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Orchiectomy Aftermath

Started by amydane, March 22, 2018, 06:55:02 AM

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I'm trying to plan my orchiectomy, and was wondering if you wonderful womem who have had the surgery could answer a few questions that you might have noticed after the surgery.

Is the estrogen more effective after?

Emotionally, are you more calm, less of a rollercoaster?

Did you feminize more after the surgery, face, body?

Can you still orgasm?

Would you do it again, or what advice would you give?

Your help answering some of my questions would be really helpful! Thank you!!

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Quote from: amydane on March 22, 2018, 06:55:02 AM
I'm trying to plan my orchiectomy, and was wondering if you wonderful womem who have had the surgery could answer a few questions that you might have noticed after the surgery.

My orchi was performed on September 8th, 2017 by Dr Oates in Boston after seven months on HRT.

QuoteIs the estrogen more effective after?

I don't have a good reference point on E before and after since I saw most of my changes on supplements before HRT.

QuoteEmotionally, are you more calm, less of a rollercoaster?

I didn't have much in the way of mood swings before or after surgery.

QuoteDid you feminize more after the surgery, face, body?

Same as above, my changes were well established before medical intervention.

QuoteCan you still orgasm?

Yes, and I'm still ejaculating a modest amount.

QuoteWould you do it again, or what advice would you give?

Nope, you only have to remove them once!  ;D. No regrets here.

QuoteYour help answering some of my questions would be really helpful! Thank you!!

I documented my entire orchiectomy start to finish. I ran into some issues with healing, it's something everyone needs to keep in mind. Things can and do go wrong. Spoiler: There's a happy ending.  :)


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on March 22, 2018, 11:11:29 AM

My orchi was performed on September 8th, 2017 by Dr Oates in Boston after seven months on HRT.

I don't have a good reference point on E before and after since I saw most of my changes on supplements before HRT.

I didn't have much in the way of mood swings before or after surgery.

Same as above, my changes were well established before medical intervention.

Yes, and I'm still ejaculating a modest amount.

Nope, you only have to remove them once!  ;D. No regrets here.

I documented my entire orchiectomy start to finish. I ran into some issues with healing, it's something everyone needs to keep in mind. Things can and do go wrong. Spoiler: There's a happy ending.  :)
Thanks Devlyn, you are always so helpful!!

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Quote from: amydane on March 22, 2018, 06:55:02 AM
I'm trying to plan my orchiectomy, and was wondering if you wonderful womem who have had the surgery could answer a few questions that you might have noticed after the surgery.

Is the estrogen more effective after?

Emotionally, are you more calm, less of a rollercoaster?

Did you feminize more after the surgery, face, body?

Can you still orgasm?

Would you do it again, or what advice would you give?

Your help answering some of my questions would be really helpful! Thank you!!

My orchi was Sept 27, 17 so I don't think in only 6 months I could give an objective answer to your first question. It does seem that breast development has increased more in the last 6 months than 6 months before surgery.

Like Devlyn I wasn't really on a rollercoaster, for me it was more constantly depressed and miserable and that has been greatly improved since surgery. With the evil twins gone and the breast development coming along nicely I feel far better and am much happier overall.

Yes, can still orgasm though completely different than before surgery. For one thing the urgency to have the orgasm is gone, the orgasm isn't the whole point. Now it's just lay back and enjoy the experience, if the orgasm happens that's fine, if it doesn't that's fine too.

Would I do it again? Thankfully once they are gone they are gone permanently and forever. Perhaps a better question would be do I have any regrets and the answer to that question is absolutely none.

As for advice everybody is different and there is no way I or anyone else can tell you what is best for you. I can say in all honesty and sincerity that for me it was the single best thing I have ever done. Life is better, I am happier, more content, so comfortable and I feel far less the freak that I felt with them. That doesn't mean I feel normal, normal would take far more than an orchi but it's such an improvement.

Would an orchi be right for you or would your experience be similar to mine? That will have to be between you and your counselor and come from your heart.


Hi i know I'm late but it might help. I had my orchie seven months ago. I've seen a slight change in my face and breast but my breast don't even make it to an a cup. I got severely suicidal after the orchie it seemed to be a hormonal inbalance I'm well now but because i have a tendency for depression and a suicide i immediately jump on that train when ever theres a hormonal inbalance, it lasted six months. Dont know if hormones are more effective ny body stoped changing 2 to 3 years ago. I am more calm now and the surgery has help me concentrate better on wether i want srs or not. I can still orgasm and to some extent is way better, i have no partner so i have no experience there, its also harder to keep up like way harder. If i take my mind of sex for 10 seconds i loose it all. I would totally do it again, seeing my self cry on the operating table out of joy while experiencing the most horrifying pain and discomfort i have ever experience was a there i say spiritual experience. Advice, buy what you need before the surgery like food, you can walk afterwards but its weird. It felt very uncomfortable to me and it was painful to me, brace yourself. What hurts most is the spermatic cord as it gets tugged. I almost past out because of it but if your strong minded you'll do good. I took control of my mind eventually but at first i was freaking out. Sorry don't mean to scare you. My body tends to freak out fast even needles scare me to the point of passing out.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Quote from: iamthatiam8 on June 09, 2018, 03:38:12 AM
Hi i know I'm late but it might help. I had my orchie seven months ago. I've seen a slight change in my face and breast but my breast don't even make it to an a cup. I got severely suicidal after the orchie it seemed to be a hormonal inbalance I'm well now but because i have a tendency for depression and a suicide i immediately jump on that train when ever theres a hormonal inbalance, it lasted six months. Dont know if hormones are more effective ny body stoped changing 2 to 3 years ago. I am more calm now and the surgery has help me concentrate better on wether i want srs or not. I can still orgasm and to some extent is way better, i have no partner so i have no experience there, its also harder to keep up like way harder. If i take my mind of sex for 10 seconds i loose it all. I would totally do it again, seeing my self cry on the operating table out of joy while experiencing the most horrifying pain and discomfort i have ever experience was a there i say spiritual experience. Advice, buy what you need before the surgery like food, you can walk afterwards but its weird. It felt very uncomfortable to me and it was painful to me, brace yourself. What hurts most is the spermatic cord as it gets tugged. I almost past out because of it but if your strong minded you'll do good. I took control of my mind eventually but at first i was freaking out. Sorry don't mean to scare you. My body tends to freak out fast even needles scare me to the point of passing out.
Thank you for responding! I worry about the same hormonal driven depression after the surgery, not looking forward to the pain either, but it's better than the alternative. I am still saving up for it, and trying to get letters from therapists. I hope to have the surgery by this time next year.

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I had my orchi a little more than 3 years ago.  My circumstances were somewhat different and it was done before I began HRT with estrogen, so I can't say if estrogen was more effective afterwards since I never did it before.  The effects of estrogen has been very slow at best and not much to show in the past two years.  Some breast growth and thinning of body hair, but that's about it.

Even though I supplemented with testosterone following my orchi, I would say it definitely had a calming effect.  There has been no rollercoaster effect at all.  All good.

Can I still perform?  Well, it's difficult at best.  Even on testosterone it became more difficult.  On estrogen - well I guess it's possible, but let's just say that the well has gone dry, if you know what I mean.

Would I do it again?  Absolutely.  Maybe 20 years sooner.

I might add that mine were removed inguinally, and while the incision sites were sore for a few days, there was absolutely no pain farther down where the guys previously hung out.  I mean zero pain from them being removed.  I was back to work two days after the surgery and out mowing my lawn two days after that.



I had my orchi in April of this year. I would never go back. Except for my kids, I would wish it could have been done a very long time ago.

I am on estradiol and progesterone. Yes the parts still work. I cant say I like the feeling of erection though.
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!


Allison S

I want it so bad. I'm definitely learning to be patient through this process. I was trying to get a referral to urology over the phone from one of my doctors but she says I have to see her and a case manager. Again. I should've mentioned to her that I already saw the case manager and told her I wanted an orchi like 2 or 3x. Anyway, she said they want letters...
Sorry for the random venting post.

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Quote from: Allison S on June 29, 2018, 09:28:26 PM
I want it so bad. I'm definitely learning to be patient through this process. I was trying to get a referral to urology over the phone from one of my doctors but she says I have to see her and a case manager. Again. I should've mentioned to her that I already saw the case manager and told her I wanted an orchi like 2 or 3x. Anyway, she said they want letters...
Sorry for the random venting post.

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I get the frustration! So many hoops to jump through (referral letters). I am still working on the first letter. It's expensive and time consuming, not to mention the damage the anti-androgens do to my body. Maybe the stars will align for me to have the surgery next year, but wishing I could get it done by the end of the year. Good luck Allison, with all the red tape.

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Allison S

Quote from: amydane on June 30, 2018, 11:46:10 PM
I get the frustration! So many hoops to jump through (referral letters). I am still working on the first letter. It's expensive and time consuming, not to mention the damage the anti-androgens do to my body. Maybe the stars will align for me to have the surgery next year, but wishing I could get it done by the end of the year. Good luck Allison, with all the red tape.

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[emoji173] thank you, I don't feel so alone reading your comment. I wish it were easier, I always say, if I could just check into a hospital and have it done that would be amazing... A girl can dream I guess..[emoji28]

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