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Facial Hair

Started by 2.B.Dana, March 04, 2017, 08:07:12 AM

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I am 50 years old and at the beginning of my trans journey. I would appreciate feed back from ladies who have not had the benefit of laser or electrolysis in their journey and how they cope. I cannot afford such procedures and am concerned if I can make it without that.
My original intention was male mode at work but I am reconsidering whether I will be able to do that long term. I believe I have worked through my wig phobia but I am concerned about facial hair. I have had a beard 20+ years and my hair is light brown/gray which limits what I can do procedure wise not considering the cost.
Anyway I would appreciate hearing the wisdom of the crowd when it comes to this topic.



Billie B

Hey Dana,

Thanks for posting this. I am starting transition as well and facial hair is near the top of my list. I have salt and pepper facial hair so I'm thinking about seeing how much can be sapped by laser before trying electro. This worked well for my girlfriend.

Looking forward to hearing what others have to suggest.

Billie B

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Ms Grace

If your facial hair is light enough in colour you might be able to get away with shaving and make up, and you wouldn't be the first person to do that. Electro is really the only long term permanent beard removal option.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Hi Dana,
I am 59 years old. And I still have a career to try and finish out.
I have almost grey hair now entirely, and salt and pepper facial hair. The facial hair is still hard to conceal. I still  do it with make up, but I haven't learned how to do it properly myself yet. Still learning. I keep hoping I can find someone who is good with make up to do a party for trans people in our community. Someone to teach us better techniques. I read a lot. Everyone has their own opinion. And I imagine it is like anything else, no two people are exactly the same.
I would love to do laser/electrolysis somewhere down the road but it isn't within my budget just yet. I hope soon!


I think it really depends on how much having a beard bothers you. For me it really bothers me but if you are able to make do with make up it is a far cheaper and less painful way to go. However having all those active beard follicles changes the shape of your face but some clever contouring will help that.

I have a three colour concealer I use on the couple of dark patchy area's I have left and the colour is actually apricot that I use to cover it. Then normal foundation on top of that. The colour contrast hides the darkness of the beard. You can also you contouring to shift the focus of the eye away from certain area

If you have dark hair you can try Laser but you need to ensure you are having medical grade laser and follow the instructions meticulously...this will reduce the dark hairs significantly and any stragglers can be taken out with Electrolysis. If your beard is grey then the only really effect solution is Electrolysis.

Hope some of that helps

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019