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Understanding the need for electrolysis

Started by 2.B.Dana, July 13, 2017, 09:32:34 AM

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I am trying to understand the main thing behind electrolysis.

After a fifteen year stretch I shaved my full beard about three weeks ago. Took me a few days to get the hang of the razor on my face again but all is fine now. My beard is gray and sandy colored.

To my surprise my facial hair is growing much slower than I ever remember. At 5 it's barely sandpaper with whiskers just peaking out and the next morning it still isn't what I remember 5 o'clock shadow as being but I may be wrong as it's been a long time.

Is it not having to shave, smooth skin, better makeup results? What is the main driver to zap it all? I shave my whole body so my face seems quick at the moment. I just haven't had a switch flip on my beard as a dysphoria  producer as yet so maybe that's coming. Frankly I have more stress over affording it that doing without it at the moment.

I was able to secure one of Dr. Suporn's final surgery dates so that is my financial focus for the next 18 months. Not the order of events I had planned but his retirement changed things. Whatever feedback I can get is appreciated and helpful in planning, thanks




To me electrolysis, along with my orchiectomy, is the best thing I ever did for myself. Nothing I can think of (that most people are likely to see) can "out" you faster than visible facial hair. I personally did not even fully transition until I had had my entire facial area permanently cleared AND a bunch of work done elsewhere. Having facial hair was a daily reminder that I did not have the body I wanted, and having it gone was a huge weight off my mind. No more having to worry I had missed a spot shaving, no more stubble, no more hiding my face under heavy makeup. Even now, over a decade later, when my husband touches my face I know he's going to feel nothing but soft peach fuzz and smooth skin....not the horrible sandpaper rasp of shorn stubble.

You might not mind shaving now, but what happens if you get old or incapacitated and can no longer do it daily? Would you be comfortable being "outed" every time someone else had to shave your beard? In social situations are you okay with wearing heavy concealer and foundation to cover up? I didn't have much money either (I started transition in my late teens) but I made it work. I strongly suggest you reconsider not having your facial hair removed. If you only shaved your face three weeks ago then I am guessing you have not transitioned and are still living as male. If that's true, it would be easy to grow your facial hair out as needed to have electrolysis. However, once you transition (and I am assuming you will before surgery in 18 months?) it's a logistical nightmare to walk around with visible facial hair in between electrolysis sessions. That amount of time is more than enough to get complete, or almost complete, beard removal providing you go to somebody good on a regular basis and are willing to dedicate a lot of time up front.


Regarding the beard, I've got one so I don't have any problems with it. I think the difficulty comes when you're trying to present female all the time, and you're constantly reminded of it and the efforts you have to make to hide it. It you have any black hairs its probably worth getting them lasered while you still can then worry about the rest later.

Quote from: 2.B.Dana on July 13, 2017, 09:32:34 AM
I was able to secure one of Dr. Suporn's final surgery dates so that is my financial focus for the next 18 months. Not the order of events I had planned but his retirement changed things. Whatever feedback I can get is appreciated and helpful in planning, thanks

Congrats on getting the date, there's been a huge rush on those since his retirement was announced. Anyway, try this

There's another update to that pdf coming sometime.


My experience, back in my cross dressing days, was no matter how close you shave, it still shows through.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Thank you so much for the link. The version I had was quite a bit older and this is the best guide I have found.




It is a bit more important if you have dark facial hair and light skin. No matter how close I shave, stubble is visible from far away. Also, trying to get that close usually results in a lot of nicks and irritation as I have very sensitive skin.

Really, the patches I have that are gray don't result in stubble that is all that visible, so I can understand why it's not as important to you.



Advantages of facial hair removal? In my case, I had to have it as a condition of GCS. The rule was at least half of it had to be completed however I was much farther along than that when I went for surgery as I didn't need to pack a razor. I can go without makeup and if for some reason I don't spend the night at home, my face is still free of heavy hair. The fine peach fuzz that women normally have is there so a close look at my face doesn't give me away. Waking up in the morning, my face is still smooth and I can get the newspaper without fear of anybody seeing facial hair. Where I so incline, I could spend the night with somebody and my face wouldn't give me away.

What can I say, it's just nice not having facial hair.
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I have five o clock shadow like ten seconds after shaving, which makes me feel terrible and compounds the Dysphoria. I cannot really imagine transitioning without electrolysis as my goal would be to live stealth as a female, without anyone knowing that I wasn't born that way unless I chose for them to know. The stubble would be a dead giveaway in my case.



I also was cursed with a perpetual shadow no matter how closely shaved I was.  Even with roughly 80% gone now after 4 completed laser sessions (apparently I really am an ideal candidate for it) and a 5th one done on Monday I STILL have patches that I cannot cover up on my chin and upper lip.  Well, OK, I can cover it up but not without troweling on ridiculously thick makeup.

So it basically rules out presenting except around the house.  And of course my strips and splotches of remaining hair gets me eyeballed by people pretty seriously.  I guess that's why they call it the awkward phase...
As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars...


One of the things that used to really get to me is that it wouldn't matter how good I looked you could tell I have a beard, the face lacks a certain smoothness because there are little lumpy hair follicles there. Being on hrt and blade shaving I have found to be horrible for my skin. I cut it so easily and when I was shaving with a full beard...vicious is probably the best description of the way I shaved....I had to be baby bum smooth....Even then it still meant heavy concealer.

I was asked by my Electrologist to not shave again when we finished yesterday. When I run my hands over my face it doesn't feel completely smooth but there is nothing rough about it, Maybe a bit on my chin and we are working on that on Tuesday...The longer I go without shaving the better my skin will feel, the sooner I can discard the daily reminder of my male bothers me a lot.
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


The worst thing about electrolysis is that you'll have to let facial hairs grow between appointments. And it's a long process to complete it all.

Going without it? My facial hair is blond, but still visible no matter how well I shave without thick foundation, powder and this leads to the whole evening makeup... And during the day time evening makeup just don't look that good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thank you to everyone who contributed with different points of view. I appreciate the wisdom provided and will be pursuing this after Labor Day. Hopefully I will have my home sold by then and can reserve some funds from the sale to towards this.




No one "needs" electrolysis. You have to want it and it doesn't come easy. But once you get halfway there you can see the light at the end of tunnel.

There are a few reasons I wanted to completely remove my facial hair. The main reason was to free myself  from having to wear any makeup at all! Most of the time now I just put a little consealer under my eyes, curl my lashes, and I'm out the door. I feel as if a giant burden has been lifted.

Facial hair was a big deterrent from keeping me from being out and about as much as I wanted to be. As much as a rebel as I am, the aesthetics of a bearded lady doesn't look good on me.

Having a baby smooth face really is the icing on the cake for me. So happy I did it! I wish I did years ago, even in my manly man days. I never liked my facial/body hair.

A huge burden has really been lifted. I can now concentrate on other things that will make me a better person. My skin has also improved and I look much younger!
