunch.
Ironic and sucky  :embarrassed:


I haven't used a public bathrooms since I went full-time on January 1. It's stupid, I'm know but I'm so anxious about this that I indeed limit the amount of water I'm drinking whenever I'm leaving the house. For emergencies, I have an empty water bottle in the car.

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Feel free to PM me, I'm happy to help, don't be shy... :)

cheryl reeves

Me I don't care I've used the ladies rm dressed as male when the men's were full...but seriously when dressed enfemme the women's when not the mens...never been told otherwise and I live in conservative Texas.


I have yet to use the bathroom whilst out in town or at the pub etc. Having said that, we went to Torture Garden LFW in September. I was in head to toe layers of skin tight latex, 6in heels and a very warm wig, so was drinking quite a bit to try and stay hydrated.
Eventually, I was out of options and had to pee. So I looked for the nearest ladies, obviously. The queue was outrageous, frankly not enough wc space for the size of the venue, so I though I would just go to the gents.
Long story short, the attendant at the door wouldn't let me in... To The Gents Toilet! 

I'll admit, I may have one too many to drink so, I said in my deepest gruffest voice
"It's ok mate, I'm a bloke!"

He did look a little puzzled but, what was he expecting at an event like TG, then he let me in.

To be honest, it gave me a big confidence boost, because at first glance, in a dark night club, I convinced someone! Cheered me right up :)


When I first transitioned I would really only use the ladies with my wife or daughter in tow.  I felt way safer with a buffer.  Now I don't worry and am never bothered in there, but I recall the fear quite clearly still today.
It is a sad reality in America...
Some people say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of A GIRL!


I think its probably a sad reality everywhere to be honest.  It doesn't seem to matter where you are in the world, you will always find people who just dont know how to be polite. 
(I almost said intolerant but, I'm not asking people to "tolerate" my personality, it's not theirs to judge!) 