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What are you thinking 11.0

Started by V M, April 10, 2018, 02:04:33 AM

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QuoteI ate a piece of pizza tonight, and I feel grossed out and ashamed of the fact though

this line tells me that you have an issue to discuss with your therapist. Eating less for weight and eating healthy is not a problem. Feeling that way for taking a step outside your 'diet' is. A proper diet is a long term scenario, not a single incident and you shouldn't feel bad for doing it.

that's just my lay-person's opinion, take it or leave it.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



I do not know what to think, but thank you guys the reply's. According to them i am underweight for my height (5'7) but from what I have read the BMI system is BS, so judging me on a bogus system is ridicules. They just do not see what I see I guess. Whatever. 


Quote from: TicTac on April 19, 2018, 03:58:32 AM
I ate a piece of pizza tonight, and I feel grossed out and ashamed of the fact though.
That is an indication that you might have anorexia. You need to eat to survive and a varied diet (yes including treats) is important to be healthy. When you limit your intake or food selection because your uncomfortable with a food, that's the indication of a problem. In addition, if your in the healthy weight range, you may be losing to much weight. Anorexia just means you over control your eating. Bulimia is when you vomit or purge to control your weight. Be very careful about this because we had a neighbor who died as the result of an eating condition.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Quote from: Dena on April 19, 2018, 05:33:08 PM
That is an indication that you might have anorexia. You need to eat to survive and a varied diet (yes including treats) is important to be healthy. When you limit your intake or food selection because your uncomfortable with a food, that's the indication of a problem. In addition, if your in the healthy weight range, you may be losing to much weight. Anorexia just means you over control your eating. Bulimia is when you vomit or purge to control your weight. Be very careful about this because we had a neighbor who died as the result of an eating condition.

I am sorry about your neighbor. That is really sad.

Yeah, my mom had a lengthy discussion with me about it, and apparently I do have an eating disorder. My lack of strength, constant headaches, although not sure if that is related, and dizziness are things that I am experiencing but I did not link it to ed because...I don't know. I can't even lift a 1 gallon of water without my arm shaking from the difficulty of lifting it. I thought it was an hrt thing, but I guess not?

I am trying to eat more at this point, but it is difficult and I don't feel great about it but I am trying. My mom made whole grain spaghetti, and I had some of it like I promised, and admittedly it feels nice not having the constant hunger pain but I feel guilty about eating it.

I will never go back to eating/drinking chocolate though, as that would definitively cause unwanted weight that I would rather not have. Besides, chocolate/candy is not great to have anyways.


keep working at it. The guilt you'll have to break, the guilt is a lie. a proper diet will keep you at a healthy weight. Your strength will come back and your headaches should cease. Both are malnutrition symptoms. Listen to your mom, it sounds like she has a good handle on it.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on April 20, 2018, 07:31:49 AM
keep working at it. The guilt you'll have to break, the guilt is a lie. a proper diet will keep you at a healthy weight. Your strength will come back and your headaches should cease. Both are malnutrition symptoms. Listen to your mom, it sounds like she has a good handle on it.

I can't believe I allowed myself to get to this point though. Another family member (cousin) has issues with anorexia so it is just weird I guess. Yeah, I am definitely trying to get better. My mom has done so much for me, and I repay her by stressing her out some more.  I feel pretty crappy honestly.


There are a large number of symptoms as you can see from this web site. Very little was publicly known about it until Karen Carpenter died from it. Your therapist can help you with the feelings and your doctor can determine what is the proper weight range for you to maintain. Weight charts are a good starting point however a healthy weight for some may exceed the maximum weight for that height. If it's difficult to control these feelings, there is a medication that works well in treatment. That indicates anorexia is at least in part caused by a physical condition
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Quote from: Dena on April 20, 2018, 04:55:31 PM
There are a large number of symptoms as you can see from this web site. Very little was publicly known about it until Karen Carpenter died from it. Your therapist can help you with the feelings and your doctor can determine what is the proper weight range for you to maintain. Weight charts are a good starting point however a healthy weight for some may exceed the maximum weight for that height. If it's difficult to control these feelings, there is a medication that works well in treatment. That indicates anorexia is at least in part caused by a physical condition

Huh, I had no idea there was medication for this. Thank you for all the information. I really appreciate it.


I have a date tomorrow and I'm super nervous, but also super excited to eat Thai food. And also because she's really nice and cute.
But still. Thai food.


It is so crazy that people my age are married, own their own home, and so on. It makes me feel sooo inferior to people around my age (early 20s) which is probably why I avoid them in real life like the plague. I would rather not be judged by them because I already feel pretty bad about it myself. This is one reason why I have difficulty making friends, because our lives are just so different. I think I would be better off befriending an 18/19 year old. I myself do not see myself as an adult, so maybe that is the issue. Did I mention that I still don't know how to drive? Sigh, my social anxiety has really held me back.

I wish I can go back to to being 15 because that is the age I feel like I should be at right now. I REALLY hate being in my 20s because I am not ready for adulthood. By the end of December I will be turning 24 which is just stressing me out because I need more time, and I just don't have enough of it.


Kind of losing my mind here. With in 10 days I had. The first girl I ever kissed and had a crush on tell me she still has feelings for me. Than I had an ex girl friend tell me she would like to try to have a relationship with me. I had an ex coworker tell me that she always thought I was hot and has feelings for me. As well a my work partner that I have had a long secrete relationship with would still like to be with me.... GRRRRRR I am losing my mind I never ever had self confidence I don't know what to do I am happy that they are all excepting of me I really don't think I am good enough for any of them. I love with all my heart the one I had a secrete relationship with but I don't see it working out. I  have know desires to be with any of the rest I have been more physically attracted to males. I so hate my past it is unbelievable. I just want a new start 

Allison S

Quote from: natalie.ashlyne on April 21, 2018, 08:13:41 PM
Kind of losing my mind here. With in 10 days I had. The first girl I ever kissed and had a crush on tell me she still has feelings for me. Than I had an ex girl friend tell me she would like to try to have a relationship with me. I had an ex coworker tell me that she always thought I was hot and has feelings for me. As well a my work partner that I have had a long secrete relationship with would still like to be with me.... GRRRRRR I am losing my mind I never ever had self confidence I don't know what to do I am happy that they are all excepting of me I really don't think I am good enough for any of them. I love with all my heart the one I had a secrete relationship with but I don't see it working out. I  have know desires to be with any of the rest I have been more physically attracted to males. I so hate my past it is unbelievable. I just want a new start

I think that's understandable, to "want a new start". That's completely how I feel, even with my job and living situation... I think with past romantic partners it's the wise thing to do. And especially because it sounds like you're swaying towards dating males. I think admitting that is a big step. I mean admitting anything to ourselves is. I don't think dating men is better or worse than women but you know best what it is you want. Also, maybe you just gotta meet the right person

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Quote from: TicTac on April 21, 2018, 05:09:59 PM
By the end of December I will be turning 24

When's your birthday? I'll be 24 on December 8th.

Also, I totally get where you're coming from. I'm lucky to live with my best friend/girlfriend and have a fairly decent-paying job, but it kills me that I was never able to finish college. I have friends getting married, getting pregnant, getting jobs at huge, important companies, and all that stuff. But here I am, doing manual labor five days a week, supposed to have graduated last year, and just generally feeling lost.


The universe is a hologram
Im not really here.  Neither are you.


Quote from: 4A-GZE on April 22, 2018, 09:39:04 AM
When's your birthday? I'll be 24 on December 8th.

Also, I totally get where you're coming from. I'm lucky to live with my best friend/girlfriend and have a fairly decent-paying job, but it kills me that I was never able to finish college. I have friends getting married, getting pregnant, getting jobs at huge, important companies, and all that stuff. But here I am, doing manual labor five days a week, supposed to have graduated last year, and just generally feeling lost.

I am turning 24 on December 18.... :(

Yeah, feeling lost sucks big time ugh. It is not to late to get back into College, but sometimes people are just not meant for it. Have you thought about becoming an entrepreneur? You could also try getting into Real Estate investing. Like, you could become a Real Estate Agent and then eventually start investing in rental properties or something. There is also dropshipping, which is what I am getting into. There are options out there! Don't give up!

I suffer from social anxiety so my only option for now is making money online, which is why I gravitated towards Ecommerce. I am in college but it is online and I am taking marketing, but it is a bit boring. This dropshipping thing might not work out, so it is stressing me out. All I can do at this point is to not give up, which is hard because my depression really gets to me sometimes.


I hate plumbing.  More so  at 5:30 AM

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So I was just told that I'm not performing well enough at work. This is the first job I've had that I actually enjoy and I'm terrified of losing it, but i don't know what i could possibly do differently. The only area where i struggle is remembering to log when i start each job, and I've always struggled with memory issues. So... I think I'm screwed.


Quote from: 4A-GZE on April 23, 2018, 07:46:30 AM
So I was just told that I'm not performing well enough at work. This is the first job I've had that I actually enjoy and I'm terrified of losing it, but i don't know what i could possibly do differently. The only area where i struggle is remembering to log when i start each job, and I've always struggled with memory issues. So... I think I'm screwed.

I can see how that would be distressing. While I do not know what it means to log, I can maybe offer a solution although you probably already thought of it.

So this is just an idea, but have you thought of creating a reminder on your smartphone that can somehow alert you when it is time to do the log thing? Of course, this is assuming you have a smartphone. Maybe you can bring this up to a friendly coworker and see if they can help you remember to log? I hope you are not embarrassed of your memory issues! No one is perfect after all.

I hope things go well for you  :)


Quote from: 4A-GZE on April 23, 2018, 07:46:30 AM
So I was just told that I'm not performing well enough at work. This is the first job I've had that I actually enjoy and I'm terrified of losing it, but i don't know what i could possibly do differently. The only area where i struggle is remembering to log when i start each job, and I've always struggled with memory issues. So... I think I'm screwed.
I am not sure what your job is but possibly placing a few signs that say "Have you logged this job?" around your work station might help. I also have issues remember some things at time so I am a note person. If it's important, I write a note and place it were I will run into it during my normal activities. One of my favorite place is to leave notes by my driving glasses. As I need to have them to drive, I will see my reminder when I leave for work or get ready to go home.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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I am thinking about changing my avatar to a real picture of myself, as it must be odd for others to be talking to a stuffed undead bunny lol. Parting ways with him will be sad though  :( I don't know if I can do it!