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Started by PixieStix, May 21, 2018, 01:33:29 PM

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Do any of you have a good place online for good quality human hair toppers without breaking the bank either? I might pay up to like 300-400 dollars tops,


I believe "norikon" has descent one. I believe that's how you spell it. There wigs are highly rated and I know a lady that is getting 2 plus years out of her wigs and longer out of the toppers
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍
