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I had Secondary Sigmoid Colon SRS with PAI

Started by SpiralCream, November 09, 2018, 11:23:54 AM

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I am now 11 days post op from the secondary sigmoid srs without changing the vulva with Dr Sutin. Everything went went and my recovery is good so far.  My experience with PAI is similar to Spiral and Sharon...they are great! Nothing but positive. Here my recovery timelines

  - 3 days before surgery, I had to be on clear liquids diet. To me, it was hard since Thailand is known for good food 😋
  - surgery day was emotional for me.. just like everyone else. Waking up was a shock because it was painful... maybe 8/10.. all I remember was keep saying 'pain...pain...', the next thing was I woke up in my hospital private room and pain level dropped down to 4/10.. and pretty much slept through next day
  - day 1: pain level around 3-4/10..and slept pretty much throughout day/night
  - day 2: pain level 2-3/10..I was able to sleep sideways and able to get up and walk with nurse assistance.. wasn't painful... just dizzy
  - day 3: pain level 2/10 and was able to walk outside the hallway 6 laps lol... no more pain meds needed. I was able to pass gas as well
  - day 4: pain level 1-2/10, Dr removed urine catheter, vagina packaging, and abdominal drain. Wasn't painful at all. I'm also allowed to eat clear broth and drink water
  - day 5: not much pain, only if I move around or coughs.. I was able to eat congee. Also stopped with IV
  - day 6: no pain, able to eat congee with some boiled veggies and papaya fruit .. yes dr said it was ok. I felt bloated and constipated. All drains iv needle removed
  - day 7: no pain.. ate wontons, apple and papaya for breakfast. Lunch with egg noodles and some boiled veggies.
  - day 8: discharged and checked in hotel. Wasn't painful at all. I walked normal, just slower.. I don't think anyone can tell I had major surgery. I was able to poo too, no pain.
  - day 9: post appt and Dr showed me how to dilate. I wasn't too painful compared to my first srs 15 years ago. I have to dilate 2x per day with 30 mins each.
  - day 10-11: just hang out at hotel, met other girls, went to market and little shopping nearby

The only thing bother me a little is the bowel movement. I constantly feel bloated and constipated. I asked Dr Sutin what I can eat..coconut?papaya salad? Pad Thai, coffee? Mango? Shrimp, clams? He said yes to all lol .. maybe start out in smaller portions

Overall, I'm very happy with my result and the experience with PAI. Oh he said my depth is 8". That's more than enough for me as I'm only 5'5 😂. No complications so far and the pain wasn't bad except for first day waking up from surgery .

If u have more questions, pls feel free to ask 😃

Northern Star Girl

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Northern Star Girl

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I'm at 2.5 weeks post op and everything is great!  I'm able to pretty much walk normal, shopping, sightseeing.. I also increased my dilator from complementary #1 to PAI #1. Dilation is so much better than my first SRS. It went in much easier and no pain at all after it's in. Another thing I noticed that I didn't have to keep holding the dilator after it's in...unlike my previous SRS.. I had to keep holding and pushing in or else the dilator shoots out like a missile.  I have pretty much little to none with the discharge and no smell at all.  I change my pads twice a day and rarely there's any on it.  For the smell, the only time it smell when I played with myself (masturbate lol) then my fingers smells a little fishy but not bad at all.  Dr Sutin also approved me it's safe to flight back home.  The only thing annoying now is my bowel movement.  I don't have any good restrictions but certain food upsets my stomach more and I'm still learning. I usually poo every morning. Now I poo at least 3 times in the morning because each time i poo just a little.

Spiral and Sharon - how's your recovery going? I hope you both doing fine and would love to hear from you with any updates.  Are you guys still have the belly bulge? Dr told be it should be gone in a few months. Any sex activities yet? lol what's ur dilating schedule and size now? Is ur bowel movement back to normal?

M. Sharon

hi Lala girl, I am so glad your surgery went very well. Your recovery was better than me and happy to know there was not even a minor complication. PAI's are such experts in this field thank to PAI team. I am on dilator #2 and will step up to #3 end of April.  it's almost 2.5 month postop and my recovery just going well. Vaginal discharge are extremely lesser to none n there is no smell at all. Tummy bulge was never happened to me. I am regaining all my balance and doing incline hiking every evening and no problem at all. Only bowel movement is still a case but it's getting better as i can hold poo 4 hrs without needing going bathroom. A little poop urgency is still there but getting less frequent in number. Dr. Sutin did a great job on me that I no more peeing in bed as my long standing  hidden problem of urethra fistula is totally solved and I am urinating quite normal now. I am super happy with it as it affected my quality of life for many years with unknown cause. Dr.Sutin can find and fix this big problem.

I am not having sex yet lol,  I will get back to you how things turned out after sex. I also kinda awaiting Spiral cream new updates and some her sexual experience if she'd had any. :) I do hope your recovery keep going well. :) a hug n a kiss.


M Sharan Lala  or SpiralCream,

Is 3 weeks stay in Thailand adequate for this type of surgery?   Is the bowel movement problem really that bad?

  I am very interested in this type of operation.


Quote from: NCAmazon on May 12, 2019, 12:48:36 PM
M Sharan Lala  or SpiralCream,

Is 3 weeks stay in Thailand adequate for this type of surgery?   Is the bowel movement problem really that bad?

  I am very interested in this type of operation.

I would stay based on the doctor recommendation.  Also depends on how many procedures you are having. Are u having primary sigmoid srs or secondary?  From my experience, I only had secondary, and no pain medication after day 3.  On day 7, I was able to walk to nearby market and restaurants. 2nd week post, I def felt well enough to fly home. I also never use the pillow to sit on either since I didn't chance my vulva.

I'm at 2 months post now, with only minor bowel movement problem. Basically I poop 3 times in the morning instead of 1 time like I used to...because each time less poop.. no pain or anything.  My heeling process was much quicker than from other ppl.  I was able to play beach volleyball at 5 weeks post op and I am now on my dilator #3 and only dilate 1x per day. Sometimes I skip a day and didn't notice tightness or anything.  I still haven't had sex yet but probably will be soon. I had oral sex and no complaints of any smelly lol.  I'm really in love with my new upgrade vag 😂😃

M. Sharon

Hi NC Amazon, 3 weeks is enough for you going back home. Some colon srs patients fly back by 2 weeks if their procedure do not involved additional surgery like mine. For me i underwent urethra fistula revision from previous srs surgery and reconstruction of vulva too. So I stayed there 4 weeks post. But bowel movement is still highly irregular by that time meaning you have to rush to toilet several times especially after when you have meals. It seems colon can't hold even a small descending poo and make you feel you poop. I am now 3.5 months post op and just going well with everything. Bowel movement slowly getting better as i only need to go bathroom 2-3 times a day now. the more you eat the more times you go to poop as like i said colon won't hold even a small poo which is previously supposed to be stored several hours in sigmoid colon passing it only once or twice a day. I am on Pai dilator #3 and no pain from anywhere at all. I have not sex yet and will be update here how it was going through. I hope Spiral cream and lala girl are doing well.


Thanks for tips all.. This helps a lot. I emailed clinic about current pricing, prerequisites for colon surgery,  time of stay etc for surgery and I got email just stating BMI 24.99 required and no HIV or prev abdominal surgery.

They really didn't provide any other info. Is there a easier way to communicate with the clinic ?  I was surprised at such short response.

Glad your bowels are getting better!! 
