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wavy frizzy hair

Started by TiffanyRye, March 28, 2018, 01:55:47 AM

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I hate, hate, hate, hate my hair and it causes a lot of dysphoric moments for me unless I constantly straighten it. which I tend to have dry hair and heat obviously doesn't help.   I just hate leaving the house unless I straighten it, I feel ugly and unkept when I don't.

I have not straightened it in over a week desipte every urge to do so. I use tre semme kreatin, as well as argan oil, and coconut oil. wahsing my hair with a colour conditioner/shampoo twice a week. which has left my hair very soft but no matter what i do it still waves and looks very frizzy

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey, I have wavy hair too [2a to be specific] and I get the frizz. The "curly girl method" [there's an entire >-bleeped-< for it, not sure if I can link anything but those people are all about wavy/curly hair and could probably help you out].

I lay off the shampoo more than people with straight/fine hair because it just dries my hair out too much. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Because if it has "parabens" in it, that might not help either.

I also don't brush my hair when it's dry, that frizzes mine out. I just brush it in the shower.


I lay off the shampoo/conditioner and wash my hair like twice a week. I use A shampoo called AG colour correction shampoo and ag condiditioner.  I use the ag conditioner as a leave in shampoo as well. I bought tre semme kretain treatement, and put some argan oil in my hair.

because i have laid off the straightener. it has gotten so much better in the last few days.  I still do get the frizz, but it's less so because of the leave in conditioner, I might need to get a relaxer as well but I am starting to embrace the wave lol


have you thought about embracing the curl? Mine was always super curly when I got out of the shower and then it would be a frizzy mess once it dried and I brushed it out. One time I sent a pic of it wet to a friend and she said that a lot of girls would love to have curly hair like that. A friend of mine suggested a product for me to use and I put it in while my hair is still a fairly wet and then I brush it while its wet and then don't brush it at all when it dries, I just fluff it with my fingers a little as it's drying for some volume, I think it comes out nice



I have very long, super frizzy, hair myself,  so I feel your pain . Seriously if I didn't straighten my hair I'd have an unkempt Diana Ross situation going on . All of her volume and none of the beauty. It can be pricey but I swear by Brazilian Blow-Outs. It's a keratin treatment applied by a trained stylist that takes all the frizz out and makes your hair silky and shiny.  I am very fortunate to have a local stylist who does mine for $125 every 3 months , but I have been quoted as high as $350.

Laurel D

My hair is my biggest frustration when it comes to my appearance. I have 4C half natural and half relaxed hair. I am trying to make another 4 months before relaxing it again. So I have to use a hotcomb every morning. ( WHICH I KNOW IS VERY BAD for my hair.) But it will frizz again in a few hours. I also deep condition once a week, and I only shampoo once a week.

I was considering wearing a wig ( protective styling ) so that I can stop messing with it for awhile. But I am afraid of doing that . I fear the judgement, and there is no one to show me how to wear one. I am also afraid of walking into a store and asking for help. They will know why I want one.



Quote from: Laurel D on April 11, 2018, 01:24:31 AM
I am also afraid of walking into a store and asking for help. They will know why I want one.

I don't know where you live , but if you live near a metropolitan area I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most wig stores are used to all kinds of people coming in to buy wigs and at the end of the day they are there to make money. On the off chance they clock , if they don't treat you with respect get the hell out of the store and find another wig shop who wants your money. I wore wigs for years and prior to my transition I would frequently go shopping for women's wigs in boy mode and never had an issue.


To keep my hair under control, I use a straightener everyday, coz its a mess without it! I used to have GHDs but when my GHD died on me I was on a frantic search to find something decent to use and these havent let me down and found info on Steam Flat Irons. I was skeptical about steam models but decided to test them out. Never regretted my choice


Have you considered asking your stylist if a Keratin treatment might give you the results you are looking for? An experienced hairdresser can leave as much or as little curl as you desire.
~VA (pronounced Vee- Aye, the abbreviation for the State of Virginia where I live)

Tara P

Mine isn't even that long yet (bottom of ears) but I have the same problem with really wavy and frizzy hair, and end up straightening it most days but I know that dries out the ends and stuff.

One thing I have found that can help is to allow it to dry in a wrap with bobby pins.  It doesn't get as straight as with a straightener but much straighter than just drying it with a blow dryer.  It's obviously a lot slower than a blow dryer though.  You can even wear a wrap to bed if you get a silk wrap or similar to put over it (otherwise it will rub against stuff too much and frizz up).  Most of them don't look very attractive to me, but they do work.  :)

The right hair products can help too.  I use John Freida frizz ease straight fixation cream but it really depends on your particular hair and preferences what will work for you.


Total nightmare !

There's not been one day when my hair has looked ok. It's still short, for womens hair, and I'm told that as it grows longer it will behave better, but that doesn't help now. Immediately after it's been blowdried it's fine, but within 5 minutes instead of dropping down over my ears it's started to curl outwards directly away from face, and by the time I've left the house it's well on the way to becoming an uncontrollable frizzy mess.

I've done research, I've bought good products, tried various things, some better than others, but I'm not even beginning to get the results I want. It's got to the stage where it's making it very hard to move forward with my transition.

I'm honestly at my wit's end. I can tidy it up by brushing most of it back and securing it, but that's not a good look with my hair this short. I will start experimenting with my straightener. But there's reasons why I've put this off. Just using the blowdrier makes my scalp dry and itchy. I'm going to have to be dead careful with the straightener because of the need to protect my hair as it grows and to protect my scalp. So it's not going to solve all my problems.