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Curious of future. Was on HRT for 3 years and have been off for 3 years now.

Started by NicholeD, February 08, 2018, 07:17:32 AM

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So basically I start HRT (for MtF) back in 2012 but had to come off sadly in 2015 for financial reasons. Its been about 3 years since then and ideally I'd like to get back to it but life can be a pain. I'm just starting to worry about the time thats passing in the meantime. HRT or no, I still want to pass as a woman regardless of my circumstances, but im just worried about regression and potentially not being able to make it back up. Obviously people have started way older than me and turned out fine and happy, but anxiety gets to me.

(Despite wanting to pass though, I still wear very oversized men's clothes I used to own while at work because I'm sorta in the closet there. its the only part of my life where I'm in the closet.)

For point of reference, here are some pics from 2014, early 2015 when I was still on them:

The first 3 are from about a week after getting my hair cut and eyebrows waxed. The rest are from right after work tonight. None of em have makeup. Probably could use a bit to hide a 5 o clock shadow I get frequently though.

I'm mostly looking for honest opinions I guess of how I look now, what I could change or do that isn't HRT or too pricey (a hairstyle change for example) and I guess if I need to worry about this hiatus for my future results, if that makes sense.


honest opinion? well I hate to break it to you but ... whatever makes you feel good. All I saw in those pictures was a girl. I'm no stylist or make-up artist to have suggestions float in my head so I'm no good there.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Thanks. I guess im just a bit confused since the last week or so I've not really passed as much to customers at my store. I've been pretty overworked and rundown lately and I think it kinda shows in person, but its made me kinda paranoid.  :-\ Might just be a few isolated cases or something. I just can't really see a reason for it outside of maybe getting my bangs too straight and not specifying what I wanted when having my eyebrows waxed.

Usually I wouldnt worry about it because these things happen but my tolerance towards life in general is just low right now. Obviously I still have some masculine features, but I'm worried about them getting worse to the point where going back on HRT won't help.