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Transfemale husband just started HRT!!

Started by Theirsforever01, July 04, 2018, 11:53:46 AM

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We are so excited! She took her first pills last night and (I know this doesn't sound plausible) there is already one, very important difference. She has serious beard growth (half Norse, half Greek) and normally has to shave twice a day and still has five o'clock shaddow right afterwards. This morning, instead of waking up looking like she hadn't shaved in a week, she looked like she had just shaved right then! We couldn't believe it!!! We are so excited to see where all of this goes, though I have to admit, I'm not excited about the price tag... It's worth it though, for her to come up to me today and tell me that when she looked in the mirror, she saw a girl for the first time.

Lady Love

That's wonderful :) keep us up to date on their progress!

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Haha, she woke up this morning and complained about waking up last night with an upset stomach that got worse when she tried to turn over to settle it. I nearly started laughing. See, when I was pregnant with our two children, I had the worst morning sickness for the majority of the time.  Hopefully she starts feeling better soon though, I had a second of giggles but I really don't want her to feel bad.

Charlie Nicki

This is such a nice story, mainly because she has a great supporting partner. Congratulations to both of you :)
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Well, my husband has been on HRT for 1.5 weeks now. Her beard is still growing slower than it used to but other than that the only differences I have noticed are: she took her pills late one morning and was CRAZY grumpy; and the other, I can't be sure if it is b/c of the hormones or because of the heat, she hasn't touched me since the day she started... I'm talking no sex, no cuddles, no nothing... I knew it was likely but I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon... I really hope it's because of the heat. I miss her.

also, I know it sounds silly to worry after just a week without, but we are the kind of couple that is intimate 3+ times a week, and cuddle in some form all the time, so this is actually a long haul for us...


It probably is the heat or the pressure of life. Normally the desire to cuddle isn't reduced, just the interest in actual sex. Try to get a little information with questions like how was your day or did you have a good day. That might give you a little better whats going on and when might be a good time to start a little togetherness.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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I would guess in about 5-6 weeks breast buds would begin to grow. One of the first things I noticed was that my depression was lessening every day. I know others may not be so lucky. Facial hair will not go away on its own. If his hair is dark and his skin is light perhaps he could get laser hair removal. If blonde hair or dark skin it requires electrolysis, Somewhere around the later half of the first year fat will begin to redistribute and with any luck she will have a nice result. Right now I am at the two year point on HRT and my areolas and nipples are growing now that my boobs have gained bulk. I would suggest finding a local support group if they are around, as it is nice to have #1  Information  #2 support #3 social events with your peers. It's nice to know you are not alone.  If further transition is on the horizon it will not happen over night. It's a long slog rather than a short sprint. Does he have to remain stealth? Because hair removal is one of the things you can do without giving away your secrets. Also growing out your hair. But do little things to remind herself of where she wants to be. Like wearing panties or stockings. You seem to be a wonderful spouse. A month or two down the road her lobido is going to get less and less because of the anti androgens like Spironolactone and it will continue to decrease. With an Orchi it will disappear completely. My wife and I like to use tantric exercises of touch and sensory awakening. I know a lot of people think tantric is only about sex positions but that is just one aspect. It is more about fulfillment without sex and making the experience memorable for both of you. I am so glad you are letting her explorer her inner self. Please be patient. Again it does not all happen over night. It took a little over 5 months before I would go out in public and I am still not full time. But I think that may change soon as my hair removal is winding down. It's so nice to have a bare face. Yes hair removal is expensive, but if she is shaving twice a day that's a lot of moola for razors, shave cream, styptic pencils etc. and eventually will pay for itself. I wish you both luck and happiness. It's a bold step and requires a deep love and courage.  The above circumstances are what has happened with me. Yours might vary slightly
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



We are three weeks in now!!! Poor girl has had sore nipples for a week, though today we noticed a slightly... swollen? elongated? look to her nipples, we are calling it the first true boobage!! lol. We realized also that her Dr started her on a dose of estrogen that was pretty high, so probably why it's affecting her so fast (cause let me tell you, it's taken 3 weeks to start her chest showing, but her ass took to estrogen like a horse to water!!). oh! and, Laser therapy starts on Saturday!!! For her birthday, which is Saturday. yeah! we are so excited!!

Maid Marion

Wish the best for both of you!  The meds may be on the high side because she is lucky enough to have a partner to watch over her.  A lot of girls have to go the transition alone.


Thank you so much for sharing "the other side". This is something which will help me a lot understanding what my wife goes through.

I am surprised that the touching stopped so quickly. If I look back at my own experience, it took about 3 months before my interest was completely gone. It did come back very differently after about 12 months. It is now very stereotypical female. I am much more interested in hours of cuddling and soft touches.

I am in a much different situation, my revelation has led to my wife rejecting any kind of affection or intimacy. I was quite happy not having any interest myself since it made things just so much easier. Unfortunately, this state continues which does make my new interests a bit complicated.

I hope you can find back to intimacy. It is a very important part of life. I hope it is only temporary.

I had to laugh about the grumpy comment (sorry) - I cycle progesterone two weeks on, two weeks off, and about a day before I stop, my wife usually points out "Is it this time of the months again?" and we both have to laugh.

Stay strong on this journey! And please keep us updated.



Quote from: Theirsforever01 on July 12, 2018, 05:16:02 PM
Well, my husband has been on HRT for 1.5 weeks now. Her beard is still growing slower than it used to but other than that the only differences I have noticed are: she took her pills late one morning and was CRAZY grumpy; and the other, I can't be sure if it is b/c of the hormones or because of the heat, she hasn't touched me since the day she started... I'm talking no sex, no cuddles, no nothing... I knew it was likely but I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon... I really hope it's because of the heat. I miss her.

also, I know it sounds silly to worry after just a week without, but we are the kind of couple that is intimate 3+ times a week, and cuddle in some form all the time, so this is actually a long haul for us...



How are things going now? Are you intimate again? I was quite worried to read that she wouldn't touch you as soon as she started.

And how I WISH I was excited about my partner's transition...I honestly don't understand how it makes you so happy. Tell me your secret!


One good thing about being a "Blackbeard."  Laser tends to be very effective.  Ten sessions eliminated about 95% of the black hairs on my face, and now I am having electrolysis to deal with the greys and the stubborn black ones.

Hugs, Carly


@TheirsForever01, how exciting to be on your path! I love how supportive you are, and the way that you're sharing your spouse's experience in such a positive way. I'd love to read how things are progressing now.

I also want to know more about beard removal! My dearest sweetheart needs to deal with that next, so she can show off how pretty and feminine her face is. She is already "mistaken" to be a woman sometimes, and would like that to happen more consistently. Her birthday is the end of next month, and I wonder if hair removal is worth the effort and expense, and which method might work best for her.
1999 we met and married :icon_archery:
Fall 2018 The woman hiding behind my husband's facade is coming out full time! :icon_female:
She began MTF HRT but had adverse reactions, so gave up on transitioning medically.
Summer 2022 I went through gender confirmation surgery as a result of cancer.
2024 her cardiologist and a therapist wrote letters approving of resuming HRT, she's legally changing her name, and now she's getting on the calendar for surgery!

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