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Do you know any trans guys without chest dysphoria?

Started by wiktor, September 28, 2018, 02:17:10 PM

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I am yet to see a trans man who doesn't want top surgery. I feel invalid and alone. Do you know any other guys like me or maybe I'm not a guy?


i personally don't know any, but on youtube, etc. i've seen people who do not want top surgery. if someone is small chested enough to get by without it, i can see why they wouldn't have dysphoria. not only that but top surgery changes your sensation in your chest. if you are someone who likes that pleasure, i can see why someone wouldn't want that as well.


I used to wonder if I was nonbinary - but - one thing I found helpful in figuring out where I stand with what I want and don't want with transition was listening to both FTM and NB people speak about their experiences on Youtube.

I realized don't identify with the NB people at all. Things that don't bother them really bother me, and I need everything T can give me (minus hair loss, but it's worth rolling the dice).

The first time I saw someone FTM on Youtube I cried. They were only +/- a year into transition and I knew instantly I would sell my soul if I could look that much more masc... let alone fully transitioned.

All of the men I have idolized since I was young were mostly musical, glittery, gender nonconforming men. Occasionally that makes me question if I am supergay and a rebel against society, or like 1% NB.

Ultimately, at the end of the day I need testosterone, full stop. That's the most relevant and actionable thing for me to consider.

Whatever you are, there's no wrong answer. I don't think any kind of gender question comes with a simple yes or no answer. I think there are all sorts of variables involved that flip independently of each other.

I've never had STP dysphoria. The only time it bothered me was if I were out hiking with a bunch of guys and I'd get mad that it was so comparatively inconvenient for me to pee. But some other trans men make STP the main consideration of their bottom surgery. No personal need is right or wrong. Every one is a little bit different.

Another helpful way to frame the question for me is, rather than what am I, what do I want to experience?


I'm going to be honest, I'm in the middle.

I don't have chest dysphoria, per se, but having to bind my D cup chest annoys me, especially since during this past summer when it was 90F+, I still had to wear three layers in order to get the look I wanted.  I don't hate my chest, I simply don't want to have to bind in order to look male.  To me, my chest is like my appendix, something that I don't need and will take surgery to not have to deal with any more.




Sounds like it would be a rare thing. I've never heard it from someone before. Still, here you are.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


I could imagine someone like Ty Turner could no longer have chest dysphoria, but that's not me. 


Quote from: popdewd on October 10, 2018, 03:57:42 PM
I could imagine someone like Ty Turner could no longer have chest dysphoria, but that's not me. 

Who's Ty Turner?



Mx London

I'm non binary / genderfluid rather than FTM but my dysphoria is lower body rather than upper.

I used to believe I might be FTM and tried binding etc but it mostly just leaves me feeling unattractive rather than masculine.

I happy having breasts, though I have always feel like I am missing a penis, a deeper voice and would adore a beard. It was for this reason I concluded that I'm non binary. Given how strongly I experience dysphoria fluctuate a lot (some days, I feel I don't have the right lower body, but it's no big deal, others I feel so at odds with my body and pack as soon as I'm in private) I concluded I'm genderfluid

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cailan Jerika

LOL, flat chest without top surgery? Ain't gonna happen if you're a G cup! Or even a DD. Maybe someone whose a B cup or smaller.

I didn't have chest dysphoria, I only had genital dysphoria (specifically phantom penis) which dominated my thoughts. I did want reduction of my giant G cup boobs, but NOT flat. After about a year on testosterone I did start getting chest dysphoria. I had a lift/reduction scheduled with my surgeon, which took a long time because I had to lose a lot of weight to be eligible for surgery and by the time I lost enough weight my boobs had deflated to DDs. About two weeks before my surgery I realized just how dysphoric I was becoming, and at my pre-surgical appointment I switched my surgery to a total mastectomy/chest reconstruction.

I've never been happier. If you had told me a year ago that I would be thrilled with full chest surgery, I would have told you you're nuts.



I don't think I really see myself as nonbinary although that label can absolutely fit someone like me. I see myself more so as a cis woman who just happens to have a stronger masculine side, like the animus. I also have a very strong feminine side. I feel like I'm a combination of both extreme femininity and masculinity, but that ultimately my gender is female. But I used to think I was a binary trans man, cause I pushed away my fem side. So I took T and had top surgery.

At this point I can say I still love most of the changes I got from T, especially my deep voice, facial hair, face shape changes, hand hair and my bottom growth. I don't mind being hairy in general, but I mostly just shrug about that detail. I went off the T but mostly just because I wanted to connect to my body's natural hormones again, and to be able to cry again. So it's more for the psychological changes than to reverse anything physical. I don't regret testosterone. If anything it made me an even more beautiful, androgynous woman. It just took me a moment to see that, but now I do.

As for my chest however... well, that's where the crying comes in. I should not have had top surgery. I regret it horribly, I miss my breasts a lot and my grief is overwhelming. It's a little close to heart, both literally and figuratively. I even struggle to joke about it, and I always like joking about my misery to feel better about it. So this is affecting me real bad. But luckily it's the only part of my body I have an actual issue with now. I used to think I had dysphoria but was mistaken and misdiagnosed. The dysmorphia I actually had I managed to treat and even cure myself of. So I feel connected to most of my body as it is now, male, female, whatevers, it's my body and I love it, but apparently my healing skills don't cover missing limbs. I can't connect to my chest at all. I don't hate it though, just sad.

I know that actually "reversing" a top surgery is not technically possible and I do worry a bit about what kind of results I could be expecting of getting a breast reconstruction, but it honestly feels like my only hope so I'll take my chances and hope it becomes something I can work with. But even despite that, I'm looking forward to new breasts really a lot. Perhaps I can view it as a fresh start, of sorts. I've researched it a bit so far but also it's really painful to read up about, so it's going a little slowly. I've got time though.
Mar. 2009 - came out as ftm
Nov. 2009 - changed my name to John
Mar. 2010 - diagnosed with GID
Aug. 2010 - started T, then stopped after 1 year
Aug. 2013 - started T again, kept taking it since
Mar. 2014 - top surgery
Dec. 2014 - legal gender marker changed to male
Jul. 2018 - came out as cis woman and began detransition
Sep. 2018 - stopped taking T and changed my name to Laura
Oct. 2018 - got new ID-card

Medical Detransition plans: breast reconstruction surgery, change legal gender back to female.


I don't really have chest dysphoria. I would prefer a flat chest, but my breasts themselves don't give me dysphoria. I still bind, but that's only because there's no chance in hell that double D over here could pass if I didn't. When I'm alone or with people who know that I'm trans, though, I usually don't bind.


Getting top surgery to me is not essential for my transitioning. I'm not actively dysphoric about my natural chest. It's actually been really interesting to see how my chest has changed over the years. I used to be a very full and perky DD, and after not wearing underwire bras for 5 years, on-and-off again binding, and being on T for nearly a year, my chest has shagged and shrunk in size tremendously. Watching my body metamorph has been a really strange but magical journey.
Maybe I will get top surgery, but I'm not actively seeking or desiring it.
