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Therapist qualifications for SRS referral

Started by halah june, June 21, 2018, 11:51:56 AM

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halah june

Hi! Long time reader, first time poster here.

I have a question about what qualifies a therapist to write a letter of referral for SRS.

I am just starting the process of preparing for SRS, hopefully by the end of 2019. I haven't consulted with any surgeons yet, but I know I will need to see a therapist for a while so I've begun working that out first.

I've only previously seen a therapist for an HRT referral. He was a therapist specializing in LGBTQ care, but not in my insurance network, so I stopped seeing him once I got the letter. Now, as I am searching for a therapist in-network, the only way I could seem to find a therapist who has worked with trans patients is by filtering for the Transgender tag on Psychology Today. The thing is, lots of providers seem to list that tag without having much experience.

So the other day I made a few calls and made an appointment with the first office to pick up after the receptionist told me the doctor does have experience with trans patients. I went to that appointment and I really liked the doctor, I was comfortable with her and she seemed sensitive to trans issues, though the appointment was moreso about my general background and mental health history.

However, she told me that she has actually only had a handful of trans patients, and she has never written a letter cor SRS, but she knows colleagues that have. Would it be okay to continue with this therapist even though her experience is limited, or should I go through the trouble of beginning with another one?

There is another doctor who called me back after I had already made my appointment with the first doctor, and she says she has several years of experience with trans patients, but I am not sure if I will like her as much as the first one.

Thanks for your help!

Tl;dr, will surgeons accept a referral letter from a therapist who doesn't have much experience with trans patients?


Hello Halah, welcome to Susan's!

If you think a particular therapist is good and they have the appropriate professional qualifications I think their letter will be just fine.  Surgeons have different requirements based on which country they are operating in, but mine required two letters including one from a PhD level therapist or psychologist. 

If a particular therapist doesn't have as much experience with MtF transgender patients, make sure you have good information to avoid potential timing issues with your planning.  Hair removal can be an additional factor with GCS/SRS, depends on the surgeon. 

Since this was your first post I'll add information with site guidelines and to help with navigation.

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When you get a chance it would be great if you introduce yourself in the Introductions Forum.

Halah I am really glad to see you here.  Thank you for joining and for posting.  Best wishes on therapy and future surgery.

Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


Welcome to Susan's Place! I had two 45 minute appointments, the first with a therapist and the second with a psychologist.

Here's a list of providers who have gone to the trouble of adding their information to a transgender support site.

Good luck and see you around the site!

Hugs, Devlyn


The requirements are in the WPATH Standards of Care, but what the surgeons actually accept is up to them. You could ask the psych if they have done them before, and then check with your surgeon if they are acceptable. Or find out what other trans people in your area do.