I started working for TD Bank back in October of last year, and while I haven't come out of the closet yet either at home or at work, I have learned that TD is an amazing place to work with wonderful enthusiasm for employees of every type.
During orientation, we were shown a video showing off the company policies on diversity and inclusion; but personally, I assumed it was the general claim that many companies like to make. It wasn't until I spent some time exploring our many employee webpages that I really learned about how amazing TD really is. Aside from sponsoring and having a major presence in our local Pride activities here on Long Island (and I'm sure many other locations), TD offers employees a website called Connections (we call it TD Facebook) which allows us to communicate with our coworkers and colleagues from all across the company. There are also group pages for everything from music fans to sports, etc; including several for members and allies of the LGBT community. It was here that I learned about TDs gender neutral bathroom policies and I met a fully transitioned employee from one of our Canadian offices. We have become online friends after I reached out to her for advice on coming out at work and what I can plan for when I inevitably begin to transition myself.
Long story short (too late, I know) if you are interested in any aspect of the banking world, TD is most definitely the place to work.