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Dreams Trigger Dysphoria:(

Started by Mercin, May 16, 2018, 05:40:23 AM

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I do not quite know if this topic fits here, just tell me if it does not:) Sorry for the terrible English, it is not my mother tongue.
Since I was a little child ,as early as I can remember, I almost exclusively see myself as boy/man in my dreams. I mean in my real dreams, at night (not dreams as in what I want to be in the future). My appearance varies, for example sometimes I am a little boy, sometimes I am a middle aged man or a teenager, sometimes I am a feminine looking guy, an ugly man, or a very handsome one. But I am always male. I dream every time I sleep, and I always remember what I dreamt. Since I was a child, I loved these kind of dreams. No matter if their content was violent or sad, if I was a pretty man with lots of friends or an outcast in them, something felt so much better und more...right than in my real life.
If I have dreams in which I am female, there are often very terrible for me. It feels wrong even in my dreams, I want to cut my chest of or harm myself, or I just feel an intense sadness. There are rarely any dreams in which I am female and do not feel unhappy. It has been like this my entire life.
Of course, the dreams in which I am a man fill me with joy. I love them, when I go to sleep I wish for a nice one. But there is a big problem: I wake up, and look in the mirror, and do not see a man. I feel that I do not have the right parts (like in my dreams). I already know that I am trans and I am taking steps to transitioning. So naturally, this causes great distress for me. It always feels like I have something taken away for me that I had already achieved (even though of course I know that dreams are not reality). It makes me think I look extra ugly and wrong during the daytime, and causes anger and sadness. Just to clarify, I am sometimes  a ugly man in my dreams and I still love them because of being able to be a man, this is not about being a super handsome prince charming or anything, it is just about looking like a man at all.
Has anyone ever felt the same way, or had a similiar problem? How can I deal with that? I love my dreams almost more than reality, for that reason and I know that this is not healthy at all:( If there are any questions, feel free to ask.


I have to admit, I've not had dreams like that my ENTIRE life, but since I began transitioning, if I'm female in my dreams, they usually end up waking me up.  I regard those dreams as nightmares, even in my subconscious.

I know its not the same, but I understand what you mean by waking up and feeling "wrong" when you look in the mirror. 

Fortunately for me, I'm looking more male when I look in the mirror.  I hope the same is happening for you since you mentioned that you are also transitioning.

Good luck bro.  May we BOTH be male when we look in the mirror someday.


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Since what I had before was a nightmare to me anyways, I've been very happy after the surgery downstairs.. That being said once in a while I'll have a  terrible dream that the surgeon 'tricked' me and the surgeon was only partly done and it still looked like a nightmare.  One time I woke up so pissed off I was ready to make an international call and cuss him out under no uncertain terms, it was THAT real.  Took me a few minutes to realize.. oh wait, now.. everything is fine! i HAD to stand in front of a mirror .. to finally convince that dark dark area of my psyche that it WAS ok.

PHEW!  I hope dredging up that memory doesn't cause the nightmare to return.  This too shall pass :) It eases with times passage into legend and myth.


follow your dream,become male like i did. i had the same thing and it caused a sinking feeling in my gut like i ment nothing and with the right clothes haircut and stubble(testostone) im finally happy and you will be to. be who you want you be. you are a male simple as that.