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Tired. I need help!

Started by PastelSkies, April 17, 2018, 11:18:15 AM

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Before you read
This post contains adult themes not for the sake of being sexual,
and the information provided does not identify any persons discussed in this post.
Im just trying to be specific to finally have some clarity.

It's a lot on my plate you know, how can I give an answer I don't have? and the appointment is coming up soon, in one weeks time I have to really make up my mind, drop the hammer, either I am a boy... or I am a girl, not much about this whole definition actually matters to me, as a girl I'm still going to go into the dudes section of walmart and pick out hoodies, as a boy I'm still going to go to the toy isle and pick out adorable "cute" themed toys...
I hold the door open for either boys or girls ..

I'm never putting my jacket in a puddle of mud because <language not allowed>....
any guy that mentions my breasts, ass or vagina ...especailly the vagina I really just don't want to associate with, Id rather forget that the vag even exists on my body cause to me its <language not allowed> weird... and I guess it would be cool? to have a penis? I dono if it came out right then ya ...

but it's not a collectors item its the thing I use to go to the bathroom...
oh yeah, going to the bathroom... I still feel super comfy in womans bathroom can't even piss in a boys washroom ...I think I managed to do so once while I was sure everyone was gone completely.

I am absolutely NOT okay with being bald... I would rather tweeze my entire face of facial hair now than that... which is starting to happen, and I really don't want to be cuddling with rogaine until SOME kind of hair grows back.. <language not allowed>

i can wear makeup if my face is completely shaven but if my face has any hair on it...I just don't like the outcome.
I admit running with my binder on is such a free feeling, no breasts jiggling around I can just run without worrying...
but then when I look into a full length mirror dressed up as a female again I love the curves and figure that comes out.

I fantasies about who I will end up with in my future and as a girl, the fantasies just seem so much more romantic... me having my first kiss with a girl I like or in the arms of an Irish lad ...or waking up first in the morning sitting on the porch of a Japanese home greeting the sunrise with a cup of instant coffee.
boys make me shy but girls make me more shy.

I gotta say as a male the jokes are spoken with more confidence, so they seem to come out better for me I'm able to make new friends in a snap as a male. I haven't tried yet but I'm sure I would have more charisma on my YouTube channel as a boy since my jokes come out more smoothly.

maybe if I shave my head completely bald? ...

but meanwhile my friend is throwing the big questions at me, telling me i NEED to tell my doctor and verdict, I need to be honest I need this i need that BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I'M BEING DISHONEST I'M JUST CONFUSED.

it's sad that a chocolate egg is more sure of itself than I am these days...

Moderator Edits: I had to edit your post. Their are certain words that we do not allow on the site.


Hey, just remember to breathe! how you feel is in the moment. you,ll get there, one day at a time.


Quote from: PastelSkies on April 17, 2018, 11:18:15 AM

Before you read
This post contains adult themes not for the sake of being sexual,
and the information provided does not identify any persons discussed in this post.
Im just trying to be specific to finally have some clarity.

It's a lot on my plate you know, how can I give an answer I don't have? and the appointment is coming up soon, in one weeks time I have to really make up my mind, drop the hammer, either I am a boy... or I am a girl, not much about this whole definition actually matters to me, as a girl I'm still going to go into the dudes section of walmart and pick out hoodies, as a boy I'm still going to go to the toy isle and pick out adorable "cute" themed toys...
I hold the door open for either boys or girls ..

I'm never putting my jacket in a puddle of mud because <language not allowed>....
any guy that mentions my breasts, ass or vagina ...especailly the vagina I really just don't want to associate with, Id rather forget that the vag even exists on my body cause to me its <language not allowed> weird... and I guess it would be cool? to have a penis? I dono if it came out right then ya ...

but it's not a collectors item its the thing I use to go to the bathroom...
oh yeah, going to the bathroom... I still feel super comfy in womans bathroom can't even piss in a boys washroom ...I think I managed to do so once while I was sure everyone was gone completely.

I am absolutely NOT okay with being bald... I would rather tweeze my entire face of facial hair now than that... which is starting to happen, and I really don't want to be cuddling with rogaine until SOME kind of hair grows back.. <language not allowed>

i can wear makeup if my face is completely shaven but if my face has any hair on it...I just don't like the outcome.
I admit running with my binder on is such a free feeling, no breasts jiggling around I can just run without worrying...
but then when I look into a full length mirror dressed up as a female again I love the curves and figure that comes out.

I fantasies about who I will end up with in my future and as a girl, the fantasies just seem so much more romantic... me having my first kiss with a girl I like or in the arms of an Irish lad ...or waking up first in the morning sitting on the porch of a Japanese home greeting the sunrise with a cup of instant coffee.
boys make me shy but girls make me more shy.

I gotta say as a male the jokes are spoken with more confidence, so they seem to come out better for me I'm able to make new friends in a snap as a male. I haven't tried yet but I'm sure I would have more charisma on my YouTube channel as a boy since my jokes come out more smoothly.

maybe if I shave my head completely bald? ...

but meanwhile my friend is throwing the big questions at me, telling me i NEED to tell my doctor and verdict, I need to be honest I need this i need that BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I'M BEING DISHONEST I'M JUST CONFUSED.

it's sad that a chocolate egg is more sure of itself than I am these days...

Moderator Edits: I had to edit your post. Their are certain words that we do not allow on the site.

Hi Pastel skies

Sounds to me like you need more time to make this decision. I am not sure why you feel you have to make a binary type decision. What is wrong with just being you which can be a mixture of both or just one.

If you are not ready to make a decision (there really should be no pressure to even make that kind of decision) then dont...postpone it that is of course if you even have to make the decision at all. In your post it sounds to me like their are aspects of both genders that you are comfortable with and making a decision on just one may or may not work for you.

I hope you can work it out if you can and if what you decide doesn't work for you then you can change your mind again if that is what you want

Take care


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Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019