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If I grow my hair

Started by Erika_Courtney, June 19, 2017, 10:43:59 AM

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I have thinking about what style of hair I would have as a female. Ideally I would like to have hair down to my shoulder blades.

How to go from guy cut to girl style?

Normally I get my hair layered, with the back and sides shorter then the top. The back and sides look buzzed, while the top just looks cut short. It has benn two months since I cut it and this is when I normally would get it cut.

Can I grow my ideal female hair cut from this base or do I need to start from a different guy style?


If the sides are that much shorter than the top then obviously your hair isn't going to be even when it grows out. I suggest you cut it all the same length, even if that means buzzing it and then start from there.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


I've been looking into growing my hair long for a few months and the main advice is just do not cut it. Just let it grow as is. Yep it'll look messy and go through an awkward stage; but once  I'd say it reaches shoulder length then you can go get it cut into an actual style.

I have a similar hair cut to yours so my main worry is the back will grow so much longer than my sides; making me look like I have a mullet :P.  If that happens I'll probably cut some length off the back to match the length of my sides.

This video may help. His other hair advice videos are worth a watch too
They/them pronouns preferred.



Sure you can do that too. If you don't mind looking like that go for it.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Thank you for your response Julia, I was hoping you would respond because from other post I have read you seem very knowledgeable about hair.

My hair is not to the extreme of Elis.

I may just wait a few more weeks and get a clipper cut two all around. That should give me a good base to start. I won't be to upset with short hair in summer since it is already in the 90's.


I think that would be the easiest way Erica. If you're sure it wouldn't be traumatic for you. A lot of trans women are very funny about their hair. Because they were forced to have short hair growing up. I've never understood parents obsession with their kids hair. I've had a few clients of bring their kids to me. They give all these detailed instructions how they want the kids hair cut. If the kid doesn't want that I won't do it. I'm not going to traumatize a kid no matter what the parent wants.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Actually I have kept my hair really short for years as a way to rebel against my parents. My parents always made me keep my hair long as a child. It is going to be difference having longer hair again. This is my third attempt this year to commit to not cutting my hair really short ever couple of months.

This is part of my long term transition plan, as a discover where I am on the non binary/transgender woman spectrum. I am just going to keep my hair a little longer each time until one day, it is really long.